One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 557 He saved the island of Nine Snakes [Various requests]


"How is this going?"

The fire was raging, crackling, burning unscrupulously, and spreading.

The entire forest had been completely submerged, and the soldiers on Nine Snake Island didn't dare to approach that area at all. They just stared blankly at the warships who were anxious to leave for some reason.

Granny New frowned and looked at the sea.

She was sure that the enemy could not leave because of fear of Hancock, otherwise it would not be possible to launch this Buster Call.

But since Marine occupies an absolute advantage, and at this time, it mobilizes such a large fleet to initiate a Buster Call to the Nine Snake Island located in the Calm Belt, there is no need to suddenly evacuate.

What is the reason?

"Sudden, sudden"

The flaming motorcycle, following the dark passage, kept approaching the island of Hydra.

Ordinary sailing ships in the Calm Belt are simply impossible to sail. Those warships can only be started by steam turbines, and the speed is not too slow.

Looking at the raging fire of Hyuga Island, and the Marine fleet that suddenly left in different directions.

"His Royal Highness, those guys probably found you, and they all seem to have ran in different directions..." Dilia, who was relieved of her ability, sat in the back seat and hugged Iji and smiled directly: "Hehe, it's like a mouse. I saw a cat!

"If you really found out that I existed and still didn't run away, the power of the Emperor of the Djerma Empire would be too low.

Looking indifferently at the warships that tried to evacuate in different directions and wanted to escape, Iji didn't care to speak.

But there is no direct pursuit.

The Marine Vice Admiral is not worth it, and it's not worth it to run up to chase after him.

Soon, the red motorcycle approached the island of Nine Snake, which was covered by the fire and burned out of shape.

"That is "

On the island of Nine Snake, the female soldiers who ran out because of Marine's evacuation all looked at the red motorcycle approaching from the sea in amazement.

"Is that a bicycle?"

"Riding a bike on the sea?"

"It's so fast, who the hell is that?"

The national defenders such as Campanulaceae, Ephrandra, Margaret could not help being shocked and inexplicable.

Nine Snake Island is isolated from the outside world. Even some Marines don't know motorcycles, let alone them.

However, in the past, when the Nine Snakes and Pirates set out, they occasionally looted one or two bicycles from the boat, but it was far from this size.

So they subconsciously think that it is a bicycle.

"Could it be"

Mother-in-law New was observing with a single-scope, she was shocked and her mouth opened wide.

She often reads newspapers, how could she not know the Supreme Commander of the Djerma Empire, Vinsmoke-Iji, who is known as the "ultimate weapon in human form" and "the strongest man in the world"!

At this moment, I finally understand why those Marines just now hadn't taken care of destroying the island of Nine Snake, and fled in a hurry.

"Suddenly, suddenly"

Looking at the red motorcycle getting closer and closer to the sea, the platycodon grandiflora with a hot temperament and a cold face, subconsciously raised the snake bow, and directly asked the mother-in-law New next to him: "There are two people above, approaching here. , Are you going to attack him? Mother-in-law New"

With her arrow that entangles Haki, if she gets closer, she is confident that she can attack the opponent.

"Don't mess around

With a cold sweat, Mother-in-law New hurriedly stopped Kikyo, and then shouted to the other soldiers: "Although I don't know the other party's intention, but strictly speaking, he is the great benefactor of Nine Snake Island!"

"He saved the island of Nine Snakes, and those Marines escaped because of him!"

What a joke.

Annoyed the other party, Nine Snake Island is really over.


"Mother New"

"They scared Marine away and saved us?"

The fighters of Nine Snake Island were shocked.

Some people can't believe it, but Marine has ten warships in it, and it will be scared away by two people?

Nine Snake Island is isolated from the outside world all year round. They are protected by the invisible barrier of the Calm Belt. They can be carefree. Before the seastone is embedded in the bottom of the warship, it can allow the warship to sail in the Calm Belt and reduce the attack by the Sea Kings. Before probabilistic technology, there really is no need to worry about the spread of war and the enemy's incursion.

But this undoubtedly limits their cognition, and they don't know how vast the sea is.

Before the Marine warships began to arrive and shelled the island of Nine Snake, the vast majority of the people even grew up and didn't even know what men looked like.

