One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 590 The miscalculated Beckman

The vast sea.

A black pirate battleship moved slowly.

The flag with eight thigh bones and three skulls is awe-inspiring and inexplicable.

Those familiar with it all know that this is the flagship of the Blackbeard Pirates-Revenge.

No one knows why, Blackbeard named its flagship like this.

But over the years, all Marine and World government personnel who fell into their hands, regardless of whether they were willing to take refuge, without exception, have not ended well.

"Weihaha, Captain, when we arrive, the red-haired guy won't be killed by Earl Red?"

"Whether he is killed or not, he is dead!"

In a black sheriff's uniform, Shiryu Ame was wiping Muramaru next to him, dangling a cigar indifferently.

For so long, he has continuously mobilized his forces, and even asked the intelligence bureau of the "Eight Six Three" horse empire to try to find news of the supreme sword.

But I couldn't find it after all.

I can only continue to use the demon sword Muramaru Amamaru, which is no less than the big knives, and the famous knife, one of the big knives, which Iji gave him.

I have gradually become accustomed to using dual knife flow.

"Heh, I have already contacted Kata Kuri, they can't escape this disaster!"

Dressed in a black cloak, Lafitte, who was a bit more fierce than before, turned his cane, smiled and said, "No matter whether BIG-MOM will fight Red Earl by then, it is impossible to make those guys easily. escape"

Compared to the evil kings and Xuanyue hunters, the status of the Blackbeard Pirates is not low, and in fact, he is not qualified to join the core cadres. He is one of the insiders.

Seeing that the red hair fell into a disadvantage in the duel with Red Earl Ryder, and because of the pride of the captain himself, it was absolutely impossible to allow them, the crew to intervene.

Beckman's original intention was to venture through Morgans to attract BIG-MOM in the past.

Originally, the deterrent power of Red Hair Pirates was indeed sufficient to deter Morgans, and only notified BIG-MOM without divulging the news to other forces.

And because of the grievances between Charlotte-Linlin and Red Earl Ryder, most of them will fight directly, and then their Red Hair Pirates will take the opportunity to get rid of this embarrassing situation.

But he couldn't predict it, and Germa sent a "bodyguard" to Morgans.

How could the Blackbeard Pirates easily let go of this opportunity to eliminate the other Four Emperors?

Left and right, the World government is eager to recuperate, and it doesn't have the courage to expedition to New World, and it has the support of the Djerma Empire.

Let's get rid of the potential threats first.

And on the other side.

Close to the sea area of ​​Weihaike.

Several pirate ships flying the flag of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group are constantly approaching here.

"Are you almost there?"

Kata Kuri held the phone worm and said lightly: "Don't worry about it, I'm all ready here!"

If you want to destroy the Red Hair Pirates, it is possible to cooperate with the Blackbeard Pirates. Otherwise, if the snakes do not die, then it will be a lot of trouble.

Especially the red-haired Shanks’s character, if you let him escape, I’m afraid it will be more troublesome in the future.

"Master Kata Kuri, mother is already on the way over." Seeing Kata Kuri hung up the call, Baron Dandan stepped forward to report.

"That's good. If you can get rid of Red Hair Pirates this time, and then take advantage of the opportunity to swallow the forces and territories under it, I believe that our BIG-MOM Pirates will soon be able to directly enter West Blue."

It is not only BIG-MOM himself, but Kata Kuri and other officials are looking forward to it.

At the time, Germa, who was far inferior to theirs, was able to rule the huge North Blue. How could their Charlotte family be willing to lag behind?

Even the pirate captains under Red Hair Pirates may not be willing to surrender, but I believe that if the red hair dies, diehards are only a minority.

Their BIG-MOM Pirate Group will inevitably continue to grow like a snowball.

Weihaike waters.

On the dilapidated desert island.



"Crack, pop!"

Red lightning shrouded a large area of ​​the battlefield, constantly impacting and raging.

The two figures were fighting frantically, and neither of them gave way to each other.

There is no fancy, simple, pure speed, power and other aspects of the collision.

Redhead Shanks and Red Earl Lederfield, the two have fought deadly for three days and three nights.

Red earl’s clone is restricted, basically being touched by the red-haired Shanks

It can only exist for about half a day, and it will disappear as soon as the time limit expires, and then it will take a long time to be able to change into a clone again.

However, even so, he is still at a disadvantage.

His body was covered with shocking blood.

Compared with him, Red Earl Ryder is much better.

"Boom boom"

The terrifying field formed by the intertwined red lightning shook the Red Earl Ryder and his clone.

The sharp Western long swords circled the mighty Haki and slashed towards the Red Earl Ryder.

The atmosphere was directly cut through, the blazing sword and Qi were dazzling, but they were directly blocked by the Red Earl.

At the moment when the red-haired Shanks used his moves, Ryder's clone decisively waved the pitch-black bat umbrella and stabbed out.


Jian Feng dangerously blocked Ryder's clone.

But the next moment.


Because with one enemy and two, Conqueror's Haki was used at any cost, and the huge red-haired Shanks avoided it, and was directly hit by the fierce kick of the Red Earl's body in the abdomen.

"Wow "

With a twisted face, he couldn't help vomiting blood and flew out.

"Woolen cloth

The ground roared.

The sky is full of dust and rocks.

The red-haired Shanks was embedded in it, embarrassed.

"Red-haired kid, don't do unnecessary struggles. 0.8, you are not the opponent of the old man."

Looks a bit embarrassed, but Ryder, who is in much better shape than red hair, holds a bat umbrella, points to Shanks from afar, and speaks proudly: "Now give up and tell me the news of the fourth red stone, maybe old man I can spare your life!"

"Ahem, don't be delusional, Ryder!"

Redhead Shanks coughed up blood and rushed out of the ruins.


"Bing Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu"

He was covered in blood, and the red lightning all over his body became more and more violent.

The terrible storm seemed to run through the sky, rolled up huge sand and stone, and turned into a black tornado, making people unable to open their eyes!

Located in the center of the eye of the wind, with an unparalleled aura of danger, it is inexplicable: "Moreover, the battle between you and me is far from over!"

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