One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 594 sucker Punch

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

There was a loud noise, and the violent collision continued again.

The terrifying sword aura and bloody slashes couldn't help bombarding indiscriminately.

Huge cracks appeared and spread one after another, and the whole island was wailing and trembling, devastated and dilapidated.

The sea is boiling.

The monstrous waves, violent surging, almost overturned the Red Forth that was trying to approach.

The three-way war began.

No, counting the clone of the earl, it should be a four-way war to be precise.

Even though the crazy woman BIG-MOM shot herself, but didn't get the information she wanted from the redhead's mind, Ryder didn't mean to shrink at all.

The body was constantly attacking the red-haired Shanks who couldn't help vomiting blood, and the wolf fox resisted.

The clone fought BIG-MOM vigorously.

Even if it is physically weak, but in a short time, Charlotte-Linlin can't easily solve his clone.

"Eight Six Three" "Boom Boom

The terrible air pressure suddenly broke out.

"Quickly run away." Beckman and others predicted Observation Haki in advance, and their expressions changed drastically. Between the sparks and flints, they rushed out of the pirate ship one after another.

The entire Reid, Foss was directly shattered.

A weak crew member screamed directly and turned into flesh.

If it weren't for the Duke Inulan's response fast enough, Momosuke jumped up with the lightning and flint, I'm afraid that kid has been broken to pieces.

A silhouette fell into the sea.

Gritting their teeth at Shiryu of Rain and Lafitte in mid-air.

Several capable persons sank directly into the sea without the strength, but were quickly held back by others.

"Rain Shiryu"

Beckman glared!

They were greeted by Shiryu of Rain and Lafitte.

"Boom boom"


Embarrassed to avoid the rain of Shiryu's attack.

Looking at the island where the war was constantly fighting, Beckman looked anxious and yelled at Hans and the others: "Go upstream to the island immediately, and be sure to join the boss!"


One after another figure.

Avoiding the unstoppable slash, and struggling to swim towards the island not far away.

However, those who lost their strength in the sea water and were unable to move at all were carried by the cat vipers and others.

"It must be as fast as possible!"

Hans slammed a fierce sword aura, blocking the slash from Shiryu of Rain, and couldn't help but breathe.

The redhead situation makes them very worried.

Being pierced in the chest by the Red Earl Ryder, even if that blow didn't hurt the heart, but it also hurt the vital organs such as the lungs and spleen.

I don't know if it can be saved.

Several pirate battleships are getting closer.

"Mom, she's too messy

"Wouldn't it be better to wait for the Red Earl and Red Hair to fight until the end?"

Seeing that BIG-MOM abandoned Momosuke and others, and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Ryder and Redhead, Kata Kuri could not help but feel a little helpless.

But their mothers are like this. Once they become mad or stubborn, they don't care about anything. Even their children can't shake their will.

And Red Earl Ryder, obviously has become the knot of BIG-MOM.

If you don't kill it, you will never give up.


"Boom boom...

Above the Vengeance.

Because it's not far away.

In the scene of the redhead seriously injured, Blackbeard and others looked through the binoculars.

"Weihaha, dying, these guys are dead!" Burgess grinned.

Red Earl Ryder is hard to say, but the red-haired Shanks is dead.

Next, there are only two Four Emperors pirate groups left in New World. If the pirates under the Red Hair Pirates can be subdued, the strength of the Blackbeard Pirates will inevitably rise, and they will be "buy" from Derma. , The battleship with seastone inlaid at the bottom, I'm afraid it won't be long before they can enter West Blue.

"Huh huh, one step closer to the goal."

Hunter Xuanyue carried a sharp sickle, staring fiercely at the embarrassing Red Hair Pirates up and down in the distance, with a weird smile.

"Boom, boom, hello~~~"

The big red wine barrel Joet, carrying a huge wine gourd, after Meimei took a sip of the wine, drunkly asked Blackbeard on the bow: "But, don't you really want to take the red stone? Captain."

He really didn't understand.

The ambitious pirates, most of them desperately wanted to capture the red stone, trying to reach the legendary island-Raftel, becoming the second pirate king after Gore-D-Roger.

Blackbeard is capable and qualified to participate in this competition, but this guy has not shown any thoughts in this aspect at all.

"So, he's not suitable to be a captain, it's better to let me be! Meow Touching the slender beard like a crescent moon, Pizarro, the villainous king, laughed strangely.

As always, he still did not give up his ambition to be a captain.

However, it can only be verbal

Pizarro is self-aware, and he does not have the power to challenge Blackbeard and Shiryu.

Not all the cadres who came this time were because they were also occupying the territory of Kaido, and their territory also needed people to guard.

"Blood Lion" Walkerton, "villain" Wade Bart, "Shinigami" poison Q, Cavendish and others are not here.

"It's okay if you want to be a captain. If you can beat Laozi, you can take this seat if you want." Blackbeard Jenny turned his head and sneered.

At the same time, responding to the previous question of Barrel Joet: "Laozi is not not interested in Raftel, but at this time, if the red stone is stared at by Ryder and BIG-MOM, it will be too great for our development. Not good"

"In the final analysis, ONE-PIECE was only spoken by Roger and Whitebeard. No one knows what it is." Shrugged, Blackbeard continued: "Compared to this, it is better to quietly accumulate strength and expand it a little bit. Own turf, develop power!"

"Gol-D-Roger, the One Piece King, is nothing more than a nameless One Piece. Whitebeard, Golden Lion and even BIG-MOM monsters of the same age as them, even if they recognize their strength and did not oppose this title, but you guys See anyone who really regards him as a king?"

"Besides, how easy is it to gather the four red stones? Look at BIG-MOM, Kaido, and Shanks. In order to compete for this thing, how much loss is there? Raftel's shadow has not been seen.

0.8 Barrel Joet and the Evil King are all speechless.

Although Roger is called the King of Pirates by the world, there is really no way for great pirates such as Golden Lion and Whitebeard to surrender.

However, if there is a big sign of "One Piece", if you want, it can undoubtedly attract countless pirates to come to take refuge, and can easily attract a large number of powerhouses.

Not to mention, it is rumored that ONE-PIECE is not only a huge treasure, but also an Ancient Weapon that can destroy the world. The reason why such big pirates flock to.

"Hey ha ha ha, it's the same sentence, all names are imaginary, and only those with power and power are the most real.

"Reassure, let's strengthen our own strength first. Now is not the time to compete with these guys. If anyone can really collect the four red stones, wouldn't it be better for us to make another move?"

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