Of course, the warships were still far away and they started shelling. Most people could not see the faces of Marines at all, except for the Marine's sailor suits.

Even with the exception of Mother-in-law New, no one else has noticed that the red figure riding a motorcycle is a man.

The darkness, which is half a meter wide, can't help but extend.

The red motorcycle is getting closer, less than three hundred meters.

Iji’s Observation Haki, naturally, also found Granny Niu and others gathered on the coast, riding a motorcycle towards the coast there.



A giant Sea Kings attracted by the smell of blood tried to rush over and attack, but they trembled inexplicably, as if they had encountered some terrifying wild beast, and fled in other directions in a hurry.

"Doing nothing, scared away the giant Sea Kings?"

This scene shocked the female soldiers of Nine Snake Island inexplicably.

"He didn't do nothing. It was Conqueror's Haki like Snake Ji, but it was definitely stronger!" Grandma New, hanging on a snake stick, stared at the motorcycle flying over the sea, or the two above. The figure, Shen Sheng said.

"Conqueror's the same as Hancock-sama"

Suao, in the grateful, curious, or shocked gaze of countless Hydra Island women, the substantial darkness extended to the coast, and the motorcycles came to Hydra Island.

"His Royal Highness, we are a bit late, it's almost destroyed by those Marine guys."

Diliya jumped down and looked at the gray-headed faces. She looked embarrassed and lost her home. The somewhat confused and bewildered women of Nine Snake Island felt sympathy for some reason.

Seeing those Marine warships that are getting farther and farther, have fled in different directions, and have fled several miles away, some of them are grinning their teeth: "Do you really want to let those Damn it's Marines go?"

"If they can escape this blow, I will let them go!"

Parked the motorcycle there, not waiting for Granny New to bring the female soldiers closer, Iji looked back at the warships that were far away.

"brush "

Raised hands, fingers spread out.

It is directly buckled on the atmosphere as if it has solidified!

At the same time, the darkness like an abyss couldn't help spreading from the soles of its feet, rushing in all directions.

"Brush" not only enveloped the bodies of the female soldiers and the citizens of the distant Nine Snake Island, but even the blazing fire was completely submerged and was forcibly extinguished.

They don't give them much time to react at all.

*. "Your Excellency Vinsmoke- Iji, you are... Granny New looked at the darkness that had entangled her, because she didn't feel any danger and didn't struggle hard.

He just looked at Iji in a puzzled manner, and wanted to ask.

Because she found that the fire on the island had been submerged and extinguished by the darkness of the sky.

"Grabbed the atmosphere?"

"This smoky thing"

"What is it, our bodies can't move

Campanulaceae, Evlandra, Margaret and others were all shocked to find that they could not get rid of the weird darkness at all.

"Hee hee, don't struggle, your highness is kind, so that you can avoid accidentally falling into the sea or falling into the blood.

It is rare for Di Liya to remind her mother-in-law New and the others directly.

The whole person directly became Isabel, braving black flames all over, floating in the air.


The atmosphere was like rags, and ten shocking traces were torn out.

"This won't be"

Mother-in-law New thought of something, her expression changed.

"Rumble, the whole ground trembles instantly.

But the weird darkness all fixed the bodies of the nationals of Nine Snake Island, so that they don't have to throw (the money is good) directly or fall directly into the sea.

next moment--

In the shocking and inexplicable gazes of the female soldiers of the Nine Snakes.

"Om Rumble~~~ Om Weng Rumble~~~"

The sky, islands, and ocean shook directly and violently.

In less than a few blinks, he kept tilting up at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The sea, which was originally without wind and waves, suddenly tilted and lifted to varying degrees.

Extremely huge, some exaggerated current faults, one after another appeared on the surface of the sea, bottomless.


"How is this going?"

"The sea tilts suddenly

"I'm going to fall into a crack, help!!!"

The ships were facing different directions and far from the warships on the island of Hydra, countless Marines yelled in horror, and the warships slid down into the deep sea crack that suddenly appeared out of control.

Witnessing this terrible scene, Marine Vice Admiral such as Bastille, Sénic, Longula, Dalmesia, etc., could not help but change their expressions.

Without thinking about it, he grabbed the lifebuoy and rushed into the air on Moonwalk.

This is the "experience" that Marine has already summed up. In the face of such catastrophic forces, how should their generals protect themselves!.

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