One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 561 The concubine is the empress!

"Take up your courage! Boya-Hancock

Boa-Hancock, pale, trembling uncontrollably.

My heart was constantly stimulated by Iji's sharp blade-like, powerful words: "What are the people of Tianlong? What are the world government? If they are really gods, you will become a'female emperor' above gods. Is it all right?"

The qualifications of the female emperor are not necessarily limited to this level.

But staying in the first half of the Grand Line all the year round, sitting in the well and watching the sky, there are huge knots in my heart, constantly trying to escape, unwilling to face the reality, and have not experienced much tempering at all.

Due to the particularity of the sweet fruit ability, Boa-Hancock's specific combat power is difficult to directly calculate, but it is obviously not up to the level of a monster.

But the sweet fruit's ability has been awakened, and kicking can easily petrify any target.

Especially Smoky, who has a tendency in that respect, might not ignore the charm of the sweet fruit if he estimates that the Goddess may not be able to plant it directly on it.

"Not enough strength? Then work hard to become stronger! Become stronger than all of them! If the dignified'Empress' doesn't even have the confidence to become stronger? It's really disappointing.

The incomparably overbearing and unquestionable voice echoed like a magic sound in the ears of the empress, constantly impacting the sensitive and weak soul: "How many strong men in this world are born to be strong?,

He directly held that beautiful face, not allowing it to avoid it, forcing Hancock, whose breath to fluctuate sharply due to the continuous stimulation, to open his eyes and look directly at himself!

"Don't take your short-term weakness, as an excuse for you to be timid, afraid to face it, and want to escape!"


"Ah! Stop it!! Stop talking!!!"

Covering his ears, tears could not stop overflowing.

The empress, who couldn't help but breathed, had difficulty breathing, Jiesdili yelled.

"I don't know how to be weak!!!"

"The concubine body is not afraid of the Tianlongren! Not even the World government!"

The invisible momentum impacted and swept out, Boa-Hancock broke free from Iji directly, raised that beautiful, arrogant face, and violently ups and downs: "Because the concubine is a "female emperor"!'

"The only'female emperor' in the sea who combines beauty and strength!! !"

In the distance, Deliya, Granny New, Margaret and others all looked over in shock.

I don't understand, what happened, Boa-Hancock became so excited that even Conqueror's Haki was directly released.

But the two clearly didn't seem to fight directly.

"The Tianlong people who once humiliated me will one day let them truly know what fear and despair are, so that the world's most dirty and rancid trash will completely regret coming to this world.

Unwilling, angry eyes with tears, staring at Iji in front of him, his expression is full of firmness and indifference, and he has unprecedented confidence: "You are satisfied, Vinsmoke- Iji!'

It doesn't seem to have changed, but the temperament is invisible, and it seems to be sublimated.

"Although it is you who made the concubine no longer confused."

Looking at the heroic red-haired man in front of him, carrying the self-confidence that seemed to be released from his bones, Boa-Hancock said stubbornly and indifferently: "But even so, my concubine won't be grateful to you! I won't succumb to it. You! You will never be controlled by anyone anymore!"

She must admit!

It was Iji's sharp words just now that directly awakened the self who had always been immersed in the so-called fear, trying to escape, and was unwilling to face reality.

What about being a slave to the dragon people?

Anyone who has humiliated himself is killed; anyone who dares to look down on himself is killed; anyone who wants to laugh at himself is still killed!

She is a arrogant empress, why worry so much!

Just like Vinsmoke, Iji said, confident, arrogant, and domineering, she doesn't need to give in to anyone, let alone care about anyone's opinions!

As long as you are strong enough!

This level of strength is far from enough, she needs to work hard to become stronger.

So strong that one day, oneself can

Crush everything! Ignore everything!

"No, from the beginning, I never thought about domination of you!"

Iji shook his head, smiled, and made no secret of his intentions: "I just want the best beauty in the world!"

He really wanted the woman in front of him who had the qualifications of Conqueror's and had a peerless beauty!

"Want me?"

Restored the proud and glamorous empress, she wiped away the overflowing tears, and ignored her leakage, which was enough to make countless men lose their minds.

The cold eyes seemed to look at Iji with disdain, and hummed proudly: "Sure enough, the concubine body is the most beautiful, and even the'strongest man in the world' can't hide the charm of the concubine body!"

"That's natural!"

With a light smile, Iji doesn't deny it.

He really wanted the woman in front of him.

As for whether she is qualified to be a queen, we still need to see how much she can achieve!


Turning his head, looking at the direction of the sea: "Huh, my concubine won't look at you!'

The corners of the mouth are tilted upwards imperceptibly!

Because she found that the man in front of her did not really look down and mock herself in his eyes.

The other party didn't care if she had ever been a slave of Celestial Dragons.

"I'm not in a hurry at this point

There was no rush to hope that the other party could fall in love with herself immediately. The arrogant and glamorous empress became a little birdy in a blink of an eye, which is indeed unrealistic.

And to be honest, compared to now.

If the empress falls in love with herself, she will immediately lose her daily sanity, she will only look at herself stupidly, daze at every turn, and fall into fantasies.

Iji still appreciates Boa-830 Hancock who pretends to be indifferent and keeps a distance from him.

He wasn't sure whether the empress had any good feelings about him.

But since he heard Vinsmoke and Iji personally said that he wanted her, the world's number one beauty, he showed disdain, mockery, and no sarcasm, which is enough to show that the empress does not at least resist herself in her heart.

Just let it go, what should belong to him, still can't escape!

"My maid, Delia, is a person with the ability to replicate fruits. She can directly replicate Lion Fruit's abilities and can easily transport the entire Nine Snake Island to North Blue."

Sit back on the motorcycle.

Pointing to Dilia, who was happily in the distance, chatted with Granny New and others, and kept talking about something, Iji smiled and said: "If you agree, you can ask her to send Nine Snake Island to North Blue or New World’s Calm Belt, I can send someone to help you rebuild the town, or find an island with a good climate and environment!"

If Isshin wants to unify the world and the supreme power of the Master, Iji will definitely not hesitate to directly force the Empress to submit.

But in his mind, the Djerma empire might just be the road of its own strong man in the future, and the scenery along the way, which is not worth mentioning compared to the woman who can accompany him for a long time.

"If you don't agree, I will take her and leave directly. After all, there is no Nine Snake of the'world's first beauty', which is not attractive to me!"

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