The Navy Headquarters, who had just received the code name Fujitora, got up early on this day.

He has passed the final test and became an official admiral of the Navy Headquarters. The news has even spread throughout the world.

However, it was the first time today to meet with colleagues from the Navy Headquarters.

Although he is blind, this does not affect Fujitora's daily activities at all. He is as if he has another eye. He can move freely, put on clothes and wash up.

Then, he solemnly put the coat with the word justice written on the back over his shoulders.

"Hohoho, from today on, let me come down and take a good look at this world."

He smiled.

He walked out of his room with his blind stick and headed towards the Navy conference room where the meeting would be held later.

On the way he met another guy, his colleague.

"Oh! My lifelong brother! After putting on the coat of justice, my whole person is completely different. I feel much more handsome!"

With his hands in his trouser pockets and shaking his head as he walked, the man looked like a gangster that could be seen everywhere on the sea. He was also wearing the same coat as Fujitora, but his collar was green.

"Hahaha, Mr. Aramaki is also very handsome." Fujitora said kindly.

"Hahahaha, is that right? I guess so too!"

The man known as the Green Bull laughed and said, "Seeing me like this, the girls on the sea will probably be fascinated to death! It's really annoying. There are so many beauties that I want to date, which is also very annoying." Things that bother people, right?”

The smile on Fujitora's face did not shrink at all. He smiled and said, "Sir Aramaki, you are really an interesting person."

"Hahaha, right? I also feel that I have always been very popular!"

The green bull laughed.

The two chatted while walking along the unfamiliar corridor of the Navy Headquarters.

The navy soldiers I met along the way respectfully asked them questions.

Fujitora smiled and nodded every time.

The green bull, on the other hand, looked arrogant and proud, like a proud peacock.

They walked all the way to the outside of the conference room, and then reached out and pushed open the door at the same time.

Inside the door, in the spacious conference room, senior officials from the Navy Headquarters gathered here.

In addition to the lieutenant generals who need to be stationed at various bases, everyone who supports the advancement of the navy in this era is here.

"Let us welcome our two new generals!"

The Warring States Marshal said loudly.

These two guys are not only powerful, but they also easily passed the test of the psychological experts sent by the government, which means that their moral character can also stand the test.

Although that bastard Aramaki does seem a bit unreliable.

The two new generals strode into the conference room with smiles on their faces. From today on, they are the new pillars of justice.


The New World, the secret base of the NEO Navy, in a specially built very strong prison,

"The codenames of the new generals are Fujitora and Midori."

Zefal came to deliver this news that was of vital importance to his two disciples who were imprisoned here. …

"Tiger and cow?"

Qingzhi sighed, "Why are the generals of our generation all animals? Teacher Zefa, what did you think when you gave us nicknames?"

Is this the point?

Zefa twitched the corner of his mouth.

And nicknames like my Black Wrist and Garp’s Iron Fist are no better than yours.

"Do you want to tell us that we have been abandoned by the government? Bastard old man!"

Compared to Aokiji, Akainu's attitude was certainly worse. He sneered, "If so, then I'm sorry to disappoint you! I think this is good!"

"The Navy and the government have not weakened because of our experiences! The power to safeguard justice remains as strong as ever!"

"More importantly, a guy who is good enough to be an admiral chooses to join the navy just because the government calls for it! What does this mean? Bastard old man!


"The world recognizes the World Government and recognizes the justice of the Navy!"

The captured admiral shouted loudly, "Your plan is destined to fail! We will be the final winners!"

Zefa sighed, "I will have someone deliver the newspaper to you in the future."

"As for the rest, let's wait and see."

He turned and left.

The emergence of two new admirals has largely stabilized the current situation in the world government.

It has rekindled expectations among people who had already lost confidence in the government.

Regardless of whether these two generals have a strength close to that of Akainu Aokiji, at least one thing has been proven: the world still supports the government.

However, people who were expecting the government to take revenge on the NEO Navy immediately after replenishing its combat capabilities were somewhat disappointed. After acquiring two new generals, the Navy remained silent.

They have no intention of starting a war.

Is it because you feel that the current strength cannot defeat the NEO Navy?

So can the current situation just continue like this?

Whether you care or not, time is moving forward.

The craze for new admirals was gradually fading, and then another one arrived.

"Is Mr. Tezzolo's new movie coming out?"

The advertisement published in the World Economic News immediately made the whole world lively again.

"It's great! I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Although what happened on the sea some time ago was so thrilling and eye-catching.

But there are people who care about the situation in the world, and of course there are people who don't care.

Tezzolo's last movie really caused a huge response in the world, directly accumulating countless fans for him, and countless people are looking forward to his new works.

And after experiencing the fear and excitement caused by previous wars, people also urgently needed something to vent their emotions.

And now, this work is here, so of course, the whole world has been detonated.

Fishman Island.

"It looks like this movie will also be very successful."

Charlie, who was making coffee, said.

"It would be a weird thing if it didn't succeed. The overwhelming publicity, coupled with Tezolo's fame, and more importantly, people on the sea really lack entertainment."

Brett said leisurely, "But grades and everything else are secondary."

The key is to let the residents of Fishman Island initially establish their counter-espionage awareness through this movie.

A large-scale war will not break out for the time being. Be careful of the government's infiltration methods.

"By the way, Brett." Charlie said suddenly, "I made a prophecy before."


Brett raised his eyebrows, "About what? What did you see again?"

"About that Miss Uta."

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