One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 266 The rebellious Zefa

Zefa took the disciples who came here with him and left without looking back.

The Strongest Shield watched their departing figures quietly.

Watching with him was Mr. Garp, the naval hero.

"Mr. Karp, I think you should persuade Mr. Zefa to calm down."

Mr. Strongest Shield spoke calmly, then turned and returned to Pangu City.

Capuçon didn't even look back, he kept looking at the leaving figure of his old friend.

The back figure was bleak and thin.

It was something he had never seen before.

In the past, Zefa's back was always high-spirited, his waist was always straight, and he would always face any enemy with the most proud and confident attitude.

But now, it seemed that his waist could no longer straighten, and something was pressing on him.


Lieutenant General Garp whispered his friend's name.

He watched Zefa go away, go away.

Just when Zefa was about to disappear from his sight, Lieutenant General Garp saw that the man's waist straightened up again, his hands holding his hair and pushing it back.

Inside Pangu City.

"Zefa has gone back."

The strongest shield is reporting to the five old stars.

"Humph, even though people have gone back, they are still accumulating dissatisfaction."

The bald Five Old Star snorted coldly.

"Don't say that. No matter what, Zefa is a man who has been fighting for the government for decades as a navy man."

The blond Wulaoxing smiled and said, "Let's comfort him properly afterwards."

"You're really good at pretending."

The bearded Five Old Star laughed.

"Aren't you worried that that guy will do something irrational in anger?" The blond Wulao Xing smiled unabated.

"That's right. Although Zefa did have one of his arms cut off and contracted a disease that is difficult to cure, he is not weak after all, and he also has huge appeal within the navy."

The five old stars holding the sword nodded slightly and said, "Inform Warring States and ask him to keep an eye on that guy Dian Zefa and don't let him do stupid things."


On the sea, a warship was speeding forward.

Zefa stood on the bow of the boat, folding his hands on his chest, quietly looking at the undulating sea.

"Teacher Zefa!"

Behind him, a disciple clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth, "Is this the end of the matter? Just let that guy Weibull become the new Shichibukai!"

Those who died in the attack that day were all their partners!

They are the closest partners who train together, laugh together and suffer together!

"never mind?"

Zefa didn't look back, "How could it be that we just let it go?"

Everyone on the deck was stunned at the same time. They heard the strong voice in the voice of their most respected teacher.

"We have been betrayed by justice."

Zefa turned his back to his disciples and said, "I am really a fool. I should have realized this a long time ago, starting with that guy Brett."

Isn't that the same thing with Brett?

Even after killing the navy, he was still forgiven by the government.

Shouldn’t we have realized it from that moment on?

Justice is worthless to the government.

"Teacher Zefa..."

Ain staggered forward in a daze.

She had a strong feeling that what she was going to hear next were words that would turn their world upside down.

"what do you mean?"

Zefa suddenly turned around, and all the disciples saw that the face of this man who was as strong as steel was now stained with tears.

However, in this model lake, his determined eyes can be clearly seen.

"The World Government Navy Headquarters, they can no longer represent justice. Next, I am going to find real justice."

"Do you want to come with me?"

About a few hours later.

Navy Headquarters.

"No news from Zefa yet?"

The Warring States Marshal's face was gloomy, with dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

There is still no news about the naval battleship that carried Zephyr and his disciples and was supposed to return to Malinfando from Mariejoia long ago.

After setting sail from the base under the Red Earth Continent, it disappeared over the sea, and no news came back.

It was as if all of them had just disappeared.

But Warring States knew that no one in the world could make Zefa disappear without sending any news.

Except, himself.


Lieutenant General He, who had just walked in, shook his head.

"The government just contacted me and asked me to keep an eye on him."

Sengoku sighed.

"Looks like it's a little late."

Lieutenant General He sighed, "That guy probably chose the path we least want to see."


The Warring States Marshal was silent.

After a long time, he finally spoke, "Zefa has always been the most silent and reserved among us, so when the volcano in his heart begins to erupt, he is the most uncontrollable."

"So, Warring States Period," Lieutenant General He said, "What are we going to do next?"

"What, Xiaohe, are you even hesitant now?"

The Warring States Marshal forced a smile, and then he rubbed his hair in annoyance, "Then, of course I am the same."

A few days later, after the news of the birth of the new Shichibukai spread throughout the world a few days ago, there was a new explosive news that almost silenced the whole world.

He once held the position of Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and is currently the Chief Instructor of the Navy Headquarters. He single-handedly cultivated almost all the mainstays of the Navy. Black-armed Zefa defected from the Navy.

"Zefa? Is it really the black-armed Zefa! A man like that would betray the navy! Who can believe such a thing!"

The whole sea is boiling.

Although the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is the former, a high-level government official of this level has defected. This is an unprecedented situation!

People all over the sea are discussing, what is going on?

What kind of things did that black-handed Zefa go through before he chose to betray the government!

All of a sudden, all kinds of comments were rampant.

"Damn Zefa!"

In Pangu City, Wulaoxing, who originally didn't care much about Zefa's attitude, was furious, "Don't that bastard know what kind of situation the government is facing now!"

Yeah, what's the point of sacrificing a little bit in order to deal with that bastard Brett?

"Zero! Find out that guy's whereabouts! Get rid of him in the shortest possible time!"

The defection of an officer of this level has already greatly damaged the government's prestige.

If the processing time is delayed too long, what will the people at sea think of the World Government?

It’s okay to have nothing to do with the Pirate Emperors, but now you can’t even deal with a betrayer?


Mr. Strongest Shield nodded.

But he felt a little helpless in his heart.

Not only did he have to deal with the revolutionary army, he also asked him to send people to infiltrate Fishman Island, and now he had to hunt down Zefa.

CP0 is not omnipotent.

Fishman Island.

Brett put down the newspaper and raised the corners of his mouth.

Thanks to the World Government, the plot of Zefa's defection has been brought forward.

So, can I...

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