Brett shrunk his body and turned into a ferocious dragon-man who entered the bubble and sat on the broken coast of the Shampoo Islands, which was swept up by the flame cloud and fell into the deep sea.

"Now, let's have a good chat."

Brett smiled.

Zefa crossed his arms over his chest and looked calm, unmoved.

But the faces of his disciples could not suppress the look of expectation.

What is the past of the man who is respectfully called the emperor by the world?

It’s really hard for them not to be curious.

And, after all, this man had saved them twice.

"I think my origins are no longer a secret, right?"

Brett smiled and said, "I am a hybrid of human and fishman. I was abandoned in Fishman Street since I was a child. Because of the care of several elder brothers, I was able to grow up safely."

"Fisher Tiger?"

Zefa said.

"That's right,"

Brett smiled and said, "Brother Tiger, he is my lifelong idol."

"So when he returned to Fish-Man Island to form the Sun Pirates, I immediately chose to join."

He turned to look at Zefa, "Mr. Zefa, you should know what happens next."

Zefa said nothing.

Of course it's clear.

The Sun Pirates back then were a pirate group that the World Government ordered to be eliminated as soon as possible.

After all, most of the members of that pirate group were slaves of the Celestial Dragons who were rescued from Mariejoia by Fisher Tiger.

And Fisher Tiger himself was the first big sinner in history to cause trouble in Mary Joa.

"I asked you before, Mr. Zefa, whether we did anything wrong."

Brett said, "Now let me ask you again, do you think we did something wrong?"

"Brother Tai didn't harm anyone. Instead, he rescued many slaves who were oppressed by the Tianlong people, regardless of race."

"The Sun Pirates did not kill anyone when they sailed on the sea. Even in the face of the navy who came to conquer or the pirates who came to provoke, we still showed mercy."

Brett fell into memories, recalling the time when we all sailed on the sea.

"Brother Tiger said that the Sun Pirates are a pirate group that will fight for liberation."

Zefa's students are all a little curious. Is there really such a pirate group in the world? Have there ever been such pirates?

The Sun Pirates happened many years ago, and newcomers who have just joined the navy have basically no understanding of that pirate group.

Zefa pursed his lips and sighed in his heart.

As the former top leader of the Navy, of course he knew all the information about the Sun Pirates.

Brett was right. The pirate group did not do anything harmful to nature during the three years they sailed on the sea.

On the contrary, they did a lot of chivalrous and righteous things during their voyage.

Even when the pirate group was destroyed in the end, it was because they wanted to send a little girl who had been a slave of the Celestial Dragons back to her hometown.

Zefa knew these things very well.

It was precisely because he knew these things that Zefa was speechless when faced with Brett's questions.

Brett didn't pay too much attention. He continued, "Then there was the matter of me being caught in the naval experimental base because of some special characteristics of my bloodline."

Brett gave an honest summary of some of his experiences at the base.

Including choosing to run away because he didn't want to be executed as experimental material, eventually causing a riot and eating the fruit that was considered a failure, and getting into a relationship with Vegapunk.

He emphatically talked about the conflict with the major general.

He said everything except the deal with Vegapunk.

"So, everyone, tell me, did I do anything wrong?" Brett asked.

Zefa's disciples, who were once marines, looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

When they were in the Navy, of course they could justly say that Brett, who killed the Navy, was a sinner.

But now that they have betrayed the navy, or rather been betrayed by the navy, how can they say such a thing?

They have become convinced that the navy and government do not represent true justice.

Then those who are enemies of the navy and the government are not necessarily the real evil.

In this case, when we look at Brett's matter again, we can draw different conclusions.

Fisher Tiger, who saved the slaves, cannot be called a criminal at all. It is more appropriate to call him a hero.

If this is the case, then Brett is innocent. Why can't he resist when he is being persecuted?

Zefa was speechless.

Even for him, it was hard not to think that what Brett had done was just a forced self-defense act.

"Then it's time to return to Fish-Man Island."

Brett smiled and said, "I think everyone is familiar with it."

"I just want to make my hometown prosperous, but the government comes again because of what happened before."

"After that, I gradually realized," Bright said, "It was not pirates that made the world what it is today, but the World Government."

"He is the source of the greatest injustice in the world."

"The world government that advocates freedom and equality has never been free or unequal, right, Mr. Zefa?"

Brett said, "The Tianlong people rely on the government to exploit the whole world. All countries that want to obtain naval protection must pay huge amounts of sky gold to the government every year, even if the entire country will be in trouble."

"The Celestial Dragons have supreme authority in the world, and anyone who offends them will be punished mercilessly by the navy."

"They are the gods of this world."

"But it is a pity that God does not pity the world. On the contrary, countless people cannot survive because of their existence and have to run to the sea because of this."

Pirates who go to sea for their dreams are definitely a minority among the minority.

The reason why most pirates run to the sea is very simple, for wealth and to make a living.

So, who makes them have no wealth and make it impossible for them to survive?

"The way to end this era of great pirates is simple."

Brett raised two fingers, "First, find the legendary secret treasure and put an end to the pirates' dream of treasure hunting."

"Then, overthrow the world government and establish a truly fair and just world order so that people no longer have to travel to the sea to make a living."

Zefa was slightly startled.

"Mr. Zefa, what do you think?"

Brett asked with a smile.


Zefa was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Britt, I never thought you were such a man with the world at heart."

"Do not misunderstand,"

Brett waved his hand, "From the beginning to the end, I just want my motherland and all the compatriots on Fish-Man Island to live openly and openly under the sun."

"So, for this reason, I need a world order that is truly fair and just."

"Cooperate with me, Mr. Zefa," Brett said seriously. "If we want to overthrow the world government and create a harmonious world, we need to unite all the forces that can be united."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to cooperate in depth. As long as you can stand on the same front with us in the battle with the government, it is enough."

Zefa breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It sounds like it's really hard to say no."

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