One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 202 The target is Zuowu

Brett didn't have any feelings about the fact that Tezoro had made a big deal out of unspoken rules and had already selected Apu as the candidate of the Long Hand Clan before the draft event even started.

After all, the entire draft event was organized by someone else. What’s wrong with pre-determining the winner?

He was just surprised by Taizolo's whimsical ideas. It was really too imaginative to let a guy with Apu's appearance become an idol.

But after thinking about it, this guy's abilities are indeed very suitable for the stage.

There is no need for any musical instruments at all, just his body alone can play beautiful music.

It can even create a variety of gorgeous effects without any technical support.

It is indeed quite suitable to be a star with this kind of talent.

So, how does Apu react to this?

This guy's head was already on fire like a chicken pecking at rice, "If you are willing, of course I am willing!"

It could be clearly heard that he didn't even know anything about what was going to happen next, and he was just trying his best to avoid being punished.


This guy is also very good at adapting to the changing circumstances.

Seeing that Kaido was powerful, he joined the Beast Pirates to help Kaido plot against Kid Hawkins.

During the Battle of Onigashima, when he saw that the Beast Pirates were about to collapse, he quickly chose to betray.

Apu is such a person who adapts to the situation, worse than Hawkins.

Although Hawkins also chose to surrender to Kaido, he did not choose to betray again even though he calculated that Kaido would fail.

Logically speaking, such a guy is definitely not suitable to be accepted as a subordinate, but this guy Tezoro just wants to form an idol group, so it doesn't matter.

So Brett didn't say anything, he just watched quietly. He actually had some expectations. What could Apu do?

Or do people in this world have no respect for their faces?

You must know that this guy Tezuolo is actually a handsome guy. His face probably plays a very important role in why he is so popular.

"Hahahaha, very good, very good!"

Tezoro laughed loudly, and then he looked at Brett, "Hey Brett, why are you still holding him? Mr. Apu will be the next important person!"

Brett casually let go of Apu, and the bad boy from the Long Hand Clan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid, Mr. Apu,"

Then Tezoro helped Apu up affectionately and dusted him off with a smile, "Let's talk about the draft."

Apu swallowed his saliva, his eyes filled with confusion about the unknown.

What will he become next?

It was hard for him to imagine.

But soon, Apu understood that what awaited him next seemed to be much better than he imagined.

"Be a star?"

Apu's eyes shone with light again.

It seems that the situation is not as bad as imagined.

"I'll make you famous all over the world, Mr. Apu!"

Tezuolo enthusiastically patted Apu on the shoulder, looking like a strange uncle who abducted a child.

Popular all over the world?

This sounds good.

Apu's expression gradually became a little yearning.

In the next two days, Brett and Tezzolo visited the beautiful scenery of this country under the personal guidance of His Majesty the King of this country.

At the same time, Taizolo is also doing some pre-job training for Apu.

Then, this trip to the Changshou Clan finally came.

"There's no need to send it off when you get here."

At the port, Brett and the two had already boarded the ship and were saying their final goodbyes to the friends who came to see them off.

"Wait for my good news. I will let more ethnic groups join our alliance."

Brett promised this to His Majesty the King of this country.


His Majesty the King also looked forward to it, "If it's you, then you can definitely do it!"

"Also, Mr. Apu," Tezoro also said earnestly to Apu who came to see him off, "you must not neglect the practice of professional skills. To be a big star, you must have outstanding qualities. "

"Ah bah bah bah,"

Apu was no longer panicking, he said with a smile, "Leave it to me!"

He had had many in-depth conversations with the big boss in the past two days, and he found that there was indeed nothing to be afraid of.

Rather, this might be a good thing.

Then, it's time to leave.

As the long-handed monarchs and people at the port waved farewell, the ship on which Bright and Tezoro were riding set sail quickly under the pull of the sea beast.

There are still many places to go next.

"The target is the Longlegs!"

While the minority trip between Tezoro and Brett was going smoothly, Mary Joa came to Pangu City.

The five old stars who paid close attention to all the movements on the sea finally got the news.

"What the hell are those two guys doing?"

The bearded Wulaoxing frowned, "After the Long Hands Clan, he went to the Long Legs Clan!"

"I've already had someone go check it out."

The bearded five-old star said calmly, "The news I just got is that the guy Tezoro seems to want to hold a draft within all minority groups and then form an idol group."

"Idol group?"

The blond Wulao Xing looked puzzled, "So is that guy Tezolo really going to transform into the entertainment industry?"

"But what about Brett?" the sword-wielding Five Old Star asked in a deep voice, "If that's all, there's no need for him to follow you all the way, right?"

"That guy's words,"

The bearded Five Old Star paused, "He seems to want to unite all the minority groups and then form an alliance."


The bearded Wu Laoxing exclaimed, "The Fish-Man Island is already troublesome enough now. If he really does this, the situation will become even more troublesome. After all, of course the Giants belong to that guy too." Let’s make it one of our goals!”

"So, what should we do?"

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "Do you want to stop it? But how should we stop it? Now the main force of CP0 has been sent out to search for the revolutionary army."

The five old stars were a little silent.

Yes, Brett just happened to choose a very troublesome time to act.

"We can no longer tolerate that guy! The investigation of the dynamite rock incident cannot be stopped. If it is proven that Brett is related to this, then he cannot be allowed to continue to exist in this world!"

The sword-wielding Wu Laoxing Kang made a speech, "Even if it turns out that he has nothing to do with this matter, we still have to beat him! That guy's combat power is indeed very important to the government, but because of this, it is even more important. We cannot let him escape the government’s control!”

“Let’s choose the time for this World Conference!”

On the other side, time gradually passes, at the port of a certain island.

"Have a safe journey, Lord Bright! Lord Tezolo!"

The long-necked crowd was saying goodbye to the two of Brett.

After the Long Hand Clan, Brett and Tai Zuo visited the Long Legs Clan and the Snake Neck Clan one after another, and the results were similar to those in the Long Hand Clan.

The two races that were rejected in this world chose to join the alliance with only a slight hesitation after Brett issued the invitation.

Tezzolo's draft plan is of course progressing smoothly, but he has not found a seed player like Apu in these two countries, so he must conduct the draft seriously.

"It went smoothly! It went smoother than expected!"

After leaving the Snake Neck Clan, Taizolo laughed and said, "Then what happens next?"

"It's just Zuowu, right?" Brett said.

"That's right!"

Tezoro said with a smile, "The country exists on the back of a giant elephant. Just bringing the existence of this country to the sea will cause a sensation!"

“It’s really exciting!”

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