One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 245 You jump, I jump

Everyone could clearly see the stone held in Brett's hand.

It is an ellipsoid with two crescent-shaped cracks on it, and there is a weak fluorescence inside the cracks.

"Hey, hey, brother Brett, this is not a child's toy!"

Admiral Kizaru was sweating from his forehead at that time, "It's better to leave it to uncle quickly and I will handle it."


Brett smiled and said, "Then I'll throw it over."

He pretended to throw it away.

"Etc., etc!"

Kizaru waved his hands repeatedly, "You'd better hold on tighter. If this thing explodes, you'll be in big trouble!"

Not only him, but even Akainu, who has a cold and hard temperament, couldn't help but change his color at this time, "Dynamite Rock!"

The existence of this thing is an absolute secret, but whether it is the strongest shield for the generals or the Tianlong people, there are very few things in the world that can be called secrets.

Akainu knows very well the origin and power of dynamite rock.

"The theft of Dynamite Rock was actually your fault!"

The strongest shield said solemnly, "Britt! You guy!


This bastard actually did this!

Coupled with the fish-man Tom who has the blueprint of Pluto, is there anything in this world that he dare not do?

"It turns out that I am very foresight, right? Won't it come in handy now?"

Brett shook the dynamite rock in his hand. Although the stone was not contained in a special container, Brett wrapped it with a layer of tight bubbles so that it could not come into contact with the air.

But even so, his actions made the generals hold their breath.

"Ah la la, I wonder if the elementalization can withstand the explosion of the dynamite rock."

Qing Zhi scratched his head with a headache.

"I guess there will be no problem,"

Kizaru said slowly, "But I guess Kuzan and Sakaski can't do it."

Of course, the explosion will not hurt the light, but the ice and magma will probably be evaporated directly by the ultra-high temperature brought by the explosion.

"That's really troublesome,"

Aoki continued to sigh, "Brother Brett, I think we can talk."

"Now is not the time to talk about this! You two bastards give me the same amount!"

Akainu said angrily, "Do you still want this bastard to be more arrogant?"

"So, General Akainu means,"

Brett turned around and said with a smile, "Do you want me to detonate the explosive rock here?"

Akainu bit his lip.

The current situation is not good.

where is this place?

Marie Joa!

In front of the gate of Pangu City!

The power of the dynamite rock explosion is comparable to ancient weapons. If it really explodes here, the entire Pangu City will be blown up to the sky, and the highest level of the World Government, including the Wulaoxing, will be completely annihilated.

The kings gathered here can only be regarded as adding to the situation.

In fact, the gathering place of the Tianlong people is not far away, and the explosion of the dynamite rock will probably affect that area as well, and most of the world's nobles will also be finished.

"Tsk, I thought you would be tougher, General Akainu."

Brett twitched his lips, then smiled and said, "Then my suggestion is, how about getting out of the way."

Behind, on a window in Pangu City.

“Dynamite Rock!


The expressions of the five old stars gathered here suddenly changed. The bald five old star almost crushed the window sill in front of him, "Damn Brett! Sure enough, it was him too!"

"We should be lucky that we have seen through his true colors now!"

Wu Laoxing, who had always doubted Brett's white robe, didn't feel proud at this time. He just felt terrible, "But with the development momentum of this guy in recent years, in a few years, he will It’s a serious problem for the government!”

"It's already troublesome enough as it is!"

The bearded Wulaoxing gritted his teeth and said, "What should we do? Force that guy to detonate the explosive rock and then die with him?"

The five old stars were a little silent.

Of course they don't want to die.

"If we let him leave now and return to Fish-Man Island, it will be extremely difficult for us to take action against him."

The five old stars in white robes said, "We should all understand that no one can defeat him in the deep sea! We can only watch him continue to grow."

"What do you mean?"

The bearded Five Old Star turned to look at him.


Brett is really too dangerous. With Pluto's design and dynamite rock, no one in the world is more dangerous than this bastard!

If he could successfully escape from Mariejoia and return to Fish-Man Island, then I'm afraid there would never be a chance to catch him again.

The five old stars were slightly startled when they heard this.

Indeed, if they were desperate, Brett would undoubtedly detonate the explosive rock immediately and die with all of them.

So, don't let him get cornered!

Try it, it seems to work.

"Then, go and wake up that adult."

The white-robed Wulaoxing said resolutely.

At this point, we can no longer hesitate.

You can't let the tiger go back to the mountain, but Brett has an explosive rock in his hand, and it is almost impossible to capture him before he detonates the explosive rock.

Unless, let some adult take action.


While there was a stalemate in the square in front of Pangu City, the phone bug suddenly started chirping.

is zero.

He answered the phone.

"Let him go."

Wulaoxing's voice came from the phone.


Without any hesitation, Mr. Tianlong's strongest shield nodded.


The expressions of Aokiji and Kizaru didn't change much, but Akainu gritted his teeth.

Can we just watch this guy escape?

Brett grinned, "Looks like I've got the pass."

"Neptune, it's time for us to go home."

Brett smiled and started to move forward.

Neptune and the guards quickly followed.

"Get out!"

Akainu gritted his teeth, but he could only watch helplessly as the group of people from Fishman Island left.

"Don't be so quick to get angry, Sakaski,"

Qingzhi said lazily, but his eyes were indeed very sharp, "It's not over yet!"

"Phew—I finally passed the test!"

Neptune's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he said happily, "I thought it was over this time!"

"Don't be too quick to be happy, it's not over yet."

Brett said this.

The three generals of the Navy Headquarters, the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, are still following behind.

Even on the way to the airport along this road, more and more naval forces were outflanking them.

Soon Brett and his team arrived at the airport where they came from.

"Tsk, but it's not surprising at all."

Brett sighed as he looked at the bubble ships that had all been blown up in the port.

Going further is the edge of the Red Earth Continent. Standing here and looking down, Brett can't even see the blue sea at all. All he can see is a sea of ​​clouds.

"This is terrible!"

Neptune suddenly became anxious, "We have no way to escape!"

They can't fly. Is it possible that they should imitate Tiger and climb all the way down the red earth continent?

"Otherwise, let's escape to both sides along the red earth continent!"

Neptune made a suggestion.

The Red Earth Continent is unusually wide, and it surrounds the world.

Mary Joa is only a tiny part of this. If she escapes along the Red Earth Continent, she can even reach the other side of the world.

Brett looked back at the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters and the Mr. Strongest Shield, who were staying in the distance.

They had no intention of getting closer, but they also had no intention of leaving.

Could this be delaying time?

"Get ready to dance, Neptune."

Brett said.


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