One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 587 Redhead's determination [Various requests]

Pirates on board.

The atmosphere tends to be tense, and the murderous atmosphere is strong.

The ordinary crew members of Red Hair Pirates did not dare to take a breath.

Ben-Beckman, Rakiro and others vigilantly ordered the clone of Red Earl Ryder to prevent him from suddenly killing the killer and killing the Kinemon who was caught in his hands. It's just that if Ryder really has such a mind, it is impossible at all Someone can stop it.

"It's crackling and the red-haired Shanks has a cold face and an unstoppable anger. The dark red lightning is intertwined all around him, but after all, he didn't make a move immediately.

Jinweimen had fallen into the hands of the Red Earl clone, and he had no intention of resisting at all, which made him very helpless.

"Damn it!" Red Earl Ryder looked a little ugly after checking Kinemon's memory.

Because, from the memory of the other party, he found that these retainers of the Kozuki family really didn't know the news about the fourth red stone and the legendary island Raftel.

Mostly Kozuki Oden chose to carry these heavy secrets alone in order to protect these guys.

"Useless waste!

Red Earl's clone face was pale.

Five fingers clasped Jinweimen's head tightly, and the blue veins burst out.

"Ryder, don't mess around." Red-haired Shanks's complexion changed slightly.

Ryder didn't kill Kinemon Gate, but just threw it away fiercely and smashed it into the huge mast.

Duke Inuran moved fast and hurriedly caught Jinweimen.

There was nothing wrong with Jinweimen, Shanks, Beckman and others felt a little relieved.

"Your Excellency, I believe you no longer have any doubts now," Jin Wei's face turned pale, and he calmed down and said in a deep voice.

He had really felt Red Earl's killing intent before.

"The guy Kozuki Oden, he did put the old man together."

"However, they don't know about these wastes." Red Earl Ryder didn't look at Jinweimen, Cat Viper and others anymore, and their identical clones, they all looked directly at the red-haired Shanks, and said coldly: "I believe it. You, the guy who stayed on Roger's ship, and might have inherited his legacy, may not really be ignorant. "

He wondered whether the fourth red stone was in the hands of Shanks the redhead.

Or the other party knows its whereabouts.

After all, the redhead Shanks is a member of the Roger Pirates.

And according to the redhead Shanks just said, he clearly knows what it looks like.

Due to the agreement with Germa, he could not directly trouble BIG-MOM. He could only find the fourth red stone first to force BIG-MOM to take the initiative to trouble him.

At that time, he will take the opportunity to completely solve the crazy woman who hates him, and by the way, take the red stone in his hand to trade with Vinsmoke-Iji, and collect four rubbings of the red historical text.

If he guessed correctly, someone in Djerma might be able to interpret the ancient text on the historical text, otherwise they would not want the black stele text in the hands of BIG-MOM.

But thinking about those is still too far away, wait until the fourth red stone is obtained, and then make plans.

"The person Captain Roger is waiting for is definitely not you, Ryder!" The red-haired Shanks looked solemn, his eyes sharpened.

He knew that Ryder had already begun to transfer the target to him, a former crew member of the Roger Pirates.

This battle is inevitable!

"The old man doesn't need him to wait!" Ryder sneered.

Who is Roger waiting for, what is planning, and what to do with him?

He competed for the goal of One Piece, just to prove that he was never weaker than Gore D-Roger!

"Find a place to fight, if you win, I will tell you the news about the fourth red stone."

Taking a deep breath, the red hair with a cold complexion looked directly at Ryder in front of him: "If you lose, don't blame me for being unsympathetic, because your existence is too dangerous!"

For the first time, the red-haired Shanks gave birth to such a strong killing intent.

He must not allow Ryder to live any longer!

Because, if the other party can't get news from him, sooner or later they will find "Pluton" Rayleigh, Copper-Jabba and the rest of the Roger Pirates who are absolutely aware.

With Ryder who not only maintains his peak combat power, but also obtains the fruits of his clone, the elderly and frail "Pluton" Rayleigh and others will definitely not be his opponents!

He can't let this guy threaten him, it can be said that it is his teacher, the elders Rayleigh, Jabba and others.

"Not bad, the old man wants to see how far you, the kid on Roger's boat, has grown.

Ryder laughed without anger.

The clone turned into a rain of light and disappeared in mid-air.

And he himself landed directly on the bow, saying: ". "Go on the ship, you choose the location, don't let the BIG-MOM woman and Marine disrupt the game!"

He is so lonely and red, will he still be afraid of the challenges of the mere juniors?

What a joke!

One Piece Gore-D-Roger, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, they lost to birth, old age, sickness and death. He didn't have Barloric and Lederfield!


Beckman, Rakilu, Yasopp and others couldn't help changing their colors.

One-on-one, Red Earl Ryder is more dangerous than the woman of BIG-MOM.

After all, in the last era, without the help of any Devil Fruit's abilities, it was a monster that went hand-in-hand with the Whitebeard Pirates, Roger Pirates, and Golden Lion Pirates.

Not to mention, now they have the ability to dominate the fruit.

"Redhead Lord"

The Kozuki family's vassals such as Foxfire Nishiki Emon, Kanjuro, Inu (the king of money) Arashi, and other Kozuki family members looked at each other even more. They didn't expect the Red Earl Ryder to turn the target to the red-haired Shanks.

"Needless to say, I'm determined!" Shaking his hands, Shanks, the red-haired red-haired Shanks who looked more serious than ever, said in a deep voice.

Of course he knew that Earl Red was very strong.

Especially the opponent also got the ability of Paramecia-Clone Fruit, which can separate clones with the same combat power as the main body.

It is undeniable that the current Red Earl is very dangerous.

But just because the opponent is too dangerous, he can't let this guy disturb Pluton Rayleigh and Copper-Jabba.

The redhead Shanks doesn't think he will lose to the other side either!

Who can become a monster of Four Emperors, who thinks he is inferior to others?

What's wrong with the lonely red rain?

It's just the loser of the times.

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