One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 565 Already doomed [three shifts]


In the calm Calm Belt.

Two huge snakes, pulling the luxurious pirate ship, slowly moved forward.

The hunting flying, with nine snakes in the shape of the sun, surrounding the skull flag, indicating that this is the first half of the Grand Line, so many businessmen and pirates in this area are afraid of the Nine Snakes and Pirates!

It is rumored that the ships looted by this pirate group will become empty and the cargo on board will be looted.

Only a stone statue in the shape of a human remains, which makes people creepy.

"Rejected? Something expected"

Iji, who was energizing with Germa, was a phone worm that mimics Reiju's expression.

"At the beginning, because of Kaido, I promised that your journey was interrupted. You go directly to The fish men island, where we can meet."

Sitting on the bow of the ship, Iji thought for a while and said directly.

"Eight Forty Seven"

At the beginning, he planned to travel all over the world while practicing. The problem of Kaido has been resolved, and naturally he will continue.

"That's great. Those girls couldn't bear it for a long time, and thought you had forgotten them." "Reiju from the phone worm said with a chuckle.

Needless to say, Iji can guess who Reiju is talking about.

Diliya, Baccarat, and Nami are all the masters who can't sit still.

"But what about the stele? You promised Robin at the beginning!" Reiju teased Iji with a bit of joking.

"The text of the stele on the BIG-MOM side is a little bit late and it's okay. In the current situation, you have to keep the woman first!"

Leaning on the big chair, his gaze swept across the corner that was hiding in groups not far away, secretly looking at the female soldiers of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, Iji was a little bit dumbfounded.

Kaido has just been solved by him, and Four Emperors is already vacant. If BIG-MOM is solved directly, the guys in the World government may be unable to restrain the pirates who want to take the opportunity to solve the New World.

Solving Charlotte-Linlin now is just to make the World government feel that it has the opportunity to make trouble for Blackbeard and the others.

"While traveling around the world, looking for the whereabouts of the historical text, this kind of journey should be good, I think Robin shouldn't be in a hurry?"

"His Royal Highness, don't care

Robin was obviously right next to Reiju, and his voice came from the phone worm: "I have been waiting for so many years, it is indeed not bad for a while!"

"However, Germa is not so easy to refuse."

Looking at the undulating sea that no longer belongs to the Calm Belt in the distance, Iji squinted his eyes and played with the taste: "Call the Red Earl and tell him that if he can grab the stele in BIG-MOM's hand, We can exchange the text of the stele directly with him!"

"You are not afraid of that guy, just destroy the BIG-MOM Pirates?" Raising the eyebrows, Reiju asked directly: "The ability of the clone fruit is really amazing, especially when the guy Ryder got it. !"

Now with the ability of the clone fruit, Ryder is not afraid of the large number of BIG-MOM Pirates.

Even if BIG-MOM personally led several Kata Kuri generals, stars, and important cadres to chase down the Red Earl, they might suffer heavy losses directly.

Because Ryder can not only separate one clone with the same strength as the main body, but also can divide as many clones as needed, even if it is not as good as the main body, but the combat power is definitely not weak.

It is equivalent to being around, there are many three plagues, general star level subordinates.

Even if it consumes more, as long as you don't want to fight directly with BIG-MOM, there is no problem.

If the calculations are done properly, it may really be possible to destroy the BIG-MOM Pirates.

"I haven't finished yet

Iji smiled and continued: "At the same time, let the earl guy not take the initiative to attack the BIG-MOM Pirates for at least two years. It is an agreement to offset once. By the way, I would warn BIG-MOM and want to take advantage of the weakness of the world government to develop with peace of mind. If you find the fourth red stone, it’s best not to provoke Ryder.”

At the beginning, he agreed to the fellow Red Earl.

In the agreement of twelve unconditional shots, the heart will be returned to the opponent by the fifth time.

After the cancellation of the conditions this time, it is equivalent to completing the agreement four times.

Although this is indeed a somewhat unreasonable request, because it is not an agreement to unconditionally give Germa a shot, Red Earl Ryder can completely refuse, but the hope of regaining his heart is imminent, and he will definitely not refuse.

At most another two years!

At that time, regardless of whether the fruit's ability is awakened or whether his own physical strength reaches the expected, Iji will have to do something to the world government!

Don't want to waste too much time.

Although for him who already has "pure gold" and a long life expectancy, ten or eight years is nothing at all.

But the mere World government is not worthy of letting him Vinsmoke- Iji waste so long

"This can be considered as giving them two years to find the whereabouts of the fourth red stone.

Earl Red still owes a lot of "debts" to Derma!

I don't make good use of this guy, but I'm sorry for the price Iji paid to restore his youth.

If it weren’t for that time, Lederfield was given the chance to perform "ultimate cure" for Man Shirley, and now the "white ghost" Joyce Jack or the "iron bone" Horn. T-Asa is one of the two. One person has returned to a young state.

Of course, Iji is not at all a disadvantage.

After all, Red Earl Lederfield, so far, has not escaped his "control", and the role played out is much greater than that of "white ghosts" or "iron bones."

Not to mention the original plan to attack the Holy Land Mariejois and destroy the Celestial Dragons national treasure, the Red Earl Lederfield, Byrnndi-World and others are indispensable.

Even if it weren't for the finale of powerful players such as Red Earl and Byrnndi-World, whether BIG-MOM and the revolutionary Long are willing to make a move is still a question.

Later, in the battle at North Blue Old Saint Vassan, although the Red Earl Ryder was similar to BIG-MOM, they all deliberately released the water, but somehow they also dragged the army's highest combat power.

"Don't worry, the guy still has

Looking at the blue sky, Iji's eyes flashed with wisdom, with a sneer: "But since it's just a chess piece, you have to follow the set steps!"

Red Earl wants to escape his control, which is normal 0.8.

No one wants his own destiny to be controlled by others, but that guy is still not sure about taking his heart back from his hand, and he doesn't dare to move rashly.

Otherwise, it may not be able to tear up the original agreement of twelve unconditional shots.

But Ryder wants to complete the five-time agreement to get his heart back, but it won't be so easy. Iji didn't intend to let the other party escape his control at all.

Not to mention, the ability of that clone fruit is too weird, it can be said that it involves space, and it really makes that guy take the heart back, and it will not be easy to kill him by then!

You only need to leave the clone hidden somewhere, and you can swap positions with the body in an instant, which is undoubtedly heaven-defying to escape.

Although Ryder got the doppelganger fruit, which was somewhat unexpected to him, it is not necessarily a bad thing, it just happens to be convenient for future "recycling".

In other words, the ending of Red Earl Ryder is already doomed!

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