One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 575 Mermaid Cafe

Mermaid is not the same as murloc.

After the female mermaid is thirty years old, the fish tail can separate and become a pair of legs retreat. The male mermaid will remain unchanged throughout his life.

Therefore, if the mermaid wants to walk on the arid ground, they must rely on the bubble circle that can directly support them in the air.

And Shyarly is no exception.

Sitting gracefully on the floating bubble circle, I came to the front of Iji and Jinbei and others, and walked in midair with the tail of the fish gently shaking.

"Your Majesty Iji!"

The generals of the Dragon Palace Kingdom led the shrimp soldiers and crabs to look for them, and first saluted Iji respectfully.

"Boss Jinbei, King Neptune would like to please!" Then he said to Jinbei politely, full of respect, and did not show any arrogance.

"August Four Seven" Jinbei was also a member of the King's Army before.

Especially the contributions made to The fish men island over the years have won the respect and support of these kings' soldiers.

"Then, Your Majesty Iji, I'll be out of company first!"

Jinbei nodded and apologized to Iji.

"It's okay, you are free... Iji shrugged.

They have almost all the sights that should be visited just now.

In a place like The fish men island, there is always a serious subordinate to follow, which is not interesting.

It’s okay if you’re not born or unfamiliar, it’s okay if you have money.

"Boss Jinbei, don't worry, if you don't mind, I can entertain these two adults on your behalf." Shyarly guessed what Neptune was doing in such a hurry to find Jinbei, and said with a smile: "After all, don't forget, I can still operate there. A mermaid cafe"

She doesn't want the future The fish men island to really split into two halves because of the Dragon Palace Kingdom and the Sun Pirates.

"That's up to you, then!"

Jinbei looked at Iji and nodded when he saw that he had no objection.

After asking Shyarly a few words, he went to the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Located in the south east of The fish men island, the prosperous port town of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the Mermaid Café operated by Shyarly is here.

"Mrs. Charley"

The mermaids and murlocs in the past greeted Shyarly enthusiastically.

In addition to running a mermaid cafe, she is also a famous fortune teller of The fish men island. She is highly respected and is called "Mrs." by most people.

Although it is impossible to predict the exact time of the event, her prediction accuracy is as high as 100%. At the age of 4, she predicted the coming of the great pirate era, and even predicted the fall of Whitebeard before the big event happened.

"Wow! So beautiful "

Shyarly's Mermaid Café is exquisite and beautiful, so Perona, who is used to seeing the bustling city, can't help but exclaim.

the most important is.

A beautiful mermaid clerk gathered around one after another, which was really eye-catching.

They had seen Shyarly looking very bad and left before, and they thought something serious had happened.

Seeing Shyarly's complexion returned to normal, and two guests with her, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Mrs. Xiali, these two won't

The mermaid with long black curly hair tied with double pony tails, and three small Madara tits on the left and right sides of her bright and white pretty face, does not affect her beauty in any way. The complexion is white and the tail is black and white with straight scales. The mermaid boldly stepped forward. Some sternly asked in a low voice.

She once saw a picture of Iji in the newspaper. Although it was black and white, she had recognized the other person.

And I also heard that the emperor of Djerma came to The fish men island and was invited by King Neptune to be a guest in the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"Ishili, and everyone, this is His Majesty Iji of the Djerma Empire and his maid Perona, you must be a good hospitality!"

She pulled her right hand, and Shyarly smiled directly.

On the way here, after a short chat, she found that the Emperor Djerma was not so difficult to serve, and did not pay attention to too many rules like the human royals and nobles in the rumors.


"He is the German

"As young and handsome as in the photo!"

The mermaids in the mermaid cafe, after you whispered to me, they became a little nervous.

This is the supreme commander of the Djerma Empire, and is called "the most ferocious demon in the world" by the World government!

If the reception is not good, in case this one is unhappy, then

"Don't be too restrictive, just treat us as ordinary guests."

Iji grinned and said.

The gentle smile makes people feel like spring breeze.


Greatly eased the tension of these beautiful mermaids.

"So gentle!!!"

"How handsome!!! "

The beautiful mermaids stared at the stars and cried with excitement.

Unexpectedly, the emperor of Germa would be so gentle, without the slightest arrogance, let alone the slightest bit of rumored ferocious appearance.

Coupled with the majestic and handsome appearance, the innate nobleness, and the kindness to others, they are simply the ideal partner in their minds.

"Your Majesty Iji, Lord Perona, please"

"Master Iji, what would you like to order? Coffee or snack?"

"Master Perona, what do you need?"

Hastily enthusiastically greeted Iji and Perona to sit down separately.

The fish men island even if the Dragon Palace Kingdom is close to the people, but still maintains a strict level of 0.8, the royal family is unattainable for ordinary mermaids.

It is undoubtedly an honor for them to entertain Iji, the emperor of the Djerma Empire.

If you can satisfy this adult, you can brag with other sisters for a lifetime.

Perona, who was served at the other table next to him, twitched his eyelids slightly. Although he was not left out by the mermaids, he still couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

"A group of little bitches..."

Biting the delicate pastry fiercely, she whispered.

But even if he had been favored, Perona was still in awe of this highness in her heart, and she did not dare to be too presumptuous in front of Iji.

In particular, Iji has strictly forbidden her to use the power of ghost fruit to tease others.

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