One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 592 It's over, red hair [Various requests]


"Hiss, hiss

The entire sky was dyed red, and at the same time thick smoke billowed.

A huge scarlet volcanic bomb, carrying a terrifying impact, blasted down from high in the sky one after another.

The sea kept boiling, and a lot of steam kept rising, filling the turbulent sea.


The sword's edge is out of its sheath like lightning!

A cadre decisively swung a sharp slash, smashing the volcano bomb that fell straight toward the barrel of the gun.

However, a large amount of magma liquid sputtered down.


The terrible sword pressure swept the magma liquid away.

"Be careful, this is magma, even if it splashes on the boat, it will catch fire!" Hans looked serious and shouted to the others.

But the voice did not fall.

Several huge volcano bombs suddenly crashed down.

Bow, mast, sail, stern

All are within the range of the volcanic bomb.

"Let's help too!"

Jinweimen, Duke Inuran, Cat Viper and others decisively rushed to various parts of the Pirate Ship.


The musket that wrapped Haki was used as a club by Beckman, and he slammed a huge volcano round out.

A scorching breath rushed to his face.

The "hissing" huge volcanic bomb fell into the sea, hot bubbles were blowing on the sea, and a large amount of water vapor could not help but spring up.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The cadres of Red Hair Pirates, as well as Kinemon, Duke Inuarashi and others took action.

A series of flying slashes or strong wind pressure continuously blasted the falling magma bombs out.

The entire Red Hair Pirates was in a hurry and looked embarrassed.

Fortunately, there are enough strong men on the ship, otherwise it would be impossible to keep Reid and Foss.

"Bang, bang,"

The duel between Van Oka and Yasopp did not stop.

The bullets that entangled Haki and fired at the Red Hair Pirates crew were all intercepted by Yasopp's amazing marksmanship.

However, Beckman's heart sank more and more.

Not only the Revenge of the Blackbeard Pirates, but also several warships led by Kata Kuri kept pressing closer.

In the distant sky, a fuzzy figure appeared, growing bigger and bigger.

Surprisingly, it was Charlotte- Linlin, who was carrying a bloated body and holding a huge sword, from Thunder Cloud Zeus, rushing towards this side.

"It's mother,"!"

On the several battleships of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, Cracker and others screamed.

But Charlotte-Linlin ignored them, and rushed directly to Reid and Firth with red eyes.

"Hey, I'm going to destroy their ship!" Seeing Blackbeard stopped Meteor Volcano's offensive, Yuzhi Shiryu sneered and flew instantly.

"That woman is here, so it's better to be careful."

The sword came out of its sheath, and Lafitte's wings appeared behind him, smiling and chasing after him.

The speed of BIG-MOM was much better than that of Shiryu of Rain, and the two rushed to the left and right of the Red Firth almost the same.

"Hand over the guys from the Kozuki clan to the old lady!'

Stepping on the thundercloud Zeus, BIG-MOM ignored Shiryu of Rain, and directly stared at Beckman, Duke Inuran and others fiercely.

"Don't think about it!"

Red Hair Pirates up and down.

Even though he was anxious, he still gritted his teeth and shouted.

Without the redhead Shanks, the captain's nod, how could they hand over Momosuke and others.

"Bang, bang, the bullet that entangled Haki hit BIG-MOM's body, but it didn't leave any scars, and it flew out.

The tough skin is incredible.

"No wonder it's called a steel balloon." Lafitte, who flew to Yuzhi Shiryu's side, couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and at the same time was a little wary of BIG-MOM.

Even if it reached an agreement to jointly kill Red Hair Pirates.

But it doesn't mean that they are not enemies anymore. With the character of BIG-MOM, even if you turn your face on them in the next moment, it is not impossible.

"It's a tough guy."

Beckman looked ugly.

On the island not far away, the two fiercely confronting people noticed the situation on the sea.

"BIG-MOM, you bastard!!!

Covered in blood, red electric glow looming, Shanks with red hair like a demon screamed at the sea in anger.

The whole person was panting heavily, and the sweat on his body was mixed with Bloodline, unable to distinguish.

The cost of fighting in three days is undoubtedly huge.

But he still didn't hesitate to abandon the Red Earl decisively and ran toward the sea.

Just relying on Beckman and others, it is impossible to stop BIG-MOM for long.

"Did the old man let you go?"

Somewhat panting, Ryder, who also had a lot of bloody wounds on his body, had naturally noticed BIG-MOM, and even wanted to slaughter the obese woman, but due to the agreement with Germa, he couldn't do it.

Moreover, his battle with the red hair is equally costly.

At this level, he believes that the red-haired Shanks will definitely not last long, let alone the appearance of Charlotte-Linlin, giving up the idea of ​​getting the fourth red stone news from the red-haired body.


The bloody slash almost cut the red-haired Shanks in the middle.

On the ground in front of him, there were huge scars that were shocking, and people couldn't help but sweat.


The red hair carrying the Western sword, and his face pale, glared at Count Hong.

The powerful and incomparable Conqueror's fields are intertwined, and the violent red lightning crackles and floods the entire battlefield. Regardless of the consumption, Ryder and his clone are all shaken out.

"It's useless, you can't go!

Because of time constraints, the clone turned into a rain of light.

But Uncle Hong (good money king) Jacques Ryder himself rushed up at an astonishing speed, chasing the red-haired Shanks in front of him.

"Clang!!!", "Clang!!!"

The fiery sword aura and the bloody slash couldn't help but collide.

From the center of the island, the two figures hit the shore alive.


Shanks was extremely exhausted and had severely insufficient physical strength. Shanks, who was not slightly injured, was entangled with the tip of Haki's umbrella and pierced his left shoulder because of the carelessness.

Blood splattered.

But Ryder won't stop easily.

The right leg swept out like an axe, and hit the red-haired waist heavily!

"Ryder" the red hair gritted his teeth and roared, vomiting blood, shooting out like a cannonball.

The whole person smashed the ground and collapsed, and there was a rain of cracks like spider webs.

"It's over, red hair!" The crimson figure rushed like a ghost, and the pitch-black bat umbrella stabbed past without hesitation.

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