One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 306 Uta wants to go home

The film Tezolo's bluntly titled "Secret War" is released.

After a bombardment of publicity by the World Economic News Agency, people around the world are already full of expectations for this film.

So naturally, after the film was released, it immediately caused a wave of frenzy throughout the world.

Brett is currently watching a movie with Charlie.

Needless to say, the quality of the film is of course quite excellent.

The most important thing for this guy Tezolo is his reputation, and he will never let his works have any obvious flaws.

The audience on the Fish-Man Island around Brett held their breaths and were deeply involved in this exciting plot, as if they themselves had really transformed into the male protagonist, fighting against the cruel and powerful in the suffocating environment. The enemies are fighting to the death.

But Brett was distracted almost the entire time.

Even though the quality of this film is indeed excellent, he has watched it several times beforehand, and after almost watching the film go from being rough to its current state of completion, he really can't arouse much interest in it.

If he hadn't come here to accompany Charlie, he wouldn't have bought the ticket at all.

Brett's eyes were fixed on the big screen, but in his heart he was thinking about what Charlie had said to him before.

In an unintentional prophecy, Charlie saw the future related to the world-famous singer Miss Utta.

Charlie said she saw a picture of Brett fighting a monster at some point in the future.

There is nothing special about this. There are as many monsters as there are in this world. Which of the sea beasts and sea kings that move in the sea cannot be called a monster?

But the problem was that Charlie said she saw Brett struggling.

This is a bit problematic.

Brett thought to himself that with his current strength, he would not be able to find a few opponents even if he searched the entire sea.

So, where did such a powerful monster come from?

However, this monster seems to have a deep connection with the little sister Uta, so Brett can understand it somewhat.

After all, if I remember correctly, little sister Uta was the big villain in the movie that he traveled through time before he even had time to watch it.

To be called a villain, of course one must have extraordinary strength.

What Xia Li predicted is a fact that will definitely happen in the future.

Brett was really curious. What was the connection between the loveless little sister Uta and the monster? When would he encounter it?

Just hope it's not too awkward a time.

It's troublesome enough to meet an opponent who can put you in a tough fight. It would be really unlucky to be taken advantage of by the navy at this time.

Although Miss Charlie has always said that the future will only move in a better direction, Brett also wants to be less beaten and experience less setbacks in the process of leading to a better future.

Who wants to go through ups and downs when everything goes smoothly, right?

