One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 583 Shirahoshi's Persistence [Various Requests]

Isabel came to the starboard side of the war house.

Looking at the waist tied by a rope to prevent the lack of physical strength from sinking to the bottom of the sea and falling behind, he is struggling to keep moving forward in the sea and insists on exercising his physical fitness. The giant mermaid Shirahoshi does not let himself fall behind.

Although the immature and pretty face was full of exhaustion and the tears were hazy, he still clenched his teeth.

"Shirahoshi, you have worked very hard today, come up and take a rest!" Isabel said with a smile.

Shirahoshi was kept in a place like a hard shell tower for too long. From this morning to the present, even if the mermaid swims very well in the sea, her physical fitness is beyond support.

"Yes, Lord Isabel, but I can still hold on!'

863 Shirahoshi's voice is weak, but that tired face is full of stubbornness and persistence.

Because Iji-sama once told her that if she has the determination to become stronger, she must not give up easily unless she is too tired to move.

She made up her mind to leave The fish men island with Djerma, she was carrying the future of The fish men island and the hope of countless compatriots, not just to come out and see the world, to travel in the mountains and water!

The belief and desire to become stronger have taken root in her heart.

Although it is far from being so strong at present, it will be able to grow and transform one day.

"Well, if you can't hold it anymore, you have to scream!"

Isabel smiled and nodded, but did not stop.

She has to practice hard herself, it is impossible to watch Shirahoshi all the time.

Moreover, the mermaid princess with a weak personality, with such determination, undoubtedly made her appreciate more.

Their Royal Highness is not a good man.

When the time comes for real training, even if Shirahoshi is not trained to death, there will be no mercy and release of water.

Because as far as Iji himself is concerned, Shirahoshi, who can only control the Sea Kings and is useless himself, is far from enough to make him pay attention to it, so he can do more and work hard to cultivate.

If only to control Poseidon, for the situation and future of The fish men island (bhai), Shirahoshi himself would not be able to defy Germa's orders.

Wouldn't it be easier to directly guide him to control the power of Poseidon?


The sun is shining brightly.

Iji came to the lobby on the first floor.

"You guy" Reiju sitting there gracefully shook his head helplessly.

So angry and funny, I don't know what to say to this younger brother.

And Smoky was a little bit strange.

Because she used to be a long-legged clan, and the Charlotte family's brothers and sisters also have many snakeheads, three-eyed tribes and other races.Even sister Praline is also a mermaid. These mermaids do not mean that there are no barriers and grievances at all.

"That's an unlovable brother. In front of my sister, can you converge a little bit?" Reiju has become accustomed to Iji's undaunted attitude in front of him.

But he still swept the ring on his jade hand subconsciously.

As the royal family of Djerma, Reiju knew a little about the chaotic and complicated relationships in the aristocratic circle, even a lot.


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