One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 556 Angry Hancock【Various requests】

Periphery of Calm Belt.

Two huge Lion Majesty, pulling a luxurious-looking pirate ship fast forward, rushing towards the direction of Hydra Island.

"damn it!

"Damn it's Marine, attacked at this time!"

"If you want to launch a Buster Call against Nine Snake Island, you absolutely can't spare them!"

"You have to hurry up."

On the Pirate Ship, the exposed and aggressive female soldiers were all agitated, angry, and a little anxious.

But the speed of the snake is already extremely fast, it is impossible to continue to accelerate.

Wearing a purple cheongsam, a tall and beautiful figure stood on the bow of the ship, her bright white forehead was twisted, and her jewel-inlaid eyes carried an uncontrollable anger.

The beautiful face was cold and frosty, and his white fists couldn't help clenching tightly.

"Marine, World government, it is simply unforgivable for their already hot body to support the cheongsam. At this time, it was even more ups and downs due to inner anger.

Boya: Hancock can imagine what kind of scene is facing Nine Snake Island now, with fine sweat on his forehead involuntarily.

"Sister-sama, absolutely can't spare them!"

"Those damned Marines, do you really think we are bullying on Nine Snake Island if you want them to come back and forth?"

Her two younger sisters, Sandersonia17 and Marigold, both gritted their teeth, breathed fire in their eyes, and were equally anxious.

"It's too slow, give me a little faster!"

Hancock said angrily at the two snakes coldly.


The two swimming snakes that had been "sweating" all over their bodies, and quickly continued to speed up, desperately "rushing" toward the direction of Nine Snake Island.

"No, it's still too slow!"

With a determination in the jewel-like blue eyes, pointing to the huge Lion Majesty on the right, Hancock directly ordered Sandersonia and the others: "Untie it, I will rush over!"

"Sister-sama/ Hancock-sama"

"It's too dangerous for you to go there alone

The members of the Nine Snakes and Pirates Group couldn't help but change their expressions.

After all, the enemy is ten warships, five Marine Vice Admiral, and countless Marines. It is undoubtedly a great risk to let Hancock pass by alone.

"Don't worry! Hurry up! Don't be too slow!"

Although she was stripped of Shichibukai's power because she did not obey the orders of the World government at the time, she has been talked about by New Zealand's mother-in-law for three days in the past few months. Such words fought back.

But at this moment when Hydra Island is facing a huge crisis, the emperor of Hydra Island directly proved with actions that she is not really that cold-blooded.

It didn't take long.

A large Lion Majesty broke away from the Pirate Ship.

Directly carrying the tall and beautiful shadow, "run wildly" towards the direction of Nine Snake Island, at an astonishing speed.


"Has it started?"

Looking at the warship with the same black spots ahead, and the constant sound of gunfire, Iji, who came over on a motorcycle, couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"His Royal Highness, hurry up and go over!"

Delia, who was sitting in Iji's arms, braved her whole body and became Isabel in a moment.

He flew straight away, and couldn't wait to rush over.

"What are you in a hurry, girl?"

Iji stopped her angry.

Marine's indiscriminate shelling has already begun, and it is not bad for a while.

If it was Boya, Hancock would be killed so easily, and it wasn't worth his particularly high look.

Above the warship headed by "Reporting Weasel Vice Admiral", Marine on the observation deck quickly reported loudly to the Weasel below.

His original task was to monitor the sea. If he found the Nine Snake Pirates, he would report it immediately. As a result, he did not expect to see a "black spot" in the distance, which was approaching quickly.

"Something is fast approaching..."

"What is it? Sea Kings or the ship of the Nine Snakes and Pirates?" Kay Itachi asked directly.

"No, it's not a bicycle. It's riding on the sea." The Marine stammered while looking at the growing "dot" through a single-lens telescope.

Motorcycles are not popular in this sea. He has never seen them before, and subconsciously thinks they are just special bikes.

"Bike? Riding on the sea?"

Kian Zhu's face turned black, and he felt that his IQ was insulted.

Angrily screamed at the watchman above: "What a joke, show me more clearly!"

"No, it is indeed. The appearance is different from a normal bicycle, but it is almost the same.

"Wait, are you talking about a relatively rare motorcycle? And it's still riding on the sea?" The adjutant next to him remembered something, his face changed a lot and asked in a hurry.

"Yes! It's constantly approaching, and the speed should be fast."

"Master Vice Admiral, hurry up and order to retreat. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be too late. The adjutant's cold sweat came out directly, and he hurriedly said loudly to the sickle, and became anxious.

He remembered it, Vinsmoke. Iji used to ride a motorcycle at sea like Admiral Aokiji used to participate in the World Summit.

If the guess is correct, the one on the motorcycle

"Retreat? What do you mean?"

Kian Itachi frowned, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and looked at his adjutant in surprise.

Nine Snake Island has not yet been completely destroyed, there should be a large number of survivors on it, and it is a joke to order directly to retreat.

"The monster of Derma, once had the experience of riding a motorcycle on the sea!"

"Vinsmoke- Iji? Damn it, how could he happen to be here?" Kana Itachi couldn't help but change wildly when he heard the words.

A chill rushed directly to the forehead from the soles of the feet.

"Please hurry up and give your order. We can't hesitate anymore. If we Marine suffer such a loss again,

"Notify the ships, immediately stop the shelling, evacuate here at full speed, and report the situation to the headquarters at the same time!"

Without the adjutant's reminder, Sing Itachi could not help his scalp tingling when he remembered the terrifying and terrifying power of the demon in North Blue back then: "It must be fast!'

"Remember, inform the Bastille that the warship must evacuate in different directions!"

If it is really that monster, their strength is not enough for others to stuff their teeth.

Facing the ability of Shock Fruit, one can only hope that the warship will evacuate in different directions and be able to escape.

"Remember to inform them that they must not go in this direction!" Without hesitation, Kan Itachi grabbed the phone worm in the adjutant's hand, and the whole person turned into a hurricane and disappeared on the warship.

Perhaps such behavior is a bit excessive, but he believes that neither Kizaru himself nor the World government can blame him for his behavior at this moment. On the contrary, he might feel fortunate.

At this level of combat power of 830, even the current World government, there is not much left, and losing any of them is not a small loss.

In this case, the choice of "deserters" like Kian Itachi should indeed be acquiesced.

Faced with Vinsmoke-Iji, the supreme commander of the Djerma Empire, even if the Naval Headquarters Marshal Kizaru himself meets, he must directly avoid his edge, let alone their Vice Admiral.

"Stop Buster Call, evacuate immediately!"


"What's going on? Vinsmoke- Iji"

When Marine Vice Admiral such as Bastille and Longula started, they were puzzled by the order of the Itachi, but their complexion changed in an instant, and the cold sweat couldn't stop flowing out!

Without hesitation, the shelling was ordered to stop and to evacuate here as quickly as possible.

Many Marines are a little puzzled, but seeing the commanders order like this, they can only follow their orders.

"The shelling stopped..."

"Those damned Marines, are there no shells anymore?"

The continuous shelling of Xia stopped.

The fire spread, and on the Niu Snake Island where the smoke was soaring into the sky, the female soldiers thought it was Marine’s shells that had been shot out, and they were preparing for the landing operation.

However, the person in charge of the observation directly discovered that the Marine warships were turning their bows, and they were leaving in different directions.

"Marine, evacuated?"

Looking at the fleet of warships that started to whistle and evacuate because the fuel turbines started, billowing black smoke came out.

The mother-in-law New, who was gritting her teeth and planning to lead the warriors of Nine Snake Island and Marine desperately, couldn't help being sluggish and shocked.

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