One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 137 Deep Sea Fleet

Saying goodbye to Reilly, Brett and Alexander began their return journey.

Sitting cross-legged on Alexander's back, Brett waved his fist tentatively.

The domineering energy is wrapped around the arms, but they are not as agile as Rayleigh at all. They just wrap around the arms quietly, not to mention that Rayleigh launches them like cannonballs, trying to make them move a little bit. None of it is easy.

no idea.

But that guy Rayleigh said it was very simple. In the original work, the junior disciple subconsciously used advanced Haki techniques in just a few days, and he completely mastered them in less than a month.

It shouldn't really be difficult once you get the basics down.

Is it really a matter of my qualifications?

Brett doesn't believe this evil.

The exercise continues.

Harden, then wrap the domineering energy around the hardened foundation, and release the domineering energy.

Then, control these domineering energies to flow.

"Partner, what are you doing?"

Warrior Shrimp suddenly said, "Why didn't you say a word during the journey!"

He always called such a short distance a journey, and enjoyed chatting with Brett during the journey.

"I'm practicing."

Bright didn't hesitate and said directly, "Practice more advanced domineering skills."

"Oh? Is that so?"

Alexander suddenly became interested, and his voice immediately became higher, "Is it the more powerful skills you said before, beyond hardening?"

"That's right,"

Brett chuckled, "How about it, do you want to learn?"


The proud deep-sea warrior did not hesitate.

He always wanted to become stronger.

A year has passed, and Alexander has also been able to achieve domineering hardening. Although his proficiency and certainty are far inferior to Bright, it is still very impressive.

He is a Neptune type after all.

"Then listen carefully and don't forget it."

Brett passed on all the tips he heard from Reilly to Alexander.

I'm looking forward to it. If he masters high-level Haki, to what level will this good friend's strength improve?

Alexander is already very strong now!

As a Neptune type, his huge size is destined to have far more domineering power than ordinary humans. The greater the amount of armed domineering features, the higher the intensity, because domineering power can be concentrated and used.

Enemies at the level of Vice Admiral should be no match for him.

And what about after mastering stronger and more advanced Haki?


Or stronger?

"Hahahaha, I can become stronger again!"

Alexander's laughter spread in the deep sea, "Partners, let's compare! Who learns this move first!"


Brett nodded happily.

As Alexander said, warriors become stronger through constant competition.

Not only Alexander, but he also needs to teach Brother Jinbei after he returns, and even that guy Tezzolo can also teach him.

He had obtained Rayleigh's consent in advance.

The two of them, who have already shown super strength in the original work, can become even more powerful if they can master high-level Haki.

So the next day after returning to Fish-Man Island, Bright went to find Jinbei and relayed to Jinbe everything that Rayleigh had taught him.

"I see,"

Jinbei nodded with a sigh on his face, "If you don't realize this, you will only continue to improve the quality and quantity of your domineering energy in this life."

That's why Rayleigh said that as long as you realize that domineering energy can flow and have enough foundation, it won't be difficult to learn it.

"Come on, Brother Jinbei,"

Brett smiled and said, "You don't want to be left too far by me, right?"

"You kid," Jinbe couldn't help laughing, "You're too arrogant!"

"But it's true isn't it?"

Brett looked slightly satisfied.

"Yes, this is a fact. You have completely surpassed me, Brett." Jinbei said with a sigh.

Although I have known for a long time that it would only be a matter of time before Bright's potential surpassed his own, but when that moment actually arrived, it still felt a bit strange.

Last year, this guy's true strength probably surpassed his own.

But now, even if he doesn't use his abilities, he may not be able to defeat him with his physical domineering power alone.

What is his true strength?

It’s been a long time since I really understood it.

However, this is a good thing for Fishman Island.

Soon, an unprecedented super strong man will be born on Fish-Man Island!

At that time, Fish-Man Island will no longer need to look at anyone’s face.

"By the way, Tezzolo said that you want to go to the new world with him later?"

"That's right,"

Brett nodded, "There's something I need to go to personally."

If the guess is correct and progresses smoothly, your own strength will undergo a qualitative change.

"I see,"

Jinbei nodded, "Leave Fish-Man Island to me."


No matter what time, Brother Jinbei is always so trustworthy.

In the next few days, Tezzolo's filming work has not stopped. This guy led the filming team around Fish-Man Island. He said he wanted to show the best side of Fish-Man Island to the people on the sea.

Brett went on to guest star a few more times until his part was completed, and by the way, he shared the advanced domineering training guide with Tezzolo.

"High-end armed colors?"

Tezzolo beamed with joy, "Hahaha, Brett! You really got something amazing!"

Although he is a businessman and a part-time star, Tezzolo is very aware of the importance of strength in this sea.

"So you guys don't just be busy filming movies and recording records."

Bright said casually, "Don't let your strength fall behind as you improve."

"Of course I know,"

Tezzolo lowered his voice, "Actually, I have been studying the awakening of abilities recently!"


Brett looked at him in surprise.

If I remember correctly, this guy got his abilities at about the same time as himself, right?

Has he gotten this far?

"Just wait and see, I think it won't be long!"

Tezzolo is confident.

Brett then thought about it. According to the original plot line, this guy would have to rely on his ability to build that huge golden city in two or three years at most. He must have awakened by then.

It seems like this guy is really good at developing fruit abilities.

"Just wait to be surpassed by me, Brett!"

Tezzolo said confidently.

"Then I'll wait."

Brett smiled.

Young people who don’t know how high the sky and the earth are.

A few days later, Tezzolo hurried to find Bright.

"The fight started! Several countries formed a combined fleet and defeated the other two countries. Now the royal families of those two countries have fled to Prodence, seeking asylum from Elizabeth II!"

"King Riku's attempt to summon all the kings to negotiate and resolve the conflict has failed. He has already gone to Prodence to stop the war!"


Brett nodded, "That means it's time for us to take action, right?"


So Bright immediately withdrew his troops.

The transfer of 10,000 people from the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau is not a big deal for the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, which has now expanded its total strength to 50,000.

The strength of 10,000 men is not the point. The point is that Bright also brought ten sea beasts and five warships.

At the gate of Fish-Man Island, the gate was completely opened at this time, and one black shuttle battleship after another slowly sailed out.

After a year of hard work, Master Tom has designed ten battleships on Fishman Island.

Here we must once again lament the exaggerated efficiency of the world's shipbuilding industry.

"Hahahaha! This is it!"

Outside the gate, Tezzolo, who wrapped himself in a bubble, held the camera and laughed while filming,

"I want to put it in the movie!"

Bright, standing on the head of a sea beast, glanced at him.

Just in time, let’s show the power of Fishman Island this time.

Deep sea fleet, attack!

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