One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 555 Confident Scythe

"boom "

"Boom boom boom"

The violent high-explosive bombs couldn't help but fired over.

The blazing Great Fireball rises from this island.

The raging fire continued to spread, and thick smoke billowed into the sky.


The fatal flaw of the Amazon Daughter Island was exposed at this moment, and the entire country only has the ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates!

Marine can't do it if he wants to fight back effectively, he can only be beaten passively.

The girl warrior tried to rush into the sea, swam towards the warship, or dived directly into the sea in an attempt to destroy the warship close to the other side, but was either directly swallowed by the terrifying Sea Kings, or faced a dense rain of bullets.

The blood dyed the surrounding waters of Nine Snake Island red.

A corpse floated on it, and soon attracted more giant Sea Kings, and even caused a lot of trouble to Marine.

"Eight Three Zero"

Several giant Sea Kings that were enough to bite a warship in half were beheaded by Marine Vice Admiral on the spot. The huge corpses lay across the sea.

"It's too wasteful. It would be nice to catch it back to warm the bed...Looking at the female Nine Snake warrior who was trying to come up from the sea and was directly submerged or shot by shells, there was a Marine Rear Admiral whispered.

Although most of the female Nine Snake warriors shot to be killed were "monsters" with three big and five thick, muscles no less than men, but some of them were the type who was so good that people couldn't help but get angry. Rear Admiral couldn't help swallowing secretly.

Especially those women's clothes are just ugly.

Inexplicably, there is an urge to capture a few beautiful female soldiers of the Nine Snakes and go back to be slaves.

"What are you talking about? We are just Marines. I don't care whether the banned soldiers will do things like kicking and trafficking in women. But in the disciplined Marine, they will never allow such things to happen, even if they are just innocent. Pirates and criminals forgiven"

The Marine Vice Admiral who happened to hear him glared, staring at the Marine Rear Admiral with murderous eyes, making him sweat.

"If you dare to do that, I can't spare you!"

"Ah! Vice Admiral, don't be angry, just talk

The Marine Rear Admiral hurriedly waved his hands, apologized in embarrassment, and his vest was wet with sweat.

On a battleship to the west.

Many Marine soldiers were shaking their hands while holding guns or holding rocket launchers.

Not only are there two people, but many Marine soldiers are a little bit unbearable, but because of the mandatory orders from their superiors, they have to be cruel.

"Fools! Don't be intolerable just because they are women, you must never show any mercy!"

"This is a country of pirates. It can be said that all the people are soldiers. It is not an exaggeration for the whole country to say that it is a pirate. It is not a pity to die!"

"If it hadn't been for the past, this country was protected by the flag of Seven Warlords of the Sea, Marine would have wiped out this notorious pirate country."

The officers scolded loudly and coldly, and continued to give orders.

The shore was already burning, and on the island that turned into a sea of ​​flames, the gunpowder was filled with the smell of burnt flesh and blood.

"Damn it!!!"

"At this time, Hancock-sama and they are not here

A female soldier named Nine Snakes with tears blurred, she gritted her teeth and looked at the relentlessly shelling warship on the sea, wishing to rush to kill these despicable Marines immediately.


The fire blazed into the sky in the forest, the fire continued to spread, and the entire sea was dyed red.

A large number of female soldiers gathered, escorting the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and ran back to the mountain.

"Ah!! Bastard!!!"

"Averendra, don't stop me! I'm going to kill them!!"

The glamorous woman with a tall black ponytail and slender phoenix eyes looked at the fierce temperament, regardless of whether she wanted to swim to Marine, and the female soldiers who were shot in the sea one after another had their eyes split apart.

Holding the snake bow tightly in his hand, angrily wanted to rush into the sea, but was firmly grasped by the tall female warrior next to her.

"Kiji, please calm down first."

The tall female warrior wearing a round hat with the "Nine Snake" logo on her head firmly grasped a somewhat furious Platycodon grandiflorum. Her eyes were also flushed, holding back tears, biting her lower lip and speaking loudly.

Most of the warriors of Nine Snake Island are named after flowers, and these two are the warriors of the Nine Snake Island!

"Is it useful to rush up now? With your strength, it's just going up to die, maybe it will be swallowed by Sea Kings!"

The small ugly old woman next to her was serious and angry, and she hung a snake stick and said loudly: "The only ones who can save Nine Snakes are Hancock and the Nine Snakes Pirates. I have notified her with a phone bug, and they are on their way back at full speed. "

"We can only wait, I believe Hancock and the others will be back soon, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Even if you are desperate, you have to wait for those guys to stop the shelling, land directly and fight with them, and avenge the dead citizens!'

Ever since the Empress’ Shichibukai was deprived of her position, she has had an ominous premonition.

But a small country like Nine Snake Island cannot be self-sufficient at all, and many resources must be plundered at sea.

There was no movement from Marine for a long time, and the Pirates of the Nine Snakes could not be like the frightened bird, Tenten huddled on the island to guard.

As a precaution, she had previously asked "The Empress" Hancock and the others to bring some phone bugs back when they were on the expedition, which happened to come in handy.

"Most of the people have already taken refuge in the cave. Marine shells can't destroy it in a short time. Don't mess around again."

"Everyone keep up, go to the cave to avoid shelling!"

Looking at the coast that was stained red with blood and even attracted the Sea Kings raging, Granny New's eyes were also bright red, but she still resisted the tears and her inner anger loudly.

Regarding the possibility of retaliation by the World government, Hydra Island is not completely unprepared. At the strong request of New Zealand's mother-in-law, Hancock had to agree to order that the citizens of Hydra had dug a lot of refuge holes to defend against shell attacks.

Otherwise, the death and injury would be even greater.

Even if you want to fight with Marine, you must find a way to introduce the opponent to the island of Hydra. Otherwise, you will only sacrifice for nothing, and there is no way that the opponent will be killed.

"Boya: The woman Hancock really doesn't seem to be here. If you let her run, I'm afraid it will be a bit of trouble." On the battleship headed by Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, who is in charge of directing this operation, "Scythe Itachi" stared coldly. Hydra Island plunged into the sea of ​​flames.

"As long as the slightest desire is born, the ability to be directly petrified, if it is revenge, it is indeed quite troublesome."

The phone worm imitated the weird expression, and the voice of Marine Marshal Kizaru came out: "You can choose to lie in ambush on the island and wait for her to come back and wipe it out in one fell swoop, but remember to be careful, the woman's ability is very troublesome!"

"You don't have to look at her directly, right? This, my Observation Haki can do it!" Kamen Itachi said directly. He is still very confident in his Observation Haki.

Besides, he is not alone.

There are also Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters such as Bastille.

This kind of battle is more than enough to wipe out the Nine Snakes and Pirates.


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