This guy!

So difficult!

Jhin flapped his wings and flew rapidly in the sky, his eyes becoming serious to the extreme.

He never thought that such an unknown guy could fight with him to such an extent.

Amazing speed, amazing strength, amazing domineering, amazing physique!

When did such a powerful guy appear in the sea!

"Fire Dragon Emperor!!"

The flames spread on the sword, and then it was swung back with all its strength. A huge fire dragon with fangs and claws instantly crushed the enemies pursuing from behind with the spirit of devouring the world.

Blazing flames came towards him, and the fire dragon's body was as sticky as if it was made of magma.

But Bright didn't even have the intention to evade.

Flame, no one can say the same thing.

He crashed directly into the fire dragon.

At the same time, his body was covered with domineering energy, and flames also emerged, using flames to fight against flames!

But it's not enough.

The flames created by the Lunaria tribe are so hot that neither stone nor steel will melt within a few seconds.

However, Brett is still adaptable.

The terrifying adaptability given to him by the tardigrade allows him to adapt to various extreme environments.

And this adaptability has evolved to a considerable extent in the past two or three years.

So, the final result is.

Seeing Bright rushing out from the fire dragon unscathed, Jhin's pupils shrank.

What's going on with this guy?

Is he a monster?

The flames that the Lunaria were so proud of were of no use to him! !

"Diao Zhenghuang!!"

Jhin is definitely not a man who would give up just because his enemy is too powerful.

Since the flames have no effect, then use the body-changing technique!

He grabbed the back of his head and pulled it back until his entire face was deformed and became extremely funny.

It was indeed very funny, but Bright didn't dare to underestimate it.

In the original work, Zoro described this move as being as irresistible as a laser.

The next moment, the laser fires! !

So fast that it is completely invisible to the naked eye.

Even the sight and sound Haki could barely capture a shadow, and the sound was naturally even more difficult to keep up with!


Brett calmly avoided the blow with one side of his body. He even seized the opportunity to shoot forward and instantly jumped in front of Jhin.


He punched Jhin in the body.

Let this man turn into a cannonball and fly out.


Jhin was almost in disbelief.

How could the reaction be so fast?

Could it be said that this guy can also see the future?

"So strong! That guy is really strong!!"

Smoothie was almost stunned.

That guy Brett suppressed Jhin!

That's Kaido's deputy, a man who can rival Katakuri's brother!

Doflamingo gritted his teeth.

In a short period of time, this bastard has become so strong!

What a joke!

But now is not the time to care about that guy!

Wake up!

The ground exploded instantly, turning into a large number of silk threads flying all over the sky, and Smoothie was directly deprived of his place to stay.

"This guy!!"

Smoothie gritted his teeth.

"Dover! We're here to pick you up!!"

At this time, Torrebol burst into tears with excitement on the stone giant that rose again.

"Are you going to be run away by that guy?"

Tezzolo twisted his neck.

It's a little bit unbearable.

How could that guy Doflamingo escape from danger so easily?

"Don't even want to go anywhere!"

But this time another man stood up.

Huge biscuit soldiers stood in front of the huge stone giant in an instant.

Cracker stood on the head of a biscuit soldier and sneered, "You actually made the wedding that mom was looking forward to turn into this. You all have to die."

The chaotic fighting continues.

In the sky, the battle between Bright and Jhin continued to be intense.

It is difficult for Jhin's attacks to hit Bright, but it is also difficult for Bright to penetrate Jhin's defense.

Even though he had used the piercing shock wave of the fish body technique, Jhin's defense was too strong.

In terms of physical hardness alone, Charlotte Lingling is probably the only one in the world who is stronger than him.

But Jhin actually had more headaches.

His defense is indeed very strong, but this does not mean that Bright's attacks have no effect on him.

The penetrating shock waves gradually accumulated injuries.

The result was that he had no good way to deal with the other party.

Brett was in no hurry.

Just like the previous battle with Katakuri in the grove, the current battle with Jhin also made his progress in training on internal destruction of Armed Haki soar.

Teacher Reilly's last teaching that night kept echoing in my heart.

The technique of letting domineering energy penetrate into the opponent's body to attack becomes more and more proficient.

Jhin suddenly found that his opponent's attacks were becoming more and more strange.

His originally impenetrable defense gradually became unable to withstand the opponent's attacks.

In terms of pure strength, the opponent has not made any progress, but the damage received is constantly increasing.

Is this guy still getting stronger in this battle?

Jhin couldn't help but shudder at the thought.

How could there be such a person in the world?

