One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 563 Trading stone?

Totto Land sea area.

The headquarters of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group-Cake Island.

"In other words, that bastard KING has taken refuge in Vinsmoke- Iji?"

Inside the huge cake castle, BIG-MOM stared fiercely, staring at Kata Kuri in front of him, full of anger and mania.

Unexpectedly, he did everything possible to suppress the remnants of the Beasts Pirates, and wanted to get the historical texts collected by Kaido, but the other party turned his head and went directly to Djerma.

These days, after Red Earl Lederfield retaliated against MarineG-5 fortress, he began to target the BIG-MOM Pirates!

At that time, she was still looking for Ryder outside and did not return to the headquarters.

The two even fought directly!

Charlotte- Linlin didn't expect that Lederfield was so lucky that he actually got the ability of Paramecia-Clone Fruit.

However, because the Marshal Polusalino of Naval Headquarters arrived and gained a lot of wisdom, Earl Red decisively chose to evacuate, and did not continue to fight with BIG-MOM.

Otherwise, the two sides will fight again, and it will be difficult to say what the result will be.

Even if you keep fighting in a clone with the same combat power as the body, it will directly double Ryder's physical exhaustion.

But if it really squats down.

The consequences, Kata Kuri, Cracker and others dare not to imagine.

Because, the BIG-MOM, which is equivalent to one enemy and two, is directly at a disadvantage.

847 "Yes"

"Although Smoky has not been asked, it is basically certain that the text of the stele collected by Kaido should have been dedicated to Djerma by KING!

Kata Kuri's face was serious, with a certain dignity.

Today's Germa is no better than the other Four Emperors of New World or the Red Earl Ryder.

Except for the information received by the World government that Kaido may have been transformed into an adult weapon, other forces including the Revolutionary Army believed that Kaido was really slaughtered by Vinsmoke-Iji.

Vinsmoke-Iji alone can break through the undead body of the beast Kaido and kill it, which is enough to prove that the opponent is absolutely capable of killing BIG-MOM.

Although Kata Kuri believes in her mother's strength, she has to admit it.

Vinsmoke-Iji is well-deserved as the strongest in the world, even more daunting than the original Whitebeard.

Because even Whitebeard in his peak period never killed Kaido, the beast.

Back then, the madman Kaido, the beast, went to Whitebeard's site to do damage in two days, and angered Whitebeard again and again.

Whitebeard definitely doesn't want to kill Kaido, but he can't kill it!

The text of the stele, in Vinsmoke- Iji's hands, who can grab it?

Even if he robbed him when he was not in the capital of Saint Vassan, he still had to consider whether he could deal with the anger of the Emperor Djerma afterwards.

"Huh! That girl from Smoky, the wings are growing hard now!!

The ugly face became more hideous, BIG-MOM grabbed a lot of pastries and stuffed them angrily.

No matter how arrogant she is, she doesn't feel that her BIG-MOM Pirate Group can currently directly confront Germa.

Even setting aside the strength gap between her and Vinsmoke-Iji, Kata Kuri and others could not stop the generals under Germa.

The contrast between the two sides' combat power is huge, and the gap is too great.

This is destined, unless she is ready to break her face with the other party, otherwise she will not try to grab it.

At least, Charlotte-Linlin could not make such a reckless decision before getting the whereabouts of the fourth red stone.


The phone worm on the desk rang.

Kata Kuri did not hesitate, and went straight to connect it: "Moses Moses, I am Kata Kuri.

"Brother Kata Kuri, this is Smoky, is she there?" Smoky's crisp voice came from the phone bug, which made Kata Kuli a little stunned.


Sitting on the throne with a bloated figure, BIG-MOM was a little surprised.

"Is there anything you need?"

Swallowing the pastry in his mouth, ignoring his dirty face, Charlotte: Linlin said uncomfortably to the phone bug that Kata Kuri held in his palm.

Obviously she is Charlotte-Linlin's daughter, and she has been completely abducted by that stinky boy now.

Usually, if you want to take the opportunity to inquire about some secret information about Germa, you don't want to disclose it lightly. Naturally, bhai may have a good attitude.

"The two red stones in Kaido's collection are all in Djerma!" Smoky didn't care about BIG-MOM's dissatisfaction, and said very simply.

"Do you want to show off the power of Germa to your old lady, that stinky girl with your elbow turned out?"

The scarred face twitched, the fierce eyes were bloodshot, and with a terrifying suffocation, Charlotte- Linlin was annoyed: "After being the princess of Germa for a few days, I happily forget what my last name is, don't forget you It's the kind that crawled out of my mother's belly!"

Since being disfigured by Lederfield, BIG-MOM's temperament has become more perverse and violent, and easy to get angry!

It does not necessarily mean that the face was broken just because of that face.

It is also possible that the few hideous scars on the top made Charlotte- Linlin feel a deep humiliation, unable to accept her own four Emperors, and was actually injured like this by the "loser" who came out of Impel down by Red Earl!

"Mom, please calm down. Smoky definitely didn't mean that, but Katakuri frowned. Smoky made no secret of telling the news about the Red Stone. Most of it was Vinsmoke-Iji's instruction.

I couldn't help but doubt the purpose of Smoky's special call.

"Let me talk to Smoky."

Speaking softly to BIG-MOM, Kata Kuri did not say coldly to this sister who has been in harmony with the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, but said in a deep voice: "About the Red Stone, we have already received news. After all, the guy from the wind disaster KING has already joined Djerma, and the red stone belonging to Kaido has naturally fallen into Djerma's bag.

In Lleet, Kata Kuli turned around and said bluntly: "However, I don't think you can specifically disclose this news, right?"

"Derma is very interested in the text of the black stele and wants to make a deal with her mother."

Although he didn't say anything, Smoky's attitude towards BIG-MOM was still somewhat chilling.

In order to get news about Sister Carmelite, Charlotte-Linlin did not hesitate to trade her star as a commodity to Iji.

Now that it happened, she said that she was eating inside and out.

Even if she is the other party's daughter, is she going to let her play like a puppet, without the slightest right to pursue freedom?

"If you want, you can use the rubbings of the black stone tablets collected by the BIG-MOM Pirates to exchange the rubbings of the two red stones of Germa!"

"The text of the black stele?"

Hearing that, Kata Kuri's pupils shrank sharply!

Even the angry BIG-MOM couldn't help jumping up.

They don't know what is recorded in the black stone steles, but they have heard that in addition to the blank one hundred years of history, the stone steles may also record the whereabouts of Ancient Weapon!

"impossible!!! "

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