One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 564 Going to New World? [Two more)


BIG-MOM did not hesitate to reject Germa's offer to trade the rubbings of the stele.

Because the fourth piece of the red historical text has not yet been whereabouts, even if she collects all three pieces, it will only cause more forces to covet it, and even the World government's vigorous suppression.

And Djerma is interested in the black stele. In her opinion, it is mostly about Ancient Weapon, and even Djerma is likely to have a way to interpret the text of the history.

With this possibility alone, it is even more impossible for her-accept it!

The development momentum of Djerma is so ferocious that even the World government-dare not start a war lightly.

If Vinsmoke- Iji is allowed to get Ancient Weapon, then who else on this sea can compete with Germa?

BIG-MOM has seen how exaggerated the national treasure of Celestial Dragons is.

Although I don't know the specific power, I close my eyes and know that wanting to destroy an island is just a breeze.

The three Ancient Weapons claim to be able to destroy the world, even if they are a bit exaggerated, but if they are really obtained by Germa, I am afraid that the World government will not be able to stop Vinsmoke-Iji's edge.

This is definitely not what Charlotte- Linlin wants to see!

After the destruction of the World government, should Djerma's goal be transferred to the Four Emperors and Revolutionary Army of New World?

The so-called marriage relationship is just a fragile joke in such a situation.

"Tell Vinsmoke. Iji, unless I can find the fourth red stone, he can't even think about it!"

Even if she really wants to trade, she has to wait until she gets the fourth piece of road sign text, gathers the road signs to the legendary island "Raftel" and finds out a way to interpret the historical text!


Think twice.

Hancock still agreed to transfer Hydra Island to North Blue.

But hoping to stay away from other islands and not be disturbed by people at will, I chose the sea area close to the Calm Belt.

With the strength of New Zealand's mother-in-law and others, there will be no problem with the North Blue overlord of Germa.

But knowing her own shortcomings and eager to become stronger, she wants to take the Nine Snakes and Pirates to the New World.

"It's all up to you, I won't interfere with your choice!"

Regarding the ambition of the empress, Iji would naturally not stop it.

From the beginning, he didn't mean to restrain the other party by his side.

If it's Boya: Hancock died so easily in New World, and to be honest, he doesn't deserve the title of "Empress".

On the contrary, Iji looked forward to it.

What kind of transformation will Hancock have after entering the New World?

"His Royal Highness, I have to take someone to The fish men island next time!" Di Liya's mouth narrowed, and as the light lit up, her whole person turned into a tall lion ghost.

Reluctantly, he flew back to the island of Hydra from the pirate ship of the Hydra Pirates that had just arrived not long ago.

"Lion Majesty!

"Lion Ghost" pressed his right hand on the island.

"Om rumbling--"

The whole island was shaking violently.

Many nationals of Nine Snake Island almost fell into trouble.

Di Liya, who was transformed into a "lion ghost", rose with the power of Lion Fruit.

"what "

"The island is flying."

"This is incredible!"

The members of the Pirate Group who had just rushed back from the boat were so shocked that they looked at the island of Hydra that flew into the air. They did not accompany them to North Blue.

The citizens of Nine Snake Island looked at the sea below which was getting farther and farther away, and it was no exception. They couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

"Is this the ability of Lion Fruit?"

The first time I saw the female emperor with Lion Fruit ability, I couldn't help being a little shocked and inexplicable.

An island floats in the air from in front of you. Such a visual impact is no less than that of Iji's direct use of Shock Fruit's ability to cause a tsunami.

Watching Diliya leave the island of Nine Snake Island that was scorched and scorched.

Iji did not follow.

Instead, he stayed on the boat of the Nine Snakes and Pirates with the empress.

He came out this time and planned to go to The fish men island.

And there is no need to worry about whether Di Liya will be in danger of life.

Dilya's strength may not be very strong, but with her ability, it is not easy to kill.

If you encounter an attack, you can also use various abilities that were replicated in Saint Vaasa's capital, such as the door fruit, to escape or hide to send a signal for help.

It's just that when the time comes, the safety of the citizens of Nine Snake Island is hard to say.

"Lord Iji, Lord Snake Hime

I know that Iji saved the island of Nine Snakes and wiped out a large number of Marine warships, especially his own Lord Snake Ji, who rarely rejected this "world's strongest man", the pirates of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, for this The powerful Emperor Djerma was full of gratitude and respect.

"Sister, where are we going next?"

Sandersonia asked somewhat puzzledly.

The Nine Snake Island has been taken to North Blue, so what are the Nine Snake Pirates still doing here? Is it to retaliate against Marine?

"Go to Sabaody Archipelago first, then go to The fish men island!"

Hancock has changed into a red cheongsam, and he wore a cloak with Madara patterns.

The tall figure is graceful and moving, and his body exudes a noble temperament that cannot be profaned, and his face is cold and said: "In the past, we were too comfortable, even New World has never been!

………For flowers 0……

"If our Nine Snakes and Pirates are as powerful as the Four Emperors of New World, how dare those bastards in Marine launch a Buster Call to Nine Snakes Island easily!"

"I have decided that the Nine Snakes and Pirates will officially march towards the New World from today. The concubine is a dignified'female emperor', how can it be weaker than those stinky men?"

More arrogant and more confident than before, without any pretentiousness, coupled with that beautiful and glamorous and peerless face, people can't help but be convinced!


"Master Snake Ji (sister)"

"How could you be weaker than those men, you have long wanted to go to New World!"

"We are willing to follow in your footsteps to the death and spread the name of the Nine Snakes and Pirates to New World!!!"

Including Hancock's two younger sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold, the exposed female crew members waved their weapons in excitement and shouted with enthusiasm.

Although all the Nine Snakes are women, they are a legendary fighting nation.

Innately advocating strength, in their deep-rooted concepts, only the stronger the talent, the more beautiful!

Hearing that the female emperor decided to go to New World, not only there was no fear, but the belligerent factor imprinted deep in the bones of the past has already made these female soldiers impatient and excited.

Iji next to them, looking at these brave female soldiers, calm and indifferent.

These people have been learning the dominance and arrogance of Nine Snake Island since they were young, and stand out from this fighting nation. Those who join the Nine Snake Pirates are obviously good seedlings.

It's just that with the power of the Empress, it is in the first half of the Grand Line, where most pirates don't even know Haki, and there is a layer of Shichibukai to protect it, so you don't have to worry about Marine's crusade.

It can be said that the enemies encountered in the past cannot be said to be all, but most of them are one-sided. There is no suspenseful battle. The whole regiment has not been tempered by too much blood and fire.

It even includes Hancock herself and her two younger sisters.

The potential is far from reaching the limit, and there is no opportunity to be fully stimulated.

The overly comfortable first half of the Grand Line may protect them to a certain extent, but it also limits some people who have real potential.

Maybe after entering New World.

The fighters of the Nine Snakes and Pirates may be killed or injured by most.

But only through the cruel test of blood and fire can the real strong be honed.


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