"The situation seems to be at a stalemate!"

War reporter Morgans patted him here and there, then shook his head and said, "Isn't there anyone who can stand up and break this situation?"

The one who breaks this situation is here.

The members of the Don Quixote family were stopped by Cracker, and Doflamingo once again fell into a duel with Smoothie.

Although this woman loves paddling, she is definitely not weak in strength.

Her swordsmanship and dominance are both outstanding, and Doflamingo cannot defeat her easily.

He could only devote all his energy to fighting this woman.

As we all know, when people focus all their attention on the front, it is easy to relax on the back.

When Doflamingo was concentrating on manipulating the thread to attack Smoothie, he didn't notice that a door suddenly opened in the air behind him.

A woman jumped out.

Her face is ordinary, but her expression is extraordinary.

Die, Doflamingo, the Five Old Stars want you to be quiet.

Doflamingo only had time to turn around and a sharp dagger had already stabbed into his back.

There was no way to clamp the dagger with his muscles or defend with Haki, because Doflamingo had already lost his strength the moment he came into contact with the dagger's edge.

Hailou stone.

"What are you doing!!"

It was Smoothie who roared.

No matter what, this guy is also my mother’s groom today!

The magnificent slash came roaring in the next moment.

There was no time to add another blow, so the woman could only draw out the dagger and step back, retracting back into the open air door.

Then the door closed.

"Aren't they here to save Doflamingo?"

Stussy asked knowingly.

But actually she was a pity.

If Smoothie's attack were slower even for a moment, it would be enough to pierce Doflamingo's heart with a dagger.


She raised her head and looked at Bright who was fighting with Jin in the sky.

Is this guy playing match-fixing?

How did you get to this point with this guy Jhin?

In her opinion, Bright's real strength is much stronger than the level shown now!

"Oh! Big news!!"

Morgans ignored him at all and just slapped him hard.

Tezzolo looked beaming with joy.

What a death!


However, CP0's actions completely angered a certain monster.

Kaido's thick eyebrows were raised high, but the person he wanted to save died in front of him, so what dignity did he have?

Blue scales instantly grew on his body, and a thick tail popped out from behind his butt.

He started to use his powers.

"Damn it!! Dover!!"

But at the same time, Charlotte Lingling was also very angry.

She wants to stop Kaido from taking away Doflamingo because Doflamingo is her new husband.

"Stop blocking the road! Lingling!"

Kaido was no longer relaxed. He swayed his body to avoid Charlotte Lingling's sword, and then knocked her away with a stick.

Seeing, hearing, and domineeringly predicting the future?

He can too.

After temporarily repelling Charlotte Lingling, Kaido swept towards Doflamingo like a gust of wind.


Smoothie didn't dare to stop Kaido's actions, so he immediately jumped to the side.


Kaido looked down at Doflamingo who fell on the ground, and said sadly, "It's all because you are too weak."

A cloud was released from his body, and then rolled up Doflamingo.


Doflamingo had not yet lost consciousness. Although he was stabbed in the back and injured his internal organs, he could not let his tenacious vitality die like this.

The threads were constantly repairing the injured internal organs, allowing his physical injuries to gradually calm down.

Kaido snorted, then took Doflamingo into the sky.

"Jin! It's time to go back!"

he said loudly.

Bright, who was fighting with Jhin, immediately distanced himself from Jhin.

What a pity. The people in CP0 are too useless. They didn't even kill Doflamingo?

Jhin breathed a sigh of relief at Bulat's concession, and he flapped his wings and returned to Kaido's side.

"Sorry, Mr. Kaido,"

Jin Ning said, "This guy is very powerful."

Kaido looked at Bright, and then curled his lips.

After being able to fight Jhin to such an extent, it would be a pity for such a talent to stay with Lingling——

"Kaido!! Kill him!!"

But at this moment, Doflamingo, who was swept up by the clouds, suddenly lost control and shouted, "Kill this guy!!"

All the bad luck is because of this bastard's casual words!

The unbearable memories these days are all because of this bastard!

It's all his fault! !

"Kill this guy, I'll tell you whatever you want to know!"

Kaido's eyes suddenly changed!

"Uh-huh-huh, that's such a shame!"

Kaido grinned, and casually manipulated the clouds to throw Doflamingo to Jhin, and then flew towards Bright.

"Doflamingo, remember what you said!"

Brett was a little confused. What did it mean that the person Kaido saved didn't run away, but approached him instead?

"Uh-huh-huh-huh! Little brat, prepare to die!!"

The monster laughed.

Brett raised his eyebrows slightly.

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