One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 547 Desperate [various requests]


"damn it!!!"

"Vinsmoke- Iji! Bastard!!!"

G-1 Fortress, the temporary administrative center of the World government.

In the office of Five Elders, there were bursts of "ping-pong", the sound of broken or smashed vases, glass, desks and other objects, as well as angry abuse.

The guards and officials at the door were all taken aback, trembling, a little nervous, afraid to eavesdrop, for fear that they would be hit by the pond fish.

I saw that in that large office, the original luxury was gone, full of mess and embarrassment, and the ground was full of broken glass, porcelain, wood chips, etc.

This shows how angry and gaffeful Five Elders was before!

"There is definitely an insider in this matter!"

The Five Elders of the big eight-character Hu was furious. If the table in front of him had been smashed by him, I am afraid that he must slap the table directly: "The guy Vinsmoke- Iji is well in San Vasa, and it is impossible to suddenly run away for no reason. I went to the front to play, and I just happened to find Gamenio and the others"

In this world, where is there such a coincidence?

They just sent CP0 to take Cameño to North Blue, and they rushed past the Red Line, there was no possibility of exposure halfway.

But just when he was about to do it, Vinsmoke-Iji appeared strangely there, and directly captured Gamenio.

To say that there was no rape, he was the first to not believe it.

"I have made people try their best to investigate. Anyone who is suspicious is directly arrested!" CP0's current number one, a little anxious, knelt in front of Five Elders, anxiously bowed his head, and sweated heavily. Beads can't help dripping: "But the "Red Rat" has been taken in by the World government since the age of three, cultivated in secret, and has gone through many rigorous tests before being selected as CP0

I even almost sacrificed in several missions. It stands to reason that there is no possibility of betrayal!"

"Except for the five of us, CP0 knows about this. There should be only three people including you."

The bald Five Elders with glasses had a gloomy face and stared coldly at the CP0's first commander: "There were two CP0s who accompanied Gameeno to North Blue. One is currently under the control of the Army and is on the way back. One has been killed by Vinsmoke. Iji!"

"Are you trying to say that the news was leaked by one of the five of us?" Five Elders, who was wearing a flat hat with a sinking face, said coldly.

"No, the subordinates never dare to doubt the adults!"

The CP0 officer, with a pale complexion, hurriedly knelt to the ground.

"Except for CP0, which needs to be checked, no suspicious personnel in the base can be missed."

The Five Elders of Whitebeard's face was gloomy, and his anger was suppressed, his face was extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice: "The Devil Fruit on the sea has a lot of abilities. Maybe there is really any ability that can be used in situations where we are not aware of it. Maybe it was tapped!

After all, after working together for so many years, Germa’s interests are in great conflict with them.

Of course he could not believe that any one of them had leaked the news.

In this case, in addition to the possibility of undercover agents in CP0, it is also possible for those personnel in the base.

Devil Fruit's ability itself is beyond the existence of human wisdom.

Even exaggerated things like making people immortal can be done, let alone eavesdropping.

"If this is the case, then we were before"

The blonde Five Elders looked ugly and felt an inexplicable chill.

If there is a Demon fruit power specialist eavesdropping on their conversation, wouldn't it be that there is no confidentiality in front of Germa?

The words and deeds of myself and others are being watched all the time without knowing it?

"This is just a guess, but I have to guard against it!"

With a cloudy face, Five Elders said in a low voice.

"Then, before the matter has a result, if we talk about those important secrets in the future, we must communicate on paper!" Holding the ghostly bald Five Elders of First Generation, he squinted the pair and looked vicious and destroyed. The triangular eyes of that kind face.

Holding the right hand of First Generation Onitsu's scabbard, the veins were violent, indicating that his heart was far from being so peaceful.

"It's really embarrassing! Damn Vinsmoke- Iji"

"Now, trying to figure out the secrets of Demon fruit power is even more troublesome, he must be prepared!"

"I will conduct a thorough investigation right away, all suspicious elements in the G-1 fortress, I would rather kill the wrong person and never miss it!"

The flat hat with a cane, the Five Elders cane, pressed against the CP0 officer, and said angrily, murderously.

The G-1 fortress is destined to be turbulent and blood flowed into rivers.


Just a few days.

Inside the G-1 fortress, there was rumblings and panic.

Whether it’s Marine, Army, CP agents, government officials

Every day, many people are forcibly taken away by CP for interrogation. Few people who can return safely, most of them disappear into this world silently.

Not only the Revolutionary Army, the Four Emperors, the World Economic News and other forces, many spies were found, but the spies who were infiltrated by Germa were directly removed.

Far in North Blue, St. Vassan.

Playing with a dark cyan fruit, like a Sydney pear, with a strange spiral pattern.

*. "It seems that those old guys are really anxious." Sitting on the sofa, Iji sneered.

"His Royal Highness, is this the duplicate fruit?"

Dilia on the side had big eyes warmly.

Looking straight at the dark cyan Devil Fruit in the hands of this highness, he was full of curiosity and Tang Wang.

I want it, but I am embarrassed to speak up.

(The money is good) She Jiang has been admiring Kalifa's fruitful ability for a long time.

In the past few days, this girl has been visiting a lot of places with Nami, Robin, etc., playing a bit crazy, and just came back.

"It is possible to copy the appearance of others, which is similar to Clone-Clone Fruit, but I didn't expect to be able to copy Devil Fruit's ability. It is really incredible."

The opposite Robin said in surprise.

The ability of Devil Fruit that can directly copy the target is indeed exaggerated.

"Do you want it? Deliya" Iji smiled and asked the fruit in front of Diliya with a smile.

"Really? Of course!"

Dilia's eyes widened in surprise, and she nodded her head in a hurry.

If she can really copy Devil Fruit's abilities at will, doesn't it mean that she can directly possess many abilities? That's so fun!

"Hey, take it!"

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