Brett convinced Zefa.

Although initially expected, this would be a very difficult thing.

That guy from Tezoro was sarcastic, and even Brett himself wasn't completely sure.

But when I actually put it into practice, I found that it didn't seem that difficult.

Maybe he underestimated Mr. Zefa's willingness to change, Brett thought.

After breaking away from the World Government and betraying the Navy, this man has probably completely abandoned the justice of the Navy.

What he insists on now is his own justice.

In the eyes of Navy Zefa, Brett, who is an enemy of the Navy, is of course a sinner and an enemy.

But if it was Zefa from the NEO Navy, it would be different.

Now that we are on the opposite side of the navy, of course we can no longer look at things from the navy's perspective.

Mr. Zeffa is more enlightened than he thought in advance.

"Let's go, Mr. Zefa, let's return to Fish-Man Island and have a good chat about cooperation."

Brett immediately accelerated his return.

While Brett happily took Zefa and his party back to the Fish-Man Island, they visited the Shampoo Islands.

"...That's how it is, Mr. Sengoku,"

Kizaru sounded quite helpless while talking on the phone with the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters.

"It's not that we are slacking off, that guy Brett is really too strong."

Kizaru's tone became a little sad, "Really, this world has become very strange to me. How can there be such a powerful guy?"

Navy Headquarters.

Marshal Warring States was also speechless at this time.

That guy Zefa actually had a relationship with Brett. This was a gaffe that he had never imagined beforehand.

"Having despaired of justice, did Zefa fall?"

Lieutenant General He, who was also staying in the office waiting for news, sighed, "The Zefa I know will never compromise with sin."


The Warring States Marshal was silent.

No matter what, Zefa is his partner who has been fighting for justice for decades, and is one of the most important friends in his life.

Now seeing his best friend choose to part ways with him and go to the opposite side of the navy, he felt both regret and pain in his heart.

"Anyway, the next situation will be a bit troublesome."

Lieutenant General He is always calm. She is the brains of the navy. No matter what situation she is in, no matter what kind of enemy she faces, she can always treat it with a calm attitude.

Even if the enemy is now her partner of life and death for decades, she can analyze it with the calmest attitude.

"Bright is the world government's most terrifying enemy. Now that Zefa is on the same side as him, it's really hard for me to imagine what the situation will be like in the future."

The most terrifying thing about Zefa is not his strength, but his understanding of the government and the navy.

In the past few decades, that man had sailed across the sea as the backbone of the navy and government.

He really knows too much about the inside story of the government navy.

If Zefa like this comes together with Bright, who has terrifying power, it is hard to imagine what kind of damage they will cause to the world government.

"Let's leave this matter to the Five Old Stars."

The Warring States Marshal sighed and picked up the phone bug that he put aside.

Mariejoia and the Five Old Stars were also in anger.

"That bastard Brett!"

The bearded Wulaoxing spoke in a high-spirited tone, "Why is he everywhere? How come this bastard has a hand in everything!"

Every troublesome thing has to do with this bastard!

"We must deal with this bastard Brett as soon as possible! Otherwise, the longer time passes, the more troublesome this guy will become, and it will become more difficult to deal with it!"

The blond Wulaoxing also said solemnly.

Bright alone is troublesome enough, but this guy is surrounded by more and more forces.

Not to mention the Whitebeard Pirates, who have always been allies with Fish-Man Island, first it was that bastard Tezoro, then the Seven Angles Alliance, and now even Zefa has been won over by him.

"Go and contact Kaido. No matter what, we must make him agree to work with us to deal with that guy Brett!"

"And Wang Zhi, tell CP0 to start taking action quickly. That guy should almost become a member of the Shichibukai!"

In short, the World Government's Brett annihilation plan has begun to fully launch.

Next, this behemoth will aim his spearhead at Fish-Man Island, with the elimination of Brett as his first goal.

In addition to this, both the pirate emperors of the new world and the revolutionary army causing trouble all over the world will be temporarily forgotten by the government. All they have to do now is to deal with Brett wholeheartedly.

Fishman Island.

"Is this Fishman Island?"

Brett led Zefa and his party into the country through the gate of Fishman Island in a grand manner.

It doesn’t matter if you are seen.

Zefa's disciples looked around in surprise after entering the island.

"It's just like what I saw in the movie! It's like a dreamy and beautiful country!"

Well, although the movie released before was undoubtedly an ideological propaganda film, the navy still went to watch it.

At that time, Fish-Man Island and the World Government were still in their honeymoon period, and the Five Old Stars did not stop them. How could the navy consciously resist?

Brett took Zefa to the headquarters building of the Immigration and Entry Administration, and asked his subordinates to take Zefa's disciples to rest. Then he and Zefa got into the office.

Let’s start discussing what comes next.

"So Mr. Zefa, what are your plans next?" Brett asked.

Of course, it is impossible for Zefa to stay on Fish-Man Island and become a member of this island, or even put his headquarters here like Tezolo.

"I'm going to the New World and organizing an army."

Zefa said seriously, "Originally, all I wanted was to wipe out all the pirates in the new world and end this era of great pirates!"

Zefa looked ashamed.

Maybe he has already noticed it in his heart, but he has never dared to admit it. He dared not admit that his decades of diligent pursuit of pirates not only did not make this era any better, but actually made it worse.

But now that we have betrayed the government, there is nothing we dare not admit.

"I'm very glad that you have such understanding, Mr. Zefa,"

Brett smiled and said, "In this case, as a friend, if you want to build a new army with the funds and arms, Fish-Man Island can provide some support."


Zefa was shocked.

The wealth required to organize an army is not a small sum of money.

"Of course I don't have any demands," Brett added.

"Please tell me."

Zefa nodded slightly.

If it was really a completely friendly gift, it would be a little hard for him to accept it.

"My request is very simple. Since you have decided to make the government an enemy, please don't give up halfway."

Brett said seriously, "Please fight with us until the end until the world government is completely destroyed and a new just and free world order is established."

Zefa was instantly shaken.

This man!

He actually has such courage and determination!

At this moment Zefa finally determined that as long as his goal is still the world government, then the man in front of him will be his most solid partner!


Zefa smiled in front of Brett for the first time, "I was just about to say this, if you want to back down midway, I won't let you go!"

"Of course."

Brett also smiled.

"By the way, Mr. Zefa, do you want to meet new friends? I think we can form a tripartite alliance?"

"Triple Alliance?"

Zefa frowned. Does Brett have a hidden ally?

"Who is it?" he asked.

"I think you should be very familiar with it."

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