One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 244 Crisis, trump card

The man in front of him was wearing a white robe and a mask on his face. Brett didn't know his name or what he looked like.

He only knows one thing.

That is, this man is probably the supreme leader of CP0, the guy who is known as the strongest shield of the Tianlong people.

There is no doubt that he is a very strong and ruthless character.

He must have been the one who had been staring at me and others before, and as expected, he immediately jumped out and blocked the way forward.

Brett smiled and answered the question from Mr. Strongest Shield, "Something happened on Fish-Man Island, so we have to go back quickly."

"You came just in time, help me say goodbye to Wulaoxing."

"Are you still pretending to be stupid now, Murloc Brett?"

The voice of Mr. Tianlong's Strongest Shield sounds a little old, and it seems that he is not too young, but he is still full of energy. "The government has discovered your crime, so don't think about absconding in fear of crime. Now it is waiting for you." The only thing left is severe punishment by law.”


Brett smiled, "So, what is the crime?"

It's interesting. Could it be that this guy would directly tell him that he rescued Tom and captured Pluto's design?

"You know what the crime is."

Even though there were no other bystanders here, Mr. Strongest Shield was still very tight-lipped.

All information related to Pluto must not be exposed to outsiders.

The strictest confidentiality policy must be enforced.

"So, it means that they won't let us leave without a fight, right?"

Brett said with some regret.

"This opportunity would never have been available in the first place."

The Strongest Shield said, his voice calm and steady, as if he was a messenger of God from the sky, announcing the decree of the gods, "All sinners who are enemies of the government will have only one fate,"

"That's death."

"is that so?"

Brett smiled.

"Don't be too arrogant, fishman Brett."

Mr. Strongest Shield heard the carelessness in Brett's words, and he said coldly, "Do you think that with your power, you can do whatever you want in Mariejoia, the highest city in the world?"

As if to confirm his words, the next moment.

"Looks like we came just in time."

Suddenly there was a light in the sky.

Dazzling yellow light fell from the sky and condensed into the appearance of a tall and thin man next to the man in white robe.

"Hey, we meet again, Brother Brett."

The man who condensed his body from the light smiled and waved hello to Brett.

"It's Kizaru!"

Neptune's hole tightened.

It's a general!

A CP0 commander is already difficult enough, but now we need another admiral?

It's a pity that Brett can only hear the general emotions in people's hearts, but cannot fully listen to their voices.

Otherwise, he would definitely tell Neptune with a smile now.

A general?

Nothing is that cheap.

"It's time to pay for your sins, fishman Brett!"

As if a meteorite fell from the sky, with billowing smoke and the pungent smell of sulfur floating everywhere, another man landed behind Brett and others.

The ground made of solid stone melted in an instant, and the surrounding temperature soared rapidly.


Neptune was instantly more frightened.

An extra Kizaru is already troublesome enough, but now Akainu is here too!

Moreover, two of the three generals actually appeared here, so if the remaining one didn't come, would he be a little out of place?

Obviously, the Aokiji general who escorted them to Mary Joa had no unique ideas.

There was no grand entrance at all like the two colleagues. The man in a blue suit just walked slowly out of the Pangu City gate that was kicked open by Brett.

"Ah la la la, it has finally developed to where it is now."

The general, who symbolized ice, raised his hand to scratch his curly hair and complained, "Can't everyone live in peace?"

"Stop talking stupid here, Kuzan!"

The right arm of the man codenamed Akainu and named Sakaski has turned into magma that is even brighter red than the red suit he wears, and thick smoke rises from his arm.

Under the navy hat, a pair of falcon-like eyes were fixed on Brett's back, "Have you forgotten what kind of shame this guy has brought to the navy?"

Qingzhi sighed.

Now that Brett has fallen out with the government, it's time to settle the grievances of the past.

Brett really wanted to laugh.

That's fun, right?

It is the World Government that protects him and Fishman Island.

But the navy with a strong sense of justice can only complain about the government a few times, and then they can only wait for him to fall out with the government and cause trouble again.

"This is not good, Brett!"

Neptune whispered, "All three generals are here!"

Three generals from the Navy Headquarters plus a CP0 commander!

Who can resist such a lineup?

Even the strongest Whitebeard Pirates in the world will probably be defeated!

"Don't worry."

Brett smiled and comforted him, "Leave everything to me."

"Oh, I'm still as confident as ever."

Kizaru said with a smile, "As expected of you, Brother Brett. When we were at the scientific force base, I told you that you would become a great man. Sure enough, my prediction came true."

"Why are you talking nonsense with a guy like this!"

Akainu has a bad temper and has no intention of talking nonsense with Brett. The lava on his right arm splashes even more violently, "Take him down!"

"Then let's have a good chat later, Brother Brett."

Kizaru grinned, and his body began to glow brightly.


General Aokiji, who always seemed very lazy, finally showed his energy at this time.

He let out a slow breath, and then the ground around his feet began to freeze.

"Accept your fate, fishman Brett."

The man called Zero by the five old stars, the supreme commander of CP0, also slowly began to roll up his sleeves.

The victory is already certain.

Even a strong man at the level of the Pirate Emperor would not have any chance of winning when facing the four of them at the same time!

Not to mention that Brett brought a bunch of oil bottles with him!

Brett smiled. Of course he knew very well that there was absolutely no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation.

Even if you think you are stronger than the generals, this does not mean you can win four against one.

Therefore, it is time for them to see their trump card.

Brett reached into his pocket.

He took out something.

"What! This is it!


Mr. Strongest Shield, whose voice had always been calm, shouted in horror.

Brett was holding a stone in his hand. It looked like a fancy stone.

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