One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 591 Meteor Volcano【Various requests】


"Moon, rumbling."

Overwhelming the sky, red lightning could not help but bombard the earth, rolling up a terrible storm, and flooding the entire battlefield.

The entire battlefield was filled with dust and raging winds, making it hard to see.


The sea is turbulent.

Waves of monstrous and exaggerated waves swept in all directions one after another.

"Bang!!!", "Keng!!!"

The terrifying slashes constantly collided and crushed the earth.

Loud noises shook the sky, and the sky seemed to crack apart from the island.

The unparalleled collision still continues, and it is more intense and cruel than before.

The red-haired Shanks has already begun to desperately, and even made up his mind that even if he is dead, he must keep the dangerous fellow Red Earl Ryder!

The whole island roared endlessly, echoing in this sea area.

The apocalyptic scene is shocking and inexplicable.


"Redhead Lord"

On the boiling sea, the Red Forth shook violently.

A crew member desperately grasped the guardrail, gun barrel, etc., but was almost thrown out.

Seventeen people including Beckman, Raki-ro, Kinemon Gate, Momosuke, firmly grasped the fence of the ship's side, and looked at the increasingly fierce battlefield with worry.

Everyone could see before that the red hair was downwind.

"Oops, it's the BIG-MOM Pirate Group." Yasopp, who was in charge of guarding the sea, couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically.


Except for Beckman.

The other people couldn't help but change their expressions.

On the sea on the right, several pirate boats are getting bigger and bigger, and you can gradually see the general appearance.

The general stars such as Kata Kuri and Cracker, as well as the main cadres of the BIG-MOM pirate group such as Owen and Daifuku, are impressively on it.

However, misfortunes never come singly!

At this moment, in the sea on the left.

A black pirate battleship approached slowly, as if swallowing a beast, making people palpitate.

"That is "

"Damn it, Blackbeard Pirates?"

"Why do they

Beckman, Laki-Lu, Yasopp and others, their faces changed wildly.

Including Beckman himself, no one thought that Blackbeard would show up here.

Because, his original intention was to use BIG-MOM to interfere with the decisive battle between Red Hair and Red Earl Ryder, and break the predicament that their crews cannot intervene.

A team, if the captain does not have absolute prestige, then sooner or later it will fall apart.

Beckman deeply knows the pride and persistence of Shanks, the redhead. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Roger to entrust him. Not only was he willing to give an arm to lead the straw hat Luffy on the "right path", but he was still waiting.

Even if he died in battle, he would never allow his crew to intervene in his life-and-death battle with Earl Red.

But he will not take the initiative to intervene in the decisive battle between Shanks and Lederfield. If BIG-MOM took the initiative to join in and disrupt the duel between the two, the situation would be completely different.

"Deputy Captain, you"

The man wearing a headscarf with the pirate logo, with long yellow hair, white gloves, and a neatly dressed cadre Hans, subconsciously looked at Beckman next to him.

His eyes were a little surprised and suspicious.

Hans, the third leader of Red Hair Pirates, is only below the red-haired Shanks and Beckman!

He knew that the BIG-MOM Pirate Group and the Blackbeard Pirate Group knew the news that they were here, and it must be because of the call that Beckman made that day.

With a sudden change of mind, Beckman quickly analyzed the situation.

"Morgans, you bastard!" Beckman's expression turned gloomy, and he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

He didn't expect that Morgans, who had always had their own roots and were sleek in the world, would dare to put them together with Red Hair Pirates.

"It's troublesome now. Of course Hans doesn't believe that the deputy captain who has been together for so many years will betray Red Hair Pirates.

The only possibility is that the think tank of Red Hair Pirates, there is a paper leak in his plan.

"Lean to the island, you must let the boss retreat immediately!" Beckman's face was serious, with an extremely solemn expression.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that the visitor is not kind.

Especially, the Kozuki clan are still on their Red Hair Pirates boat.


Those crew members hurriedly responded.

The pirate ship quickly lowered its sails, and could not resist the huge waves coming, leaning towards the island that was in fierce confrontation.


Just at this time.

"careful "

Yasopp's complexion changed suddenly, and he just wanted to remind.

An ordinary crew member who had just put down his sail was directly shot through the center of his eyebrows by a sudden bullet.


The pirates who couldn't believe it, with wide-eyed eyes, fell straight down.

Without warning, it makes people frightened.


Beckman's face became cold, and he hurriedly reminded the other crew members: "Everyone, be careful!"

In the Blackbeard Pirates, there is an excellent sniper named "Otogoshi" Van Oka. They have already obtained information.

"give it to me!"

"boom, "

Yasopp's face was uncertain.

With its own not weak Observation Haki, the gun is not disconnected, showing a super high rate of fire.

Ordinary crew members can't even see any movement with the naked eye, only hear bursts of noise in the air.

But one after another, the 863 bullets that entangled Haki were constantly colliding in the air, which made people feel a little frightened.

Because of Reid, the Foss was heading against the wind and waves.

The Vengeance far away, under the control of Shiryu's air pressure fruit ability, was faster than the Reid-Forss.


The temperature on the Vengeance rose sharply.

"Howl Blackbeard Jenny turned red, billowing smoke and hot lava, and even transformed into a half-orc. His size was a bit exaggerated and looked terrifying.

With the extremely hot breath, Lafitte, Shiryu of the Rain and others subconsciously moved away from Blackbeard.

"Meteor Volcano!

Relying on the ability of the ancient species, the form of the great ape, the increased horror power in the half-orc state.

One after another, the fiery red magma fist was blasted into the sky in front by Andre-Jenison.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo

The sound of breaking through the air screamed, echoing in the sea.

"This is "

"Admiral Akainu's Meteor Volcano!

"The bastard Blackbeard, this is to directly hit Reid and Foss."

Beckman, Hans, Yasopp and others couldn't help but their faces changed wildly, and they lost their voices in anger.

The hot red volcanic bomb dropped from the sky like a parabola, and hit the surface of the sea at least a few miles away without mercy. It was Reid. The area where the Foss is located.

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