One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 582 Shocking news [Happy New Year's Day]

Sea Circle Calendar 1520, May 3rd.

The Red Earl Ryder invaded Wanokuni and fought fiercely with the samurai group led by the shogun.

With one's own power, almost slaughtered the entire shogunate group.

In order to maintain the dignity of Wanokuni, the lords of various districts of Wanokuni abandoned their personal grievances and led their subordinates to come to support.

Countless samurai and Wanokuni soldiers fought the invaders without fear of death. After paying huge casualties, the news that the Red Earl Lederfield had to retreat finally shocked the whole world!

This news came from the World Economic News.

Morgans received this shocking news even earlier than the World government.

In addition to privately, there are already CP spy personnel installed in Wanokuni’s World government, the Djerma Empire, BIG-MOM Pirates, Redhead Pirates, Blackbeard Pirates, and even the Revolutionary Army are all bought by the guys like Morgans. For personal feelings, I told you in advance.

Far away in West Blue, a certain sea area.

The huge war house moved slowly on the sea.

A huge mermaid followed, her immature face full of exhaustion, her big sapphire eyes with crystals, but she still tried her best to chase behind.

"The general situation is like this, but according to Morgans, the Wanokuni shogunate himself was almost killed by Ryder, and his subordinates suffered heavy losses!"

On the roof of the castle, Iji was sitting leisurely on the sofa, and Isabel standing in front of him was reporting quietly.

"The guy Morgans, the eyeliner is really wide enough."

Iji couldn't help but chuckle: "However, Wanokuni's national power is stronger than imagined. Although it depends on a huge number of deaths, it can force the Red Earl who has obtained the Paramecia-Clone Fruit ability to retreat, which is really impressive. surprise..,.."

Wanokuni's background is indeed deeper than he thought.

If it weren't for the complicated domestic political structure, there are so many big names on the ruling party, basically waiting for it to be in a state of division, often attacking each other and cannibalizing each other, I am afraid it would be even more daunting.

No wonder even the World government dared to ignore it, and even Marine could not easily enter their country.

But after the trouble of the Red Earl, if Wanokuni and others' national power is greatly reduced.

Moreover, the matter is far from over.

"That guy Ryder, he should have caught sight of Kozuki Oden who had landed Raftel with Roger, right?

According to his investigation, Kozuki Oden's strength, even if it is weaker than Pluton Rayleigh and Jabba, is not much worse.

Not to mention, there is a fur clan led by Duke Inulan and Cat Viper under the devil.

"However, the guy Lederfield is definitely not a guy who will give up easily..." With Ryder's character, choosing to give up is really impossible under normal circumstances.

Although Wanokuni is strong, it is by no means so strong that even Four Emperors are afraid of it.

"I'm afraid that the ability of the clone fruit is not as powerful as imagined. There should be a time limit!" Iji narrowed his eyes and habitually pressed Yi Xili's head lightly.

In the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, there is a record of the Paramecia clone fruit.

But it's not so clear. It just introduces the ability of the clone fruit, and can distinguish clones that are almost the same as the main body.

Since it is only a clone, there is no time limit.

Totto Land sea area, cake island.

The BIG-MOM Pirate Group received the news and immediately became vigilant.

"That guy Ryder can never attack Wanokuni for no reason. He must be looking for the whereabouts of the fourth red stone..." Charlotte- Linlin couldn't sit still, the sullen face was extremely gloomy, and said madly: " No! He must not be allowed to succeed easily, the old lady must go there in person!"

She could remember that Kozuki Oden of Wanokuni was a member of Roger's ship.

If Ryder is allowed to get the fourth red stone first, it is absolutely unacceptable for BIG-MOM.

At this time, because of the agreement with Germa, Ryder could not take the initiative to find trouble with the BIG-MOM Pirates.

"Please wait a minute, mom" Kata Kuri quickly stopped BIG-MOM: "It is possible to temporarily force Lederfield with the Paramecia-clone fruit, Wanokuni's national strength is indeed not to be underestimated, and it is not suitable for conflict with them at the moment. "

"We can try to negotiate with them and see if we can get information about the fourth red stone or Raftel from Kozuki Oden."

*. ``I really can't use force anymore!'

Kata Kuri really does not want to violently conflict with a country like Wanokuni at this time.

Although the Red Earl Ryder has a clone fruit, it is only the ability of the fruit after all, not only the self-sufficiency is doubled, but there may also be any restrictions.

Their BIG-MOM Pirates are so many and powerful. They are indeed no better than the Red Earl Ryder. They are not afraid of Wanokuni, but the most important thing at the moment is to recuperate and develop, and step up time to conquer those who have long been free from the cracks of the major forces in New World. And those pirates who are constantly pouring into New World grow stronger instead of consuming Wanokuni.

You know, compared to the Germa that the BIG-MOM Pirates once could overlook, they are now too far behind.

Because Wanokuni is a stubborn and extremely exclusive country like Wanokuni, which cannot be subdued at all.

And the Red Earl Ryder has no roots and no Ping, but their BIG-MOM Pirates are different.

Once the war begins, if we can't eliminate the roots and leave behind any troubles, the future will be very troublesome.

"I believe that the shogunate on Wanokuni's side is also suffering from the invasion of the Red Earl Ryder, and I absolutely don't want to be an enemy of us at this time."

"This matter is left to you, but the old lady must go there in person

Charlotte-Linlin knows Ryder's strength very well.

Although I don't know the specific strength of Wanokuni, I can also guess the general idea.

"Wanokuni's power can never stop Ryder for long!"


[In the new year, I wish you all the best and all the best!!! 0(n_n)0 Happy New Year's Day!!!].

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