One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 554 The crisis of Nine Snake Island [four more]

No wind and no waves.

The silence was a bit manic, and the air was a bit sultry.

This is Calm Belt!


A Sea Kings with a body size of hundreds of meters rushed from the bottom of the sea, dashed through the parabola in mid-air, and slammed into the sea, creating countless splashes.

The darkness, which is half a meter wide, can't stay-extend from the surface of the sea.

"Suddenly, suddenly"

A red motorcycle drove forward along the materialized dark road at high speed.

Unconsciously, the huge sound of the engine attracted one after another black shadows, which were constantly approaching.


A huge black shadow appeared in front of the motorcycle, and the fierce figure was about to rush out from the bottom of the sea!


The red figure sitting on the back seat dazzled his eyes.

The terrifying aura like a wild beast suddenly swept out, shocking the Sea Kings who were about to move.

The giant Sea Kings who just wanted to get out of the bottom of the sea were trembling and trembling as if they had encountered some horrible existence, swimming wildly towards the distance as if they were fleeing.

"Hee hee, Your Highness, the technique is not bad, isn't it?"

The only Deliya who was brought out by Iji and had to try to drive on her own had a smile full of joy.

"I only know that you girl always drives to places with many Sea Kings!" Iji said silently.

Even if the Calm Belt is the lair of Sea Kings, it is not everywhere, but almost all places where Deliya passes by are where more than a few Sea Kings gather.

He didn't even know how many times Conqueror's Haki was used to shock and disperse.

Because from Blue Python, I learned that the World government is preparing to launch a Buster Call to Nine Snake Island in advance.

After all, the world's number one beauty is fake if she is not interested.

Iji never felt that he was a saint, otherwise there would not be so many gatherings around him, and the whole sea would be regarded as a stunning woman after several times.

He had seen Boa-Hancock on the top of the war, and he really deserved the title of "The World's No. 1 Beauty", especially the intangible effect of the sweet fruit, which made her whole person unconsciously exude amazing charm.

However, there was not much time for contact with the situation at that time.

But on a whim, I went to Nine Snake Island to find a woman. It's not easy to bring Isabel, Kalifa, Robin and other women.

It was this girl who used the ability to replicate the fruit to replicate the ability of the Lion Fruit, and he specially brought it out.

"By the way, the world's number one beauty, I should be more beautiful than on the wanted order, right?"

Di Liya blinked her eyes and grinded her little tiger's teeth.

And still muttering something quietly.

She naturally knew that this highness must have left North Blue and came to this Calm Belt because of that "female emperor".

"You little girl, if you don't fight for three days, you have gone to the house to reveal the tile, right?" Iji couldn't help but be full of black lines.

Out of anger, he stretched out his right hand and flicked his finger on the girl's forehead.

Ever since she had the ability to replicate the fruit, this girl has become awkward, and Nami, Robin and others have been tricked by her.

"Ah! It hurts"

Xiu's forehead was red, and Diliya was in tears, and directly betrayed her sister: "This is not what people said, it was Nami!"

Then it turned off and stopped the motorcycle.

The spreading darkness supported the sea, preventing the two of them from falling.

Diliya turned her head and looked at her handsome Highness. She laughed a little and said, "If your Highness wants to teach Nami, then people will become her that night."

Her ability is to replicate the fruit, even an incompetent like Nami can easily replicate the appearance and figure of the other party.

The goal is not limited to those who are capable.

"Nami, your Highness should like it very much!"

"I just want to throw your increasingly disobedient girl down to feed Sea Kings!" Iji was speechless.

Since Baccarat joined, this girl has been completely "contaminated", there is really no taboo, dare to say anything.

"No, Delia is very obedient!'

Di Liya directly smiled and said, "His Royal Highness let people become someone, but they all did it!"

"Like Sister Isabel, Lord Smoky, Baccarat, and

And this time.

Calm Belt, Hydra Island.

We are facing a huge crisis of destruction.

Ten huge Marine battleships surrounded the entire Hydra Island, and a terrible disaster suddenly struck.

Sénick Vice Admiral, Longgula Vice Admiral, Dalmesia Vice Admiral, Bastille Vice Admiral, and the only one in the current Marine that ranks alongside Logia's ability "Blue Python", Vice Admiral "Scythe"!

Five Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters launched a Buster Call directly to Hydra Island!

"Boom boom boom

The huge guns roared.

The terrible high-explosive bombs couldn't help but screamed out, bombarding the daughter island of Nine Snake continuously.

………Look for flowers 0…

The old-fashioned spherical high-explosive bombs of World government are not as powerful as the new-type high-explosive bombs developed by the Germa scientific research team, but they must not be underestimated. They are enough to turn the entire Nine Snake Island into a sea of ​​fire in the shortest possible time.


"Master Hancock, where are you?"

"Damn it's Marine, fight with them!!!""

The entire Nine Snake Island, countless citizens, were caught in a huge panic and could only passively be attacked by shelling.

Unfortunately, some people were directly hit or affected by shells, screamed screams, or were directly buried by collapsed houses.

Because the warship is still far from the coast, their rockets, bows and arrows and other weapons can't attack Marine's warships at all.

But at this time, the Emperor Boa Hancock of Nine Snake Island led the Nine Snake Pirates, and he went out on the expedition.


"It seems that the'Empress' is not there, but since it is a Buster Call, there is no need to show mercy!"

Dalmesia Vice Admiral stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the burning and billowing Hydra Island with a single-lens telescope, with a cold expression on his face.

He knows the strength of that woman very well, and it is absolutely impossible for him to swallow the shelling from Marine like this, without directly risking a counterattack.

"This time, the Buster Call is so sudden, because the World government is mixed with undercover agents. Although it has gone through a major cleaning, there is still some worry about it. Just known

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral "Scythe Itachi" held the phone worm and said in a deep voice. He also received a notice from Kizaru himself not long ago.

Five Vice Admiral, ten warships, this time the Buster Call was convened without warning.

Basically, all of them had received routine tasks such as destroying the pirates that appeared in this area, or patrolling the routes, and then they were suddenly called together.

Obviously, it was an operation secretly arranged to prevent information leakage.

The new Shichibukai "Chameleon" Cameño, which was previously announced to the public with great fanfare, was captured by Vinsmoke-Iji as soon as he arrived in North Blue.

It can be said that one fruit and one fruit slapped the face of the World government.

If all the Buster Calls initiated by the World government are destroyed, then the prestige of the World government will inevitably be damaged again. That is what Five Elders absolutely does not want to see again or accept.

I'm afraid that even Iji himself didn't even think that the actions of the World government turned out to be so fast.


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