One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 560 You let me down [Various requests]

"The former emperor of Nine Snake Island, Jialan Lily, don't talk about it anymore."

"I want to give up the emperor of Nine Snakes and leave and return the emperor's position to you, but my concubine will never accept anyone's control!"

Facing mother-in-law New’s chattering preaching, Boya-Hancock threw out a word impatiently.

After all, she was a little softhearted, and she didn't want the island of Nine Snake, which had just suffered a disaster, to face destruction again because of herself.

"Snake Ji, you"

Granny New had to shut her mouth and stared at Hancock blankly.

She knew that this was already the biggest concession made by the Empress, but it was undoubtedly a bit naive.

Vinsmoke, Iji came here to conquer the island of Hydra, how could it be possible to miss Boa: Hancock's combat power?

She would rather give up the position of Emperor Nine Snake Island than join Djerma's command.

Looking back, seeing that Vinsmoke- Iji was not affected by his own charm, Hancock's beautiful eyes were a little surprised.

"Eight 30" but did not care too much, because this is just the intangible effect of the simple ability of the sweet fruit.

It is not infinitely amplifying its own charm, it is so strong that the target, whether men, women, old or young, can not suppress the deepest desires in one's heart, and the ability to completely petrify the target's obsession with Gan Feng in an instant.

"Boya-Hancock, right? I think we can talk about it alone."

The pointing finger has recovered from the fascination with Bo-Ya Hancock himself, but it seems to have walked out of the sad atmosphere, and slightly dispelled the endless grief caused by the just destroyed home, the sacrifice of a large number of relatives and friends, and the blind worship of the empress. Citizens, Iji smiled and spoke.

"No matter how much we talk about it, my concubine won't succumb!'

The female emperor held up her cold and pretty face, stubbornly looking straight at Iji in front of her.

But at the same time, she lowered her head slightly and motioned with her eyes to Mother-in-law New to leave here with the people.

"Your Excellency Iji, Hancock is a bit headstrong and stubborn. I hope I can be more tolerant."

With a little worry in her heart, Mother-in-law New hesitated for a moment, and left directly with the nationals of Hydra Island such as Campanulaceae, Ivlandra, and Margaret.

In her heart, she treated Hancock as a daughter, and she absolutely didn't want the other party to have trouble.

But in the face of the life and death of Nine Snake Island, even if they had to sacrifice their lives, Jialan and Lily would not hesitate.

Iji turned his head, looked at Dilia, who was lying on the motorcycle next to him, and did not speak.

"Well, let them leave!" Dilia, who pouted and wanted to stay here to eavesdrop, could only obediently catch up with Granny New and the others to leave.

After a while.

On the coast, only Iji and Hancock remained.

Salome swam over and entangled directly into a seat.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say anything...

Sitting on his pet, leaning on Bai Zhe’s legs, Hancock looked at Iji in front of him, and said bluntly: “You are the benefactor of Nine Snake Island, maybe Granny New and the others are not opposed to joining Germa’s subordinates and being sheltered. If they all agree to follow you, I won't have any opinion

She doesn't hate Iji in her heart.

Perhaps it was because the other party dared to kill Celestial Dragons and challenged the World government. There might be some good feelings in their hearts.

But she did not want to be dominated by others again!

"But I explained in advance that even if you are improperly the emperor of the Nine Snakes, your concubine will not succumb to you." Boya-Hancock's eyes were firm and his tone was full of stubbornness.


Iji smiled and said, "It looks like you have misunderstood. I never wanted you to yield to me, let alone dominate what you don't want to do, please."

"Huh, don't talk frankly!

Hancock snorted coldly, "The concubine body is not the women on the island who don't know much about the world, so you won't be easily bewitched by you!"

In any case, isn't it great to leave Nine Snake Island by yourself?

The Empress did not believe that with her own strength, she could not make a name for herself in this sea.

Moreover, even if it is time to face the chase of the world government, the overlord of the sea, what is the fear?

"Egbert Jerich"

Without going on to say anything else, Iji looked at the arrogant and stubborn empress in front of him, and calmly and directly said an inexplicable name: "I heard that the guy has a very special hobby. The most proud thing is that he likes to show off his slaves. How obedient."


Boya, Hancock couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words.

The memory buried in the deepest part awakened, and the whole body couldn't help shaking, looking at Iji in anger inexplicably.

His face turned pale, and his eyes were horrified, at a loss, at a loss, and uneasy.

"You, you know." He gritted his teeth and looked at Iji, Hancock's voice changed, and he couldn't say the whole thing.

That name may be more appropriate by adding the word "Holy" at the end!

But today's Celestial Dragons are not qualified to make Iji the emperor of Djerma honorable.

"I checked your past. At the age of twelve, it was taken by a trafficker and auctioned at the Sabaody Archipelago. The three sisters were bought by the guy Egbert-Jeric. They worked as slaves for Mariejois for several years. When he was six years old, he escaped when the murloc hero Fisher-Tiger made a fuss in Mariejois and rescued the murloc compatriots.

"If your body is not covered by other patterns like the Pirates of the Sun or Tezolo, it should have a mark unique to the slave of Celestial Dragons, the hoof of the Celestial Dragon!"

Sitting on the motorcycle, Iji stared at Boa-Hancock, who was pale and trembling all over, smiling and saying, "What am I right?"

It is indeed a bit troublesome to find these, but it is not completely impossible to find

Otherwise, Iji would not be able to directly name the Celestial Dragons who bought Boa, the three sisters of Hancock.

"Even if it's like this, me too"

Gritting his silver teeth, trying to make his body no longer tremble.

With tears in those dark blue eyes, Boa-Hancock stubbornly wanted to say that he would never succumb to each other, but he was interrupted by Iji.

"Tell you again, "Good news, that guy was indeed crushed to death by the collapsed building when I attacked Mariejois. Upon hearing this news, are you suddenly complacent? Very happy? Very excited?"

Looking at Boa with a pale face full of irony and disdain, with a dodging look in his eyes, Iji sneered and said directly: "But there are other Celestial Dragons in his family. You slain dog "too much better!"

Pointing directly to the Nine Snake Island that has turned into ruins,

Examining Boya: Hancock, Iji relentlessly mocked: "Do you feel that the crime is not as bad as your family, or you don't want to involve the innocent? Are you so open-minded? Haven't I heard of directly looting all the ships, even regardless of You, men, women, old and young, who turned into a stone statue without hesitation, are such a'kind person!'

"You are just fearing, just escaping!"

The blood-colored figure looked like a ghost, and instantly flew in front of Boya-Hancock.

The confused empress didn't fight back, she was about to shrink back subconsciously, but she was directly held down by her shoulders that were still trembling slightly.

"You really disappoint me! Boya-Hancock"

"In my mind, the unique'empress' is not just a beautiful appearance, it should be arrogant and powerful, and it should not be rebelled or profaned..."

"Look at how unbearable you are now, but only heard a name!"

The domineering, powerful gaze stared at those dark blue eyes that were a little cowardly and dodged, and didn't dare to look directly at them: "Don't you want to take revenge? Or is you, who is arrogant on the outside, is so weak that you don't have the courage to take revenge on Celestial Dragons at all? There is no courage to face..."

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