One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 164: Standing in front of others

It's not an illusion, that guy Kaido is really coming for me!

Brett felt a headache, couldn't he just take Doflamingo away quietly?

He had no intention of confronting Kaido. Being able to suppress masters like Katakuri and Jhin was enough. It was somewhat wishful thinking to defeat enemies like Kaido now.

Although Kaido can fly, to be honest, the flying speed achieved by clinging to the clouds is much slower than Bright's current push and moon step.

Bright ejected backwards to distance himself, and Kaido couldn't do anything to him.


Kaido was a little annoyed. He opened his mouth and sprayed out, and the blazing flames condensed into a pillar of fire and roared.

At this moment, Bright even wanted to have a passionate and hot breath exchange with Mr. Kaido.

But he finally endured it.

Otherwise, if his ability is really exposed, Kaido-sensei will go completely crazy.

Bright just calmly dodged to one side, and the blazing flames could only helplessly pass him by.

Kaido was a little helpless. It would be okay if he was on the ground, but in the air, he really couldn't catch up with the kid in front of him.


He turned back suddenly.

"Jhin! Behind!"

On the back of Jhin, who was flapping his wings and flying in the sky, or behind Doflamingo, an air door opened again.

The white-faced man jumped out of the air door and grabbed Doflamingo with his hand.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

After the emergency treatment of the silk thread, Doflamingo's injuries have recovered a lot. After receiving Kaido's early warning, he reacted quickly. The silk thread gathered into a whip and whipped it towards the white-faced man.

But the white-faced man reacted faster. He grabbed Doflamingo's silk whip, and then pulled Doflamingo hard.

Doflamingo exclaimed, obviously not realizing that the power gap between the two of them was so huge.

But fortunately, there is another Jhin.

The flames rose up, and Jhin hovered in the air, and the jet-black wings wrapped in flames flew towards the white-faced man.

Although the white-faced man always has a scowl on his face, he is actually very powerful in seeing and hearing, and Yuebu's attainments are also quite good. He dodged Jhin's attack with a casual ejection in the air, and then continued to move towards Dolfrond. Brother Ming forced him to go.


Jin cursed angrily, didn't he take himself seriously at all?

There's another fight in the sky here.

"Bastard thing!"

Kaido, who was chasing Bright to no avail, snorted coldly. If he couldn't catch up, then forget it.

He turned around and was about to beat the white-faced man to death.

"Brother Brett! Come on!"

Suddenly there was a warm cheering sound from below.

Brett didn't have to look down to know it was Stussy.

It can be understood that the government asked him to stop Kai more in the end, right?

It's really difficult to be a person.

But it doesn’t really matter.

It’s not that you can’t try it.

The art of internal destruction is close enough.

All that's left is the last bit of excitement.

Then give it a try!

The energy stored in the body is not wasted at all, and it is enough to throw an earth-shattering punch!

Bright turned into lightning again and galloped forward.


Kaido, who was about to beat the white-faced man to death, suddenly turned around. His expression was extremely stiff and his face was as cold as snow.

Dark lightning rose from the mace in his hand.

Bright came flying towards him, and this time he had no intention of dodging.

He clenched his fist, wave, domineering, lightning, and finally, energy began to transform.

This guy is looking for death!

Kaido sneered, raising the mace in his hand high, "Thunder Gossip!!"

The tyrannical Overlord Color and the equally powerful Armed Color were wrapped around the iron rod at the same time. Just waving it made it seem like thunder exploded in the clear sky.

That’s why it’s called, Thunder Bagua!

Brett took a deep breath. This was the first time he faced the top warriors on the sea!

"Current Propulsion·Mysterious Meaning——"

Fist of the King!


The sky seemed to explode.

The roaring impact wave turned into a violent wind and swept down, causing the venue below to become a mess almost instantly.

"No, it can't be!!"

Charlotte Smoothie could hardly believe her eyes, "Is there something wrong with my eyes? That guy, that guy is fighting Kaido?"

Not only her, but also the leaders of the Charlotte family all looked like their world view had collapsed.

Even the usually calm Katakuri's eyes widened at this moment.

Has this man been hiding his strength before?

