One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 546 Is nobody really paying attention? [Four more]


The sun is setting.

The clouds on the horizon were red like blood, and the neighboring waves were blood-red, somewhat depressed.

It seems to be setting off the scene above the Karas Sea.


"Boom boom"

"Go! Destroy these coalition forces!"

"Kill all the demons like Germa who invaded our home!!!"

The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky, the sound of guns continued, and the tragic battle continued.

Reflected by the setting sun, on the crystal clear ice surface, the two camps rushed together and launched a bloody fight.

From time to time someone fell in a pool of blood.


The two figures collided.

It turned out to be Niji and Fernando III, King of the Kingdom of Prussia.

"Damn it's Germa!!" Fernandi III's eyes were blood-red, angrily waved the pitch-black blade, and attacked Vinsmoke-Niji in front of him.

His Haki cultivation base is obviously stronger than Niji.

But Niji's Devil Fruit ability was too exaggerated, and he was cut out of the crossing by the sword, but he looked like a okay person.

The blue flame kept igniting, and the wound was regenerating at an astonishing speed.


Fernandi III roared!


If it weren't for Vinsmoke's family, his kingdom would not be destroyed and become a king who can only go into exile.

Even though the World government promised to help him rehabilitate at that time, so far he has basically no hope.

"Bang!!!" The powerful repulsive force directly hit Fernandi III's body and forcibly shook him out.

"I remember you guy, you seem to be the king of the Kingdom of Prussia, right? Who would you show such a bitter hatred?"

The whole person rushed to Fernandi III, who was shocked by the repulsive force. Niji couldn't help but sneered, and sarcastically said, "Do you think you are a victim? It's just the one who abandoned the country who trusted you and escaped- kun only"


Fernandi III stood up, with Bloodline at the corner of his mouth.

Without hesitation, Haki was directly covered all over.

"Shoo!" The pitch-black sword directly drew several fierce slashes, tearing the atmosphere, and blasting on Niji who was rushing up in an instant.


Niji's whole body was like an ice cube, torn apart by a bombardment.

In the next instant, the human-shaped ice sculpture condensed again, and Niji was unscathed.

"Damn it, it's a lot of trouble. Demon fruit power Fernandi III's eyes sank and he gritted his teeth.

Aside from the original Paramecia- ability to repel fruit, this guy not only has the phantom beast ability of the "phoenix" Marko, but also the Logia-freeze fruit ability of the former Marine Admiral Aokiji.

But there is no fear.

They are not without intelligence.

Vinsmoke- Niji is not strong enough.

The consumption of the power of multiple Devil Fruits is not so easy to bear, and continuous regeneration is also not small for physical consumption.


An Army Vice Admiral charged up.

Covering Haki's right leg, he kicked Niji fiercely!

"Exclusion field!


The violent repulsion directly sent Fernandi III and the Army Vice Admiral all flying out.

The ice surface within a radius of more than ten meters collapsed, and ice debris splashed.


The next moment, Niji had an electric arc flowing all over his body, and he disappeared in place.

Suddenly, weirdly appeared behind the Army Vice Admiral, and kicked out with the right leg that entangled Haki.

Although it was predicted by Observation Haki in time, it could only be hurriedly resisted.


The Army Vice Admiral barely blocked the fierce kick.

"Ka", but his arms were directly covered by the terrible cold air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His complexion changed drastically, and he just wanted to retreat violently, but Niji reappeared behind him at an astonishing speed, pressing one arm on his shoulder.

"Freezing time!"

Shoulders, arms, body, feet

The Army Vice Admiral froze at an astonishing speed.

"Dragon Slash!"

A sharp cold light flashed between the sparks and flints.

Almost split Niji in two.

Fernandi III, with a bloody mouth, holding a black Western sword, stared coldly at the Vice Admiral who had to give up freezing the army and retreated to Niji a few meters away.


The pale Army Vice Admiral shattered the ice covering his body.

"Damn it!!" I felt my body was stiff, the blood was not flowing, and the shoulders, arms and other parts caused serious frostbite.

"Be careful, this guy's Haki is not enough, but his ability is very troublesome!" Fernandi III wiped off the Bloodline, and said solemnly to the Vice Admiral next to him.

"Then you have to be careful!"

Niji sneered, and the whole body had undergone tremendous changes.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and it directly turned into an ice blue giant bird, braving an astonishing cold air, and rushing to the two!


"Freezing Time Capsule!"


And on the other side.

Luo Zai is also fighting an army Vice Admiral.

Even though he knew that he might be targeted, but that was not the reason for his fear.

It is impossible for the flowers in the greenhouse to survive wind and rain. Doflamingo is dead. He has to fight for his goals and dreams.

Anyway, in the future, you will become the Admiral or Admiral of the Djerma Empire!

"ROOM! "

The hemispherical barrier opened.

Luo kept swinging the blade and slashed at the opponent who covered Haki.

But only a piece of sparks can be wiped out, it is difficult to directly break through the opponent's Haki defense, and directly remove it.

"It's useless, your strength is too weak, Op-Op Fruit's ability, I have long been prepared!" The dark, sturdy figure, holding the seastone ten hands, slammed to Luo in front of him.



In a blink of an eye, Luo, who was about to be struck by the ten-handed seastone of Haki, was directly replaced by Rear Admiral, the army who was confronting Germa's general not far away and was just shrouded in enchantment.

"what "

The army Rear Admiral screamed and flew out with blood dripping out.

830 "Fuck!" The Vice Admiral's face turned dark, his eyes were cold and Li, and Luo, who was smiling on his face, ran after him like lightning.

And at this time.

Two figures flew over the ice in the distance.

"Grumbling, is that guy Trafalgar-Luo?"

The big blue bird stared at the army's Vice Admiral and kept dodge the attack, and from time to time swung the knife back. The two beat Luo back and forth.

"Yes, please take advantage of the fact that no one notices it, and copy his abilities." The CP0 agent said in a deep voice, "If you can, by the way, use your abilities to scan Vinsmoke-Niji's body to find out the secrets of their bodies. !

"Oh? Isn't anyone paying attention?"

An indifferent voice came abruptly from above the two of them.

The blood-colored figure appeared in the sky, staring at the two of them playfully.

"What? Gu"

"Hey, hello, is it true?"

Subconsciously raising his head, the voice of the CP0 member of the bird capable person froze, and cold sweat came out directly.

Gamenio, who was in the form of a phoenix, couldn't help but stared at the bird's eyes, and couldn't believe it, looking at the figure above.

What is going on? They just rushed over!

Didn't it mean that Vinsmoke Iji stayed in the imperial capital of Djerma these days? How could he appear here?

"Brush--" Before we can escape, the horrible darkness rushes out, completely overwhelming the two who are in the form of birds of prey.

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