One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 337 Opening of Wapol

This world conference will last for a week in total.

After finally summoning the kings of many participating countries from all over the world, of course it is impossible to end the meeting in a day or two and let everyone go back to their homes.

The World Conference is only held every four years and has a lofty status within the World Government. In theory, this is the true highest power of the World Government.

As long as the kings of the participating countries vote to pass it, then this will be the highest resolution of the world government.

Well, theoretically it is.

For the kings of the participating countries, the significance of the World Conference is that they can put forward their proposals at the meeting, and then the kings of the participating countries will vote.

Whether it is requesting support for some reason, mediating conflicts in surrounding areas or mediating wars with other countries, it can all be achieved as long as it can get the support of the kings of other participating countries.

Therefore, being invited to Mariejoia to participate in such a world conference every four years is a matter of pride for the kings of all participating countries.

After all, not all kings of the participating countries have such rights.

This is also the reason why this meeting will be held for a week. After all, almost every His Majesty the King has their own demands. It takes a lot of time to take the stage to express one by one, and to vote by a show of hands.

What's more, the World Government itself will also propose some issues for the kings to vote on. For example, the proposal to establish the Shichibukai organization was finally passed and implemented after the kings voted.

And this day is the beginning of this week-long world conference.

Brett and Neptune got up early and had a hearty breakfast. Then they were led by government officials to an extremely spacious conference hall.

Many kings have gathered here, sitting in their exclusive seats, with the guards they brought behind them.

Brett had indeed come to Marigioa to protect Neptune and prevent him from having any problems.

But obviously, even the world government cannot treat him as an ordinary guard.

Next to Neptune's seat, Bright also had a separate seat.

People haven't arrived yet, and His Majesty the King is chatting in twos and threes, and Neptune is also chatting with old and new friends.

He is also a very cheerful and kind man. Coupled with the strength of Fish-Man Island, he really made a lot of new friends in just one day.

But most of these friends can only chat with each other now.

If the day comes when Fish-Man Island and the World Government have conflicts and officially break up, their faces will change faster than anything else.

The messy situation did not last long. The door on one side of the conference room opened. Under the escort of a group of CP0s wearing white clothes, the five old stars officially appeared on the stage.

"Is that the Five Old Stars?"

Neptune's eyes widened as he carefully looked at these five men with the highest power in the world.

This was the first time he saw these guys.

It doesn’t look very impressive either.

Neptune thought to himself.

"The quadrennial world conference officially begins today."

The bearded Five Old Stars seemed to be their spokesperson, and he said without hesitation, "Every king is welcome to take time to come."

"Then according to the usual practice, in the next time, the kings can put forward their demands in turn, and then let other kings vote. If the number of votes exceeds half, then the demands will be regarded as the government's resolution and will be implemented. .”

Before he finished speaking, Brett noticed that many kings were already smiling excitedly.

To be honest, it should be a test for connections now.

If there are many friends among many kings, then probably no matter what kind of wishes are proposed, the probability of being approved is very high.

But on the contrary, if the reputation among the king's group is at the level of being hated by people, then the chance of passing the request may be negligible.

After all, you can’t expect everyone to be selfless, right?

The speech process of the five old stars was quite short. After saying a few words, they left in a hurry, leaving only a senior government official to preside over the meeting.

Then, immediately the king began to come on stage and deliver his speech passionately.

"How about it? Do you have any demands that you want to express on stage?"

Brett tilted his head and said to Neptune.

"You've come here, you can't just go back without saying anything, right? Let's try and see if we can get a little more resources and policy support."

Neptune chuckled softly, "I have made arrangements with several kings to support each other's demands."

"That's it."

Brett chuckled.

Look, isn’t that what it is?

There is indeed a serious clique phenomenon among the kings, and the fights between them are also obvious. The meeting is as lively as a vegetable market.

There were often quarrels between kings over certain issues.

For example, right now, the proposal put forward by the chubby man covered in white fur, who looked like a hippopotamus, was fiercely opposed by King Kobra of Alabasta.

Wapol, who looked like a hippopotamus, made a request.

Because the people in the country were always fiercely opposed to his rule, he hoped that the government would send troops to help him suppress the mob.

Kobra, on the other hand, refuted everything simply because his rule was cruel.

Kobra has a high reputation among the kings. After all, Alabasta is probably the oldest country in the world.

Therefore, in the end, Wapol could only step down with a face of resentment.

The lively meeting lasted for about an hour, and it was time for a break.

Many kings took this opportunity to quickly connect with other kings, hoping that their proposals would be supported.

Neptune went too.

Brett was bored and was going to take a breath outside the conference room.


"Wow! My foot slipped!"

The man named Wapol had a proud smile on his face. He tilted his body and fell forward.

But at the same time, his right hand was ready to go, and he used his body tilt to slap forward without mercy.

Standing in front of him was a little girl with a confused look on her face.

Little girl with blue hair.

Wapol's eyes were full of joy.

Who dared your bastard father to refute my proposal just now?

However, the slap did not fall.


Wapol found himself flying in the air.

Someone grabbed him by the collar and kicked him up.

"Mr. Bright!"

The little princess looked at Brett with surprise on her face as she grabbed the back of Wapol's head and lifted him up.

Brett nodded slightly towards the little princess, then threw the man in his hand away.


With a scream, Wapol fell heavily to the ground, and his fat body bounced twice on the ground with great elasticity.

"Who is it?"

He looked back.

But didn't fully come back.

An invisible aura instantly penetrated his body. He only had time to say half of his cruel words before he collapsed to the ground with his eyes rolled white.

The surrounding kings and kings remained silent and said nothing, but they began to laugh at Wapol's stupidity in their hearts.

Haven't you noticed before that this monster from Fishman Island has a good relationship with the little princess of Alabasta?

"Be careful in the future."

Brett said to the little princess.


The little princess's eyes were shining brightly.

Bravo! Mr. Brett!

The little princess was very excited.

If only I could be as good as him!

Brett turned his head and glanced at Wapol, who had passed out.

It's better not to let such a scumbag continue to be king.

With his ability, he should be able to shine in a more important position.

Meanwhile, Fishman Island.

"Is there a pirate invasion?"

Jinbei, who was eating, received unexpected news.

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