In the sky, the iron fist entwined with invisible waves collided with the iron rod entangled with dark lightning.

No, it was a collision in the air.

Bright can't hit from a distance, but Kaido can.

Brett's expression changed.

This is the first advantage of Ba Tang. He can attack himself, but it is difficult for his own domineering power to touch him.

Then, Bright felt Kaido's amazing power.

too exaggerated!

Jhin's power is strong enough, but in front of Kaido, he is no different from a child!

Overwhelming power, overwhelming domineering!

This is why Kaido is called the strongest creature.

Brett flew out.

It flew backwards like a cannonball.

It's still too far behind.

As Bright flew back, he thought that the blow just now should have successfully caused internal damage, but it was still not enough.

You have to wait for your body to develop for a while, and then you can master the tyranny and use your abilities before you can have the strength to confront Kaido head-on.

But that’s a head-on confrontation. If it’s a desperate fight with the King’s Fist——

On the opposite side, Kaido was also flying backwards.

The clouds wrapped around him and stopped his body.

The eyes of the world's strongest creature were full of astonishment.

What a joke!

There should be only a handful of people in this world who can withstand his attacks!

Is this brat already one of them?

Bright stabilized his figure and smiled at Kaido.

"Hahahaha!! That's awesome!!"

Below, Morgans danced excitedly, jumping up and down, "Although it's just one move, it's really evenly matched with monsters like Kaido!"

Stussy secretly thought, this is the real strength of this guy Brett!

An unprecedented monster appears on Fish-Man Island, and even the government must seriously consider their opinions!

"Mom, mom! Good job, Brett!"

Laughter was recalled from below as Charlotte Lingling soared into the sky on a cloud.

"Don't let them get away!"

Kaido glared at Bright in displeasure.

He turned around and flew in the direction of Jhin.

Although he was reckless, he was not a fool. If he started a fight with that boy and Lingling at the same time, he would be seeking death.

The white-faced man who was fighting with Jhin was helpless.

Kaido returned to defense, so there was no need for him to continue fighting.

The air door opened again, and he was about to get in, and then his expression changed.

Almost in the next moment, two powerful domineering forces swept over at the same time.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling stared at the same time.

The domineering energy once again penetrated the air door and reached inside.

Then, like a repeat of the previous situation, the air began to tremble again, and three figures were squeezed out.

The horned man passed out again and fell straight down. The last two remaining CP0s also fell down with pale faces.

"What a headache."

The white-collar man sighed softly, then without looking back, he stepped on the air and headed towards the distant sky.

Fortunately, neither Kaido nor Charlotte Lingling paid any attention to him.

Kaido used clouds to capture Jhin and Doflamingo, turning into giant dragons and rising into the sky.

"Kaido! Don't even think about running away, you kid!!"

Charlotte Lingling gave chase.

Brett smiled and let the two old friends reminisce, and he would not interfere.

He fell gently and landed on the previous cake platform.

"Hahaha, good job, Brett."

Tezzolo came over, nudged him with his elbow, and laughed softly, "We can look forward to the reaction of the Charlotte family next."

"What a beautiful job, Brett!"

A pillar of syrup rose in front of the cake platform, and Perospero stood on it with a smile on his face. "It's really a big help this time. You are indeed the closest friend of the family. Mom must be very grateful to you!"


Bright smiled and said, "It didn't help at all, but Doflamingo was rescued by Kaido."

The Charlotte family is in great disgrace today, okay?

The wedding turned out like this, and the groom was snatched away by Kaido.

If Charlotte Lingling returns without success, today's wedding will definitely become the laughing stock of the new world for a long time.


"No, that's enough."

Perospero solemnly said, "The family will never forget your kindness."

He seemed really grateful to Brett, as if Brett had really turned the tide.

Tezzolo is so right.

If he hadn't shown enough strength to compete with Kaido, would Perospero's attitude have been so enthusiastic?

This world is really very realistic.

"Friend, please wait a little longer and let us deal with the remaining idiots first."

Perospero bowed slightly.

The remaining idiots refer to the cadres of the Don Quixote family and the three CPs who fell from the sky. No, it should be two. The weakest man with horns hit his head on the ground. At this moment, he saw that Already dead.


Brett smiled.

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