One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 201 Apu, the musical instrument player


Tezoro, who was standing on the carriage, smacked his mouth and looked at Apu with eyes full of sympathy.

Of course Black was not angry, and he had no serious thoughts, but just asking him to take action would already represent a disaster.

Tezoro didn't know how powerful his good friend was now, but he knew how quickly this man became stronger.

Brett, who was able to show off in front of the Pirate Emperors last year, is probably not far away from making his title of Emperor worthy of the name now.

What an unlucky boy.

"Lord Brett!"

King Rody's expression changed.

The Long-Handed Clan is not that prosperous in population. It is similar to the fish-men living on Fish-Man Island, with a population of several million.

But among the millions of Nagashou people, there is no outstanding talent like Brett or Jinbe.


This guy is already a rare genius among the Changshou Clan!

"Don't worry, King Rody."

Brett smiled and said, "It'll be okay."

I simply met the characters from the original work after eating, so I wanted to play with them.

Brett wasn't angry because of Apu's provocation, so naturally he couldn't talk about killing him.

Give him a little lesson and let Apu feel the cruelty of the sea in advance.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, so calm!"

Apu's laughter is very weird no matter how you listen to it, "The interesting things have finally begun!"

King Rody finally sighed helplessly, and then he solemnly said, "Master Brett, please be careful, Apu is a capable person!"

"Those who can?"

Taizuolo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Although ability users are indeed very rare in the sea, ability alone is not enough when it comes to truly strong people.

Although Brett is not a capable person, he is a strong person, a real strong person!

Brett was a little embarrassed.

Although I couldn't hear the specific thoughts of Tezuolo, I could probably guess what he was thinking.

It's so embarrassing. It seems that I never had time to tell my good friends that I am actually a person with abilities.

Forget it, just treat it as a surprise for Tezoro.

"Take action."

Brett smiled.

Apu is a capable person, so of course he knows this.

Even his abilities are clear.

Every part of this guy's body can be used as a musical instrument, and different parts are different instruments.

By playing different instruments, different sonic attacks can be used.

The most powerful part of his ability is that as long as he can hear the sound, he will be attacked.

Even the younger brother Straw Hat was hit by the attack and was knocked unconscious for a time.

However, I am not a junior brother who knows nothing about this guy's abilities, and this Apu is not the worst generation on Ghost Island eight years later.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! Then I'm not welcome!"

Apu jumped back with a smile and distanced himself, probably to prevent Brett from approaching directly, "Listen to my music carefully, Your Majesty the Emperor!"

His two hands beat his chest like drum hammers, and his chest really made the low and rhythmic sound of Dongdongdong.


Tezolo was stunned for a moment.



The violent explosion directly swallowed Brett's upper body, and brilliant firelight and thick black smoke spread.

The fans who came around because of Taizolo all exclaimed.


Tezoro was also shocked, "Can't you feel the breath?"

Normal attacks are accompanied by aura, so they can be sensed and avoided by seeing and hearing Haki.

But there was no breath at all in this kid's attack!

Silent and without a trace.

It seemed to make Brett explode directly!

Although the power is just like this, this kid's ability looks quite weird.

"Apu! You guy!


His Majesty the King gritted his teeth anxiously.

This bastard is too unscrupulous!

Then he looked worriedly at Bright's location, which was still shrouded in thick smoke.

The emperor of the deep sea should not be defeated by Apu so easily, right?

"For a massage, the intensity is a bit too light."

The smoke suddenly dissipated, as if it had been blown away in one breath.

Brett, who was uninjured and looked no different from before, was still standing there, with the smile on his face and the curve of the corners of his mouth unchanged. "Is there any more powerful trick?"

Apu's eyes suddenly widened, and cold sweat spread from his forehead in an instant.

Just kidding!

Although the blow just now was not an all-out effort, it was at least 70% to 80% forceful!

Unscathed, what happened to this guy?

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! It looks like I have to play with all my strength now!"

He seemed to be hiding his fear with laughter. Apu grinned widely, and then pressed his fingers like his piano key teeth.

The piano sound was pressed.

Accompanied by the sweet piano sound like the sound of clear springs, invisible blades struck Brett's chest one after another, and then

All shattered.


Taizuolomo raised his chin, his eyes flashing, "Can this kid use his body as a musical instrument to play?"


His Majesty the King nodded repeatedly, "Every part of Apu's body is a variety of different musical instruments."

As he explained, he couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

Apu's moves are actually useless, as expected of Mr. Brett!

"What an interesting ability!"

Tezoro laughed.

This ability is too wasteful to use in combat!

Haha, doesn’t the final winner of the draft appear now?

"How is this going?"

Apu's face was already covered with sweat.

I don't understand, I simply don't understand what's going on with this guy. His attacks are useless!

Apu began to play his left arm like a flute, tapping his chin like a cymbal, and plucked his right arm like a string.

Various sonic attacks fell on Brett, but in the end they were of no use.

"You're not using your weapon colors?"

Tezoro smacked his lips. Brett was becoming more and more terrifying.

After a round of lively attacks, Apule was left panting.


This guy is a real monster!

Apu looked at Brett with some doubts about life!

"It seems you have finished your performance, then,"

Brett appeared in front of Apu in the next moment. In the man's incredibly frightened eyes, he reached out and grabbed his head?


My head is going to be crushed!

It was as if a mountain range was pressing down on his head, and his body was completely unable to move.

Are you going to be crushed to death like this?

A great fear suddenly arose in Apu's heart.

"Wait, Brett!"

Tezoro suddenly said loudly, "Don't you think this guy is very suitable to appear in the team I want to form?"


Bright, who had remained calm even in the face of Apu's various attacks, turned around in surprise because of Tezoro's words.

My good friend, do you think what you are saying is human?

Aren’t so-called idol groups composed of good-looking men and women?

What's going on with this guy Apu?

"Hey hey hey,"

Seemingly seeing Brett's surprise, Tezzolo explained with a smile, "His ability is really suitable for the stage! I want him to be the musical instrument player in the team!"

Musical instrument?


Brett raised an eyebrow.

The musical instrument here refers to playing an instrument or

"Boy, how do you choose?"

Tezoro jumped over and said with a smile, "Should I be killed by Brett here now, or..."

He lowered his voice,

"To become a world-famous star?"

Apu was a little confused.

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