One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 136 End of class

Time came to night again, and it was still on the sea outside the Shampoo Islands. Alexander was floating quietly on the sea. On his back, Bright and Rayleigh stood opposite each other.

"Let's get started, Rayleigh."

Brett raised the corners of his mouth with an expectant smile on his face, "Teaching tonight."

"You are so impatient, kid."

Teacher Riley was holding a wine bottle in his hand, smiling and talking to Bright, while taking a sip of wine into his mouth.

Of course, Brett didn't give him any tuition, but he would definitely have a bottle of wine every day.

Teacher Leili is not interested in money, and he has long passed the age of chasing powerful women. The only good thing is this drink.

But it happened that the deputy of the Pirate King was quite poor now. Xia Qi would never show mercy to Rayleigh, and he would have to pay a penny for the drinks.

So of course Bright wouldn't let the conscientious teacher Rayleigh even have a drink.

"Because I have to go to the new world next,"

Brett said, "Time is running out, so we'd better hurry up."

Strictly speaking, Tezzolo can handle things in the new world by himself. This guy has not been idle this year. Not only has the power under his command developed greatly, but his own strength has also improved a lot.

But after suddenly remembering the setting of Fist of the King, Bright decided to go there himself.

Because he found that move seemed to be very useful to him.

"Oh?" Riley raised his eyebrows, "Is someone going to be unlucky?"

"It's hard to tell," Brett smiled, "It depends on whether that guy is asking for trouble."

Since Doflamingo did not start the war head-on, but only fanned the flames behind his back, there is a high probability that he will not appear.

But I can’t say for sure, what if that guy pretends to be a tiger and relies on Kaido’s power to make a fool of himself? It’s possible, right?

"You have everything you need, Brett."

Brett just smiled, a confident smile.

Rayleigh also laughed. He knew very well that with the strength of this boy, a disciple whom he did not admit as a disciple, he was already strong enough to walk sideways in the new world as long as he did not encounter those real monsters who took action personally.

Those who dare to ask for trouble in front of him are of course the unlucky ones.

"Since you are in a hurry, let's start now."

Rayleigh stretched, and then his eyes suddenly became serious, "Have you already learned about advanced armed coloring techniques, Brett?"


Bright nodded, "What is more advanced than hardening is letting the domineering energy flow, and the most advanced thing is the technique of being able to penetrate into objects to achieve internal destruction."

"That's right."

Rayleigh nodded, "You have accumulated enough foundation of domineering. The seeds have been matured. The next step is to let it gradually blossom and bear fruit."

"It's going to be a no-brainer."


Brett raised an eyebrow.

"In the final analysis, it's just two techniques,"

Rayleigh took another sip of wine and said casually, "It's completely different from the leap in quality that can be achieved by seeing, hearing, and coloring Haki's ability to predict the future. It's a move that can be learned through hard practice."

“The only difference is the level of proficiency that different people have.”

Brett nodded understandingly.

Just like the magical secrets in martial arts novels, as long as you have enough foundation, it will not be difficult to learn them.

"Although it is said to be two techniques, in essence, internal destruction is just a step further based on the flow."

Rayleigh started the class, "Let's start by letting the Haki flow."

He raised his right hand, which had turned completely black, with invisible waves wrapped around it.

Brett observed carefully. Rayleigh's domineering energy was very flexible, almost as if it was alive and flowing around his palm.

"The focus is on manipulation, letting the domineering flow flow in a moment, and then explode."

Lei Li said, "It's not just about gathering your domineering energy somewhere and striking it like a hammer, but letting your domineering energy turn into a torrent to break the rocks!"

call! !

There was actually a torrent shooting forward on his palm.

The invisible rapids made the air seem to be exploded, and the astonishing sound was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

"I totally understand when you say that."

Brett nodded.

This is why the red-haired Roger only has the physique of an ordinary person, but he can fight against monsters like Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and Whitebeard.

As Rayleigh said, ordinary armed colors are like swinging hammers, but high-level armed colors are hot weapons.

Not to mention the overbearing entanglement.

As long as the proficiency is high enough, it is enough to make up for the physical weakness.

"The emphasis here is on control capabilities,"

Teacher Leili grinned, "But as I said just now, it's not too difficult. As long as you are aware of it and know some tricks, you will learn it naturally after experiencing more fierce battles."

So Mr. Rayleigh, why didn’t you teach my future junior brother anything in the original work?

In the end, the little junior brother had no choice but to go to the New World to find a few teachers for tutoring.

Next, Rayleigh told Brett in detail some tips on advanced domineering.

Including how to make the domineering flow flow, and how to increase the power to make the torrent more turbulent.

Then there is penetration, how to penetrate the domineering energy into the interior of the object.

Rayleigh said that if the Haki can be allowed to flow, then internal destruction is not out of reach.

Like entanglement and hardening, flow and internal destruction themselves go hand in hand.

The class was unexpectedly short. In less than half an hour, Reilly's teaching was over.

"The next step is practice and fighting."

Reilly said with a smile, "With your kid's foundation, you can definitely learn it by practicing it casually and fighting twice."

"Is it that simple?"

Brett waved his fist tentatively.

But there is no sense of domineering flow at all.

He can gather domineering energy in every corner of his body at any time, but he can't make them flow like a river.

"It's very simple."

Rayleigh said casually, and then he yawned, "Anyway, I've taught you almost as much as I can. You already know the cultivation method of Overlord's Color Entanglement. From now on, it's up to you to work hard, kid."

I already knew how to practice the overlord's color entanglement when I met Senior Whitebeard last year, and in exchange for that I was punched twice by him.

Brett didn't want to recall the pain.

It can only be said that the overlord color entanglement is the overlord color entanglement after all.

It is not at the same level as the intensity of the weapon color.


Brett nodded solemnly, "Anyway, Rayleigh, I'm so grateful for this past year."

Without Rayleigh's guidance, his own domineering practice would not have progressed so quickly.

Although he always complains in his heart that Rayleigh is not as professional as Mr. Kaido, Bright knows very well that Rayleigh did not teach Luffy too many advanced skills, but he let the kid lay a solid foundation, just waiting for him to break out of the cocoon. butterfly moment.

It's probably the same for myself.

"No need to say more words like thank you,"

Riley waved his hand and said casually, "Do what you should do, Brett."

The teacher said, "I am looking forward to the time when my disciples will change the world."

"It will not let you down."

Brett took a deep breath, "Just wait and see, Mr. Reilly."

"But having said that, don't make it sound like we'll never see each other again." He added.

The two laughed at the same time.

Fishman Island is very close to the Shampoo Islands. Brett comes here every night after get off work and goes back after a round of training, which is exactly the time to go to bed.

"Anyway, Rayleigh, please bring me some wine after you come back from the New World."

"Can't you bring me enough drinks at once?"

"No, Xia Qi said, if I indulge you too much, you will definitely be drunk all day long."

"What a troublesome woman."

"Rayleigh, women only care about men they care about."

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?"

"By the way, Rayleigh, can I teach these skills to others?"

"Whatever you want, it's not that big of a deal."

Teacher Leili's class is basically finished today.

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