One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 239 Jinbei is very worried

Calmly watching Wapol being taken away by his guards, Bright did not make a move to stop him.

Among the guards, there was a guy who looked familiar. He was wearing a thick green winter coat and carrying a shovel on his back. When leaving, he was the only one who bowed apologetically to Princess Weiwei.

It's Dalton. Brett also knows this man's name.

He is the army commander under Wapol, and he is the only conscience among the top leaders of the Drum Kingdom. In the original work, this guy stood up to protect the country after Wapol was driven away by Blackbeard, and was finally supported by the people as the country. The new king.

He's a pretty good man.

Brett just watched quietly as Wapol's back was carried away by the guards.

The ability to swallow fruits can recombine the things swallowed. Even this guy Wapol can make Wapol alloy in the future. This kind of metal is even used by Franky, and he is always under General Franky. above.

This shows that this guy Wapol can control the combination in a precise way.

So, as long as there are materials and drawings, does that mean Wapol can become a super production line?

No matter what kind of amazing machine it is, it can swallow the material and spit it out.

There is no doubt that this is an interesting ability that will make all scientists ecstatic.

Anyway, Wapol is just a scumbag, so we might as well try to let him shine in another position.

The boring things are over here, the lively world conference will continue.

Meanwhile, Fishman Island.

"What's going on with these guys?"

In the sea near the entrance of Fish-Man Island, Jinbe frowned and watched the battle taking place in the sea ahead.

It was a fleet composed of several pirate ships, and it was currently fighting the troops of the Immigration and Entry Administration.

The battle situation was completely one-sided. In the deep sea, both humans and human ships basically had no combat capabilities. The warships of Fishman Island had already destroyed this pirate fleet with just a few consecutive bombardments. Total destruction.

This was not something serious that needed to alarm Jinbei.

After all, although the name of the Deep Sea Emperor has long been famous all over the world, the establishment of the Seven Angles Alliance has greatly improved the deterrent power of Fish-Man Island.

However, there are as many reckless and reckless bastards as there are in this world.

They don't care what a terrifying force your Fishman Island is. They only think, what if they have a chance to take a bite of meat?

Not only can he make a huge fortune, but also if he can escape unharmed after the trouble on Fish-Man Island, he will probably be famous in the sea in an instant. There are many guys in this world who are not afraid of death just for a little fame. How many.

Therefore, there should be nothing strange about such a pirate attack.

But strange things are happening.

Just today, several waves of pirates have attacked Fish-Man Island.

This is not normal.

Even if there is no shortage of young people like this in the sea, the frequency of their appearance today must be too high.

It was hard for Jinbe not to be surprised by this.

Could it be that he knew that Brett had gone to attend the World Conference and thought there was nothing to fear, so he agreed to invade in a large scale?

I feel like I've been underestimated.

Don't underestimate the Shichibukai, you idiots!

Jinbei felt a headache.

So he planned to catch a few pirates and ask them to see if today's series of pirate attacks were a coincidence or if there was another hidden reason.

After all, the frequency is too high.

Suddenly, a fishman swam to his side quickly, "Brother Jinbei! The mine was attacked by pirates!"


The color of the plane suddenly changed.

Sure enough there is a problem!

Unlike Fishman Island, the mine located in the large crack on the seabed does not have any air. It is a 100% deep sea zone.

What kind of crazy pirate would have to attack that place?

Jinbei's mind couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

Could it be that he was heading towards the hidden mining area deep in the mine?

Jinbe's expression suddenly changed. If this was really the case, it would be troublesome!

If the things there are really exposed,

"We're going to the mine right now!"

Jinbei set out non-stop, and he must not let the fact that Fishman Island has mastered a seastone mine be exposed.

Also, Brett must be notified of this matter immediately.


Are they really just pirates?

Jinbei's speed was not slow, and soon he had arrived at the mine located in the Great Rift Valley under the sea.

We can clearly see the pirate fleet fighting with the guards of the mine.

Fortunately, it hasn't been penetrated yet.

Jinbe breathed a sigh of relief.

So, hurry up and get rid of these guys!

What he didn't know was that the mining area was already quite chaotic at this time, and people in many places were screaming that human pirates were coming to kill them.

In a certain tunnel in the mine, Mark and a few fishmen were pulling a small boat forward.

The boat is completely enclosed, and you can't see what's inside it. It's wrapped in a bubble, so it can easily float in the water.

"Are you kidding me?"

Mark babbled, "There will actually be human pirates attacking here?"

I simply don't understand what those guys are thinking.

"Send this batch of ore to the ship first."

Mark said.

He didn't think that human pirates could defeat the Fish-Man Island army in the deep sea.

He just needs to work step by step as usual, nothing else is what he should think about.

However, when he turned a corner inside the mine, several panicked fishmen suddenly bumped into him.

Caught off guard, Mark and others were knocked upside down.

The huge force caused the boat they were dragging with the ore in their hands to hit the wall of the mine tunnel, and the bubbles burst. At that time, the boat hit the ground again, and this time even the tight lid was opened.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Mark immediately stood up and began to clean up the overturned boat.

"Sorry, sorry!"

The fishmen who tried their best to knock them down just apologized profusely.

Mark didn't notice that one of the guys was stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets.

Outside the mine, Jinbe easily dealt with the incoming pirates. He was grabbing a pirate and was about to ask them what their purpose was when the phone rang.

"Boss Jinbei! Pirates have appeared again! The industrial area! There are traces of pirates in the forest of the sea as well!"

"Umi no Mori!"

Jinbei's eyes widened.

That place, like this mine, hides something that must not be exposed.

No, it may even be more important than the mine!

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