The first half of New World.

The sea near the G-1 fortress is in thick clouds.

The electric light flickered. The blue python, who was supposed to be looking for the Red Earl Ryder in the second half of New World, did not know when he appeared here.

The huge heart network directly monitors the entire G-1 fortress.

"Have you focused on Ronaldo's Op-Op Fruit's ability? As expected?"

Blue Python sneered: "But the action is still-it's fast enough!"

Gamenio has used the ability of "Phenomenal" Marco, which he copied a long time ago, to go to North Blue at full speed.

Moreover, instead of passing directly through the Calm Belt, it means rushing over the Red Line.

Also accompanied by CP0's strong.

Obviously, in addition to being responsible for guidance, it should also be responsible for the task of monitoring.

An old fritters like Five Elders, it is impossible to trust a pirate like Cameño without reservation, otherwise it will really be the highest authority of the World government that has been the Master for so many years.


The lightning flashed.

The whole person turned into pieces of electric rain and disappeared in place.

Far in North Blue, the German capital.

"Follow the Red Line? It seems that the target should be Niji or Luo, no doubt."

Holding the anti-eavesdropping phone bug specially made by D..., Iji directly let go of Smoky in his arms, got up and walked towards the window: "You lock that guy first. If I rush over, maybe It’s already too late, don’t expose yourself!"


The window opened, the strong wind from outside blew in, and the long red hair was blown in a mess.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to dispatch yourself?" Isabel, who knew that His Royal Highness was about to dispatch, directly took Iji's cloak and put it on.

"Leave it to Boris and Niji. There should be no problem, right? After all, it's just a gamenio."

Smoky, who stood up, raised his eyebrows and said directly.

The strength of the frontline Boris and Niji, if the blue python reports the specific position in advance, it is more than enough to suppress this guy.

"No way, I don't want any accidents!"

Iji shook his head, a strange darkness filled his body, and instantly disappeared in front of the window sill.

If the guy from Gamenio really replicated the body of Demon fruit power or the ability of Luo Op-Op Fruit to escape, it would be a lot of trouble.

God knows how many Devil Fruit abilities that guy has copied silently over the years.

Maybe there is a type specially used to escape.


In the high sky outside, the black fleshy wings opened, and the whole person turned into a streamer and rushed towards the sky.

"This guy is really up and down." Reiju said helplessly while licking his forehead hair that was tossed by the wind.

New World.

Adjacent to the waters of the North Blue Calm Belt.

Several warships that did not fly any flags moved forward slowly.

But if there are people from the BIG-MOM Pirate Group here, they will recognize it directly. The first battleship with the saber-toothed tiger logo is the flagship Saber-toothed tiger of Beasts Pirates, the head of the three plagues, the storm KING.

"Master KING, our battleship is not equipped with seastone, is it possible to rush directly into the Calm Belt?"

In Beasts Pirates, the bounty is as high as 775 million Baileys, which can be said to be second only to the cadre of the Three Plagues, the "Black Panther" Guy. Looking at the dead sea area ahead, he couldn't help but ask.

Even though this bounty, which is close to 800 million yuan, is a bit watery, he is indeed not much worse than Snug in the "Dessert Three Stars" in terms of strength.

I did not hesitate to choose to follow KING to North Blue. Naturally, it was not because of how loyal Guy is, but because I felt that it was indeed more promising to join the Deer Empire than to join other Four Emperors.

"If you forcibly break into the Calm Belt, I am afraid you will lose a lot of money."

They are all capable people, and even though there are flying Demon fruit powers, they can only carry a few people.

The terrifying giant Sea Kings in the Calm Belt may not be too strong in terms of strength, but if you accidentally bite the battleship to pieces by these troublesome guys, you will be in trouble.

"Don't worry, someone will come to pick us up!"

Old God KING was sitting there, holding the wine jar and pouring wine.

.……Look for flowers 0-………

Not at all impatient.

At present, the important cadres with a bounty of more than 500 million, only the Black Panther Guy is still following him.

Those who attempted to leave directly, stand on their own or take refuge in other Four Emperors, were directly slaughtered by KING.

"Jie ha ha"

Loud laughter came from above the sea.

A golden figure crossed the Calm Belt and flew directly over.

The two famous swords pinned to the waist are somewhat conspicuous.

"Lion ghost"?" Many Beasts Pirates cadres and ah, their pupils shrank sharply.

No one thought that the one who came to pick them up was the "lion ghost" of the Lion Fruit ability of the Djerma Empire.

The lion ghost fell on the Sabretooth Tiger.

Looking at KING who threw away the wine jar, got up and walked over, he said with a strange smile: "I didn't expect that you guys are so simple!"

"The restless guy, I have already dealt with it almost, please lead the way!" KING calmly said: "These ships have the Devil Fruit collected by Beasts Pirates and the treasures collected over the years are dedicated to them. Your majesty!"

With his strength, he is naturally not afraid of lions and ghosts.

But after all, it was to take refuge in Djerma, and he couldn't be too arrogant, lest there be any disputes and cause that person's unhappiness.

There is no higher hope that the people under his command are just disobedient guys.

As long as he can become more Demon fruit power, he believes that he will soon be able to soar into the sky, and he will definitely have a place in Demon fruit power in the future.

Because he himself is a powerful physical skill, the ancient Devil Fruit ability has long been awakened, and Haki's cultivation base is even higher than Boris, the "Big Tiger".

However, the powerful Logia ability is so rare, KING did not hold much hope.

"Jiehaha, Beasts Pirates, welcome to Djerma!"

The Lion Ghost did not drag and search, and directly stretched out his hand to press on the deck, and then flew to several other warships.

"Wow..." Several heavy warships broke away from the sea directly and weirdly, rising from the sky, flying in the direction of North Blue.


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