One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 588 Redhead vs Red Earl

New World.

Weihaike waters.

The climate in this sea area is harsh, with serpentine vortices and soaring ocean currents visible twice in three days.

There are few pirates and merchant ships willing to pass here during the day, they would rather take a long way.

There is a deserted island in this sea area.

In order to avoid being disturbed by other forces such as BIG-MOM or Marine, the red-haired Shanks chose to live and die against Red Earl Ryder on this island!

Reid, the Foss stopped on the distant sea.

Beckman, the deputy captain, took a sip of cigarettes, with unconcealed concerns in his eyes.


Holding a large piece of meat in his hand, Lakilu also lost the mood to eat.

Yasopp and other cadres are similar, holding on to the guardrail, with deep concerns hanging on their faces.

This is different from the usual battles between Red Hair Pirates and other Four Emperors in New World. The red-haired Shanks are fighting with the determination to either die or kill Ryder.

With the arrogance of two people, there is only one person who can leave this island!

If he didn't lose his left arm, he would have confidence in his boss, but...


It was scorched on a deserted island.

Holding a sharp Western sword, the red-haired stared directly at the Red Earl Ryder in front of him with a cool look, and the dark red 863 electric light couldn't help shining.

"Come on, let the old man see how far the little devil on Roger's boat has grown, dare to threaten to kill the old man!"

Earl Red held the bat umbrella flat, with disdain in his tone.

Being able to rank among the Four Emperors for so long without being pulled off the horse, the red hair is undoubtedly very strong, and he has also played against it before.

But if he can't solve the red-haired Shanks who has lost his arm, he will simply retreat.

"I think you will be surprised!"

The red hair continued to rise, and his expression was extremely serious and solemn.

"call out--"

Without talking nonsense, the Western sword suddenly slashed through the atmosphere, splitting out a fierce training, and blasting towards the Red Earl Ryder.


The bloody slash was not weak at all, and it blasted with that fierce match.

The dazzling collision made people unable to open their eyes.

The powerful air wave continued to raging on impact.

"Om rumbling--"

The entire sky seems to be torn in half.

The black and crushing clouds couldn't help but collide against each other, squeezing each other, (bhai) no one would give way to each other, unspeakable shock.

It seemed like a horn sounded.

Two figures rushed out in an instant.


The sharp western sword collided with the pitch-black bat umbrella.

The Red Earl Ryder didn't hesitate, and kicked out with the right leg covering Haki, and kicked hard towards the red-haired knee.

I don't know if I disdain to bully the disabled redhead Shanks, or for other reasons, I don't have the ability to directly use Devil Fruit!


At the same time that the red hair retreated, the sharp western sword drill violently pierced the red earl's throat.

The flaming straight slash, tearing the atmosphere and bursting out, was extremely dangerous.

The pitch-black bat umbrella swept out directly.

"call out--"

The bloody slash blasted away the straight slash, and blasted the red-haired Shanks unabated.

In this level of monster fighting, when the strength is not directly crushed, you can either exchange injury for injury or injury for life, and exchange the least cost for the greatest result.

Otherwise, even ten days and ten nights may not be able to tell the winner.



The horrible red lightning intertwined and became completely violent, carrying a terrible impact, and suddenly blasted the Red Earl Ryder, who covered Haki.

The dilapidated earth seemed to have been ploughed over again, forming an exaggerated huge pit, which was shocking.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The dark red field was shrouded, and the sky was full of dust rolling countless rubbles, forming a violent super storm, and they smashed towards the Red Earl Ryder.


The sharp sword light tore the earth apart!

The red-haired complexion was cold, his own powerful Observation Haki locked the Earl Red's figure, and he continued to cleave terrifying sword auras, without any mercy at all.


"Is this the strength of the Four Emperors?"

The scene like the end of the world, the incomparable, breathless sense of oppression, made the Duke Inuarashi, Jinweimen and others on the pirate ship stunned.

"Huh, is it comparable to Devil Fruit's Conqueror's Haki? Compared to Roger, you are still a little different. Red Earl Ryder's face is indifferent, and the bat umbrella swings three hundred and sixty degrees!

The terrible darkness Uzumaki tore through the atmosphere and blasted through the black storm.


In the next instant, blood suddenly appeared.

The red figure rushed to the front of the red hair in an instant, and the bat umbrella violently stabbed out.


The blade that entangled Haki, blocking the sharp bat umbrella.

Even though it was covering Haki, the pitch-black sword body was still bent by the terrible force.

In terms of strength, Red Earl Ryder is undoubtedly better.


The dark red lightning danced wildly, and the formed field couldn't help being crushed and raging, and the Red Earl Lederfield was directly shaken out.

The next moment, oncoming.

It's the violent offensive of Shanks, the redhead.

"Shoo." The fiery sword lights intertwined into a huge and dense sword net, covering the Red Earl Ryder.

As his pupils shrank sharply, even Ryder couldn't help but change his color.

The speed of Hong's development is as fast as lightning, no worse than him.

"Boom boom"

The terrifying slash can not help but impact and collide.

The atmosphere is like rags, twisted and torn, making the scalp numb.

On the devastated ground, huge and exaggerated cracks and cuts continued to appear and spread.

Two identical Red Earls swung their bat umbrellas together, and brazenly tore the terrifying sword net.

"I have to admit, you are indeed the old man Xiaoyan."

Under the violent offensive of the red-haired Shanks regardless of the consumption, the Red Earl Ryder, who had been somewhat despised of the other party, was finally forced to use the ability of the clone fruit.

"But if it's just that, the old man's life is still far away!" The two Ryders rushed to the sides of the red hair like ghosts, forming a pincer attack.

The sound of breaking through the air continued to scream.

The sharp bat umbrella pierced through the atmosphere without mercy, turning into black afterimages after another, violently stabbing the red-haired body.

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