One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 593 I don't weigh how many catties I have


Sparks are flying everywhere.

The edge of the sword that wrapped Haki dangerously blocked the earl's thrust.

That sharp Western sword, far better than most famous knives, was actually bent under the impact of that terrible force.

"Cough cough"

The red hair coughed up blood, and his face was full of blood.

Gritting his teeth and holding on hard.

At this moment, he was clothed and covered with bloody wounds, some of which were already scabs.

Where is that majestic appearance during the day.

"A futile and meaningless struggle, Earl Red said indifferently.

The moment the voice fell.

The pitch-black bat umbrella turned into countless afterimages, enshrouding the embarrassed red-haired Shanks covered in blood.

The center of the eyebrows, eyes, throat, and heart are inseparable from the vital points. It seems that they are not afraid to kill the red-haired Shanks directly.


Red lightning appeared violently.

"Go away!"

Panting heavily, the red-haired Shanks has red eyes and bloodshot eyes.

He knows that he must not fall, otherwise Beckman and the others will never escape.

And not sure when, in order to get news of the fourth red stone or Raftel, these guys will have retired Pluton Rayleigh, Spark Jabba and others.

"Boom~~~ Rumble~~~" blasted the earth wildly, the field even distorted the atmosphere, and the terrible force shook the Red Earl Ryder away.

A monster is a monster.

Even if he is seriously injured, his physical strength will be lost, but he can still exert a daunting force.

If you are dying and counterattack, it is enough to make people fearful.


The whole person rushed to the coast at an astonishing speed.

Like Earl Hong, he rushed over with the atmosphere.

Moonwalk, to their level, if they want to steal lessons from Marine, it's not that difficult at all.

After all, who can reach the monster level, who is not the talented Penultimate generation?

And their physique, speed, strength and other aspects have already far exceeded the basic requirements for learning shave, Moonwalk and other physical skills.

Like Byrnndi-World, even without using the Momo Fruit ability to increase its speed and strength, it can easily display Moonwalk.

"BIG-MOM!!!" The red-haired Shanks roared when BIG-MOM had rushed onto the Reid-Forth.

The violent red lightning intertwined, and the Western sword shone with a dazzling light.

Just hacked it over!

"call out--"

The fiery sword light cut through the atmosphere.

The goal, naturally, is the huge Charlotte- Linlin.

"Mahahaha, red hair, it's rare to be so embarrassed." After grabbing the giant sword, Charlotte- Linlin smiled grimly, and charged her strength directly.

"The spear of Elbaf is majestic!" Napoleon, the sharp and sharp sword, suddenly slashed out towards the eye-catching slash that caused the violent attack.

The sound of breaking through the air was extremely sharp, and it was a bit shocking to check.

The violent and unparalleled sword pressure turned into a violent shock wave, tearing the atmosphere like a rage and killing it.

The red-haired slash was immediately annihilated.

The powerful aftermath still made the red hair down. Shanks vomited blood and flew upside down.

He was extremely exhausted and was seriously injured. It is impossible for him to be Charlotte-Linlin's opponent who is still at his peak physical strength.


Just at this time.

The red figure rushed forward, and the sharp bat umbrella pierced the red-haired Shanks's heart like lightning!

Brings out a large swath of blood.



"Your Excellency Red Hair!!!"

Beckman, Hans, Raki-ro, Kinemon and others couldn't help but their expressions changed wildly, and they screamed.

It was Shiryu of Rain and Lafitte who had been watching BIG-MOM with cold eyes, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

No one thought of it.

At such a time, Redhead was hit by Lederfield.


The face is hunting, BIG-MOM gritted his teeth.

The whole body's strong murderous aura couldn't stop overflowing, and people couldn't help but feel inexplicable, and some scalp numb.

How could she forget so quickly, this man who ruined her appearance!

"It's over, redhead kid!"

Red Earl spoke indifferently, and his free left hand directly pressed the red-haired Shanks' head.

The special Observation Haki, which is born with him, is about to explore the memory of the red-haired Shanks.

But the next moment.

Without hesitation, he retreated violently.


The sharp western sword stabbed out suddenly.

Stabbed on Red Earl Ryder's body, if he is a step late, I'm afraid the whole person will be directly pierced.

"Ahem, Ryder, you don't want to get any information from me." The red hair vomited blood, even with broken organs, and his body began to shake a little.

The blood-stained face was full of determination and tyrannical.

There is a translucent blood hole in his chest.

It can be seen how heavy the injury is.

………For flowers 0……

"That can't help you!"

Count Red looked at the wound on his body.

His face turned black and his face was full of anger, and the bat umbrella was thrown out frantically.

"Keng!!!" The red-haired Shanks blocked the Bat Umbrella, but was still shocked by the terrible power and flew upside down, hitting the coast.

Red Earl rushed up like a ghost, like a shadow.

His previous blow avoided the vital point of the heart, and the red hair did not die so easily.


"Boom boom"

Very abrupt.

Rageless red lightning intertwined.

It directly flooded the entire coast, enveloping Red Earl Ryder.

The red-haired Shanks gritted his bloody teeth and roared as he swung his sharp western swords continuously.


Looking at Ryder, BIG-MOM's eyes were bloodshot.

The centipede-like scars on the shoulders and face were painful.

"You two, let me die!" Her eyes turned red, and Charlotte-Linlin decisively abandoned Beckman and others, and rushed up on the thundercloud Zeus.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

At this moment, all the promises were forgotten by her.

The most important thing is that the redhead is seriously injured and dying. Ryder also has serious injuries and consumes a lot of money. Of course, Charlotte-Linlin wants to leave this enemy threatening him at all costs.

The huge sword edge carried the cold light, and swung out without reservation.


"Shoo..." The terrifying chopping wave directly blasted towards the red earl and red-haired Shanks, actually trying to kill both of them.

"This crazy woman!"

The face becomes ugly.

Red Earl waved his bat umbrella and blasted out without showing weakness!

"Boom boom"

Indescribable terrible collision.

"Woohuhu~~~ huh la la~~~" The violent hurricane crushed the earth and cracked, and the sea was rolled up with exaggerated waves.

The whole land was roughly planed away, but the Red Earl was safe and sound.

The red hair was pale and clenched his teeth to support it, and the blood couldn't help fading from the wound on his chest.

"Charlotte- Linlin, do you really think that the old man is afraid of you?" The red earl Ryder appeared exactly like him in an instant, and the clone suddenly rushed towards BIG-MOM: "If you want to buy cheap, don't weigh what you have. A few catties!"

Because of the agreement with Germa, he could not take the initiative to attack the BIG-MOM Pirates, but he wouldn't be polite when the opponent took the lead.


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