One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 576 Raise a few mermaids

Dragon Palace Kingdom.

When Jinbei came.

Not only King Neptune, Shark Star and others, but also Shirahoshi with red eyes and the ministers.

"Jinbei, you already know Shyarly's prediction," Neptune said with a solemn expression.

"Well, as Shyarly said, The fish men island is facing a crucial choice." Jinbei nodded and said sternly: "But please rest assured, the king, I will respect your decision."

"No, just because of this critical juncture, I need to listen to Jinbei's opinion more."

Shaking his head, the big prince Shaxing righteously spoke loudly.

Their Dragon Palace Kingdom is no more violent than humans-Kun, Jinbei's contribution to The fish men island, they can all see it.

"Jinbei, do you think Djerma can really overthrow the World government?"

Looking straight at Jinbei, Neptune asked straightforwardly without turning around.

Shyarly's prediction did not directly tell them the answer.

The World government, which has a profound heritage, has ruled the world for hundreds of years, and will not be wiped out so easily. It may still be the overlord of the future.

Even if it is Vinsmoke. Iji, the emperor of Djerma is full of self-confidence, but they still have some doubts about whether Djerma can really overthrow the World government.

The fish men island has already made a missed choice, and it can never be wrong again!

Even if there is a tendency in his heart, he still feels that he should be more cautious.

This, after all, is related to The fish men island's hundreds of years and even the longer-term future. Neptune does not want to be the sinner of The fish men island, and even less willing The fish men island to fall into the terrible purgatory in history that cannot bear to look back.


Jinbei's face was solemn and concise.

"Without him, the World government has no confidence to provoke Germa. No one in this world can kill Vinsmoke- Iji!"

"Even the World government has suppressed many times, but it can't be helped. The beast Kaido, known as the immortal body, died directly in the hands of Vinsmoke-Iji. Although the two played for eight days, it is said that it was mainly because of Vinsmoke. -Iji didn't use Devil Fruit ability at all when I started!"

"Moreover, I heard that the storm KING of Beasts Pirates and others have all returned to Djerma. Djerma is growing at a terrifying speed, even the revolutionary army can't keep up with it!"

"In addition to the Ancient Weapon'Pluton' mentioned by your Majesty earlier, I don't think the World government, which has lost most of its hole cards, can block the forward of Germa."

Jinbei's words fell like a boulder in the hearts of Neptune, Shark and others.

"My lord, you'd better decide this matter quickly. If you delay it for too long, it will definitely cause grudges and unhappiness."

"Father King, King Brother, Jinbei

The tearful Shirahoshi next to him suddenly spoke.

The dark blue eyes trembled slightly, and although the voice was small, it was full of determination: "Please let me follow that adult, I am also a member of the royal family, and I have an obligation to protect everyone!"


"your Highness!"

Neptune, the Minister of Left and Right, Shark Star, Emperor Star and others all looked at Shirahoshi in shock.

They didn't expect that Shirahoshi, who has always been a cowardly character, would be able to pluck up the courage to say such a thing.

"I know everything. When the queen mother died, the king brothers were afraid that I would lose control and summon Sea Kings to bring disaster to The fish men island.

"If it can bring light to The fish men island, then it's okay to follow the adult, not to mention sacrificing yourself!"

Indeed, Shirahoshi is just following that person, not that he is sacrificing himself.

Perhaps even, under the vigorous cultivation of that person, The fish men island can really have a peerless powerhouse, shocking the dreamers who look at The fish men island and regard them murlocs and mermaids as "goods". , Leading The fish men island to truly become prosperous and prosperous.

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye it was already approaching dusk.

Because the starting position of the Dandan Baron is far away, the women such as Reiju and Isabel have not arrived so soon.

I have to admit that the warm hospitality of the mermaids is indeed pleasing and refreshing.

Alternative exotic style.

At least, Iji does not reject, he is not a saint.

"Very good "

"I didn't expect to continue to entertain Iji-sama!!"

In the Mermaid Café, mermaid fish such as Ishili, Merlot, Xilamella, Serra, etc., their complexions are a little ruddy because of excitement, and their pretty faces are full of joy.

After all, the other party is the emperor of Germa.

Although it is clearly stated that he will not live in the Dragon Palace Kingdom, no matter how The fish men island should do the friendship of the landlord, Neptune and others naturally dare not be the slightest negligence, and arrange luxurious and exquisite villa residences for it, and Specially sent someone over to entertain.

After seeing the receptionists sent by the Dragon Palace Kingdom, Iji decisively refused these people's oxazin, and directly designated the mermaids at the Mermaid Cafe.

Because, among the personnel sent by the Dragon Palace Kingdom, not only were there many male murlocs, but even the female mermaids were not as eye-catching as the mermaids in the Mermaid Cafe.

847 is a rare visit to The fish men island, he naturally intends to take away some "memorials".


I'm really sorry for not "collecting" a few beautiful mermaids.

After all, there are a few beautiful and enthusiastic mermaid maids around, so it's not interesting.

And by itself, he has no rejection of mermaids.

Although, it is only limited to the beautiful and passionate female mermaid.

Shirahoshi is a bit too big after all.

Although it is not that there is no Devil Fruit that can make her huge body smaller, he has not yet considered whether to let her eat Devil Fruit.

Not to mention, if this crying girl follows her, she really needs a few mermaid compatriots to be around to not feel too lonely and love home.

As for these mermaids, are they willing?

For fear of being accidentally captured by humans as a slave trade, I can only live in The fish men island, and occasionally venture out on the sea to watch, but I am also worried about being afraid, let alone the mermaids who dare not set foot on the earth, and their hearts are for the human world. The beauty and prosperity of China are extremely desired.

If even Shirahoshi, the princess, followed and Jinbei himself spoke, there shouldn't be much worries about it, after all, he is not going to be a lowly slave.

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