One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 559 Wayward Empress [Various Requests]

When I saw Boa Hancock's first glance.

Iji knew from the damp and awkward figure that the other party was 80% involved in the sea quake he just triggered, and he couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

"Master Hancock..."

The soldiers and citizens of Nine Snake Island shouted loudly, and tears of excitement, grievance, and sorrow could not stop overflowing.

When this home was destroyed and at a loss, only Boa-Hancock, as the emperor of this country, could calm their panicked hearts.

"Everyone, are you all right?"

Boya-Hancock goes back to the top.

The dark blue eyes noticed Yizhi and Dilia next to them.

But obviously they are more concerned about the specific situation of the citizens.

"Is this the invisible effect of sweet fruits?" Iji raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

At that moment, his heart was pounding, and he actually felt the illusion of Boa-Hancock's beauty.

This short-term gaffe has never happened before when facing women such as Isabel, Kalifa, Robin, and Reiju.

And Deliya, who was next to him, just like the nationals of Nine Snake Island, had a red heart, making Iji speechless.

"Girl, look back

Pat Deliya's little head.

"Ah, Your Highness, what's wrong with me?"

Diliya returned to her senses, and was surprised to find out what she had done just now, which was a little weird.

Leaning on the seat of the motorcycle, Iji chuckled calmly: "I think this should be the invisible effect of her Devil Fruit. It's heartwarming!"

Without excessively impurity eyes, admiring the attractive posture of the female emperor's wet temptation, Iji had to admit that the female emperor's perfect body with convex mouth and the pair of white and slender legs were really hot enough to easily Aroused the man's anger.

But just this has such an effect. If it is done deliberately, it might really make the vast majority of men be deeply attracted, and even willing to do anything for her.

"The situation is as you can see. Not only the entire island was destroyed, but the people suffered a lot of casualties. If it weren't for the appearance of Iji, Marine would stop Buster Call and hurriedly evacuated, I'm afraid that after today, Nine Snakes The island no longer exists"

Thinking of the sacrificed citizens, Granny New’s face was full of grief, and she simply explained the situation on the island to the empress, and then pointed to Iji next to her, her words full of gratitude.

"Thank you, thank you for saving Hydra!"

Stepping on his tall legs and staring at the majestic and handsome red-haired man in front of him, Hancock hesitated for a moment, but still a little bluntly thanked Iji.

With her proud nature, she is obviously not good at thanking people.

Especially men.

But Iji is an exception.

This man who dared to challenge Celestial Dragons and the World government deserves her special treatment!

"I am not purely kind. I made a special trip from North Blue to bring the Nine Snake into his command!" With a grin of white teeth, Iji did not hide it, and spoke straightforwardly.

Hear the words.

Not only Hancock, but also Granny New, Campanulaceae, Ivlandra and others couldn't help but be stunned.

"No, the concubine is not allowed. Without worrying about the identity and strength of the other party, Hancock refused without hesitation when his stubborn temper came up.

She should no longer be dominated by others, even if she died.

Even if the other party is the benefactor of Nine Snake Island.

Unless, she leaves the Nine Snake!

"Snake Girl"

Granny New broke out in a cold sweat.

Is Nine Snake Island eligible to refuse?

"Shut up, the concubine is the emperor of the Nine Snakes, it is not your turn, the traitor who used to be on Nine Snakes Island, to point your fingers."

Boya, Hancock, of course, cannot say that he has no feelings and care for the citizens of Nine Snake Island at all, otherwise he would not be anxious to leave the pirate ship directly and rush back by himself on the snake.

But that does not mean that she is willing to accept the domination of others.

Especially men!

The empress is selfish and willful. She has never been a kind and kind saint, let alone great.

She is just a beautiful and powerful woman, she is not perfect.

Not even a qualified Nine Snake Emperor.

In his heart, his own preferences are the first.

Otherwise, I would not have known at the beginning that disobeying the call might lead to revenge from the World government, but it still refused so capriciously.

This character is actually somewhat similar to Iji.

The Djerma Empire is just a tool for him to enjoy his position, to some extent it is just a derivative of his path to the strong, and he will not really pay much for it.

Even if Vinsmoke-Judge didn't treat him in a different light at the beginning, but was very unwelcome to him like Sanji, and dare to block his way again and again, it would be hard to say whether Judge still exists!

The experience that was once unbearable to look back was a nightmare that could not be waved away, which made the female emperor's seemingly arrogant but fragile heart extremely sensitive!

I absolutely don't want to be dominated by anyone anymore, I would rather die than want!

"Your Excellency Iji, Hancock is such a wayward person, please don't blame it."

"Ah, stop, Snake Ji!!!"

Before Mother New's voice fell, she was picked up by the angry Boya-Hancock and threw it to the ruins on the island.

Witness this scene.

The citizens of Nine Snake Island, as well as Delia next to Iji, couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Concubine, it's really not intentional!"

Looking at the citizens who were staring at them in a daze, the empress's arrogant and self-willed expression became weak and helpless in an instant, so pitiful.

………For flowers 0……

It was such a god-level acting skill that Iji almost believed it directly.

"Yes! Lord Snake Ji

"In short of breath, this behavior is also forgivable."

"Beautiful Hancock-sama, everything is right!"

The warriors of Nine Snake Island, young and old, all had red eyes and shouted.

"His Royal Highness"

Originally bewildered as well, joined the army of fans, Iji squeezed her cheek out of breath, Dilia, who was sober, couldn't help but blush and looked at her Royal Highness.

The character of this "world's first beauty" is undoubtedly a bit bad, but it just makes people hate it.

"Snake Ji, you have already plunged Nine Snake Island into a crisis, do you want to push it into the fire pit again?" Granny New who hurried back quickly yelled from afar.

Last time, the Empress refused to go to North Blue to fight against Germa's call, which led to the deprivation of the power of Seven Warlords of the Sea, which was the cause of this Buster Call.

This time, if you annoy the Deerma Empire again, I am afraid that the island of Nine Snake will be extinct from now on.

"Shut up! Jialan Lily, even if the entire country is extinct, everyone will forgive me, because the concubine body is so beautiful."

The white-skinned jade pointed her mother-in-law New, with her beautiful face up, Hancock's water snake waist without a trace of fat was directly bent back, directly posing a posture of extreme contempt.

Because of excessive contempt, the whole person seems to be looking up at the sky.

Iji who saw this scene for the first time was really eye-opening.

"Yes, that's right"

"How can you blame the Snake-in-law!"

"Your beauty is unparalleled in the world."

That arrogant and beautiful posture exudes amazing charm invisibly, causing the people of Nine Snake Island to lose their minds again, nodding their heads in agreement.

Even the accused mother-in-law New, fell into a fascination, and nodded repeatedly.

But soon he came back to his senses.

"No, no, right"

Hastily shook his head back to his senses.

The worried mother-in-law New Nine poked the snake stick and yelled.

"Really an incomprehensible ability."

A few meters away, Iji, who almost fell into a gaffe, showed a strange expression on his face.

As a normal man, he really can't get rid of the passion for the female emperor's peerless beauty, not to mention that he originally came for the other party!

Even, the heartbeat is speeding up!

Calmly used Shock Fruit's ability to shake the body slightly, and forcefully dispelled this moment with pain. The inner heart was inexplicably aroused for Boa-Hancock, and there was some uncontrollable infatuation!

The power of sweet fruit is really shocking.


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