The navy is the overlord of the sea. This is the consensus of everyone on the sea.

Although the pirate emperors of the New World are powerful, their influence is only limited to a corner of the New World.

The only one who can truly spread their influence to the whole world and make the whole world tremble because of their existence is the Navy.

But at this time, the naval marshal in charge of the world's hegemon, Buddha of the Warring States Period, was frowning.

As frowning as he was, there were two other people in the office.

Many years ago, Vice Admiral Iron Fist Garp was respectfully called a hero by people around the world because of his feats.

He is full of wits and is known as the lieutenant general and the brain of the navy.

When they first joined the navy, the three people who had worked together as companions to help each other frowned and said nothing.

The reason for the frown was a newspaper placed on Sengoku's desk.


Then the next moment, the office of Marshal Sengoku, who held the highest authority in the navy, was kicked open.

The expressions of the three people changed at the same time.

"Warring States! What the hell is going on!


The furious beast strode in from the door, and his voice seemed to burst the ceiling of the entire room.

Warring States lowered his head, not daring to have any eye contact with his old friend at this moment.

"Answer me Warring States!


Black Wrist Zefa's originally soft purple hair was almost standing upside down due to rage. He was like a roaring lion.

"Why did that bastard, that scumbag, that guy who killed so many of my disciples become the new Shichibukai!"

There was a photo printed on the newspaper spread out on the desk.

The man in the photo is smiling silly, with a slender and curved beard like a crescent moon on his upper lip.

People on the sea generally call him Bai II.

The man who once attacked the naval training fleet led by Black-armed Zefa and finally cut off Zefa's arm.

Facing the furious Zefa, Marshal Warring States chose silence.

He could only remain silent. What could he say now?

Tell his old friend, has justice betrayed him?

Sengoku's silence further angered Zefa. He rushed out like the wind, stepped on the desk, grabbed Sengoku's collar with both hands, and pulled him up.

"Answer me! Warring States!"

Zefa roared almost at the top of his lungs. At the door, Ain, who followed Zefa, looked at the back of his most respected teacher.

She was shocked to find that the man who once seemed to be able to face any difficulties calmly, his most respected teacher, was now trembling.


The man who has led the march of justice as the pillar of the navy since the last era, the marshal who commands the entire navy, feels like his lips are as heavy as a ton of weight, and just opening and closing them slightly requires him to do his best.

He murmured, and in the end he could only timidly call out his old friend's name.

"It's not his problem, Zefa, it's not Warring States' problem."

Lieutenant General He, who was sitting on the sofa, spoke in a low voice, "We have been fighting together since we were young. You know us, and we will never allow this kind of thing."

Zefa loosened his grip on Sengoku's hand slightly.

"We have just received a subpoena from the government."

Marshal Sengoku whispered, "Without our knowledge, they had already contacted Edward Weibull privately and successfully recruited him to become the new Shichibukai."

"You also know that in order to deal with Brett, the government needs more power."


Zefa was silent.

Then he sent Marshal Warring States away and let him sit back on the office chair again.

"I'm going to Mariegio!"

Saying these words coldly, Zefa strode out.

"Please let me come with you!"

Ain quickly followed.

The footsteps gradually faded away, but the three people in the office remained silent.

"Something big is going to happen."

Lieutenant General He sighed.

"I'll go with you."

Lieutenant General Garp stood up, picked up the cloak of justice he had put aside and walked out.

If he followed, he would be able to adjust if something really happened.

"This guy is a bit reliable sometimes."

Marshal Warring States looked at Garp's figure who always wanted to leave in a hurry, and sighed softly, "Zefa, calm down!"

He was deeply worried.

Zephyr strode forward among Marine Fando. Along the way, more and more people gathered behind him.

"Teacher Zefa, take us with you too!"

"That's right! The murderer of our companions turned out to be the Shichibukai! How can we accept this kind of thing!"

"Let's go to Mariejoia together! Let's go to the government and the Five Old Stars to find out!"

The students who experienced the pirate attack that day with Zefa chose to follow their teacher.

They set off.

Boarding a warship docked in the port, the group headed directly towards Mariejoia.

Just when they left the port, a figure fell from the sky.

"Haha, let me go with you."

The naval hero said with a smile, "If you can't win the quarrel, I can still help."

Zefa snorted lightly but didn't say anything.

He knew this guy wanted to help.

Marinefando was not far from the base located under the Red Earth Continent. Soon the group had arrived, and then boarded the upward bubble ship directly to Marigioa.

Pangu City is getting closer and closer, and Zefa's heart is getting more and more restless.

He clenched his fists subconsciously and looked at the white building in front of him with extremely angry eyes.

He wanted to find an explanation from Wulaoxing.


"Wulao Xing is busy with business right now and doesn't have time to meet you, Mr. Zefa."

A man wearing a white robe and a mask, and bearing the title of the strongest shield, stood in front of the gate of Pangu City.

"Are you kidding me?"

Zefa gritted his teeth and growled, "Are you treating me like a lake of fools?"

The Strongest Shield remained unmoved, even his tone of voice did not change at all, "Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact."

"Everything has become a foregone conclusion. All we have to do is obey the government and obey the instructions of the Five Old Stars. I think as a soldier, Mr. Zefa, you should understand this better than me."

Zefa stepped forward. When his foot fell heavily, the solid floor outside Pangu City that he stepped on shattered. Invisible air currents jumped up from his body, causing his clothes to tremble continuously.

CP0's strongest shield did not move, and even his voiceless tone was as calm as ever, "Mr. Zefa, please don't get excited. This is Pangu City, the residence of the gods."

"If you have any dissatisfaction, then I can have a good talk with you, but remember not to be presumptuous here."


At this time, a hand pressed on Zefa's shoulder.

Behind him, Lieutenant General Garp looked solemn, "Don't mess around!"


Zefa was silent.

He raised his head and looked up at this white and spotless building.


Zefa laughed, "Haha, hahahaha!"

Then he turned and left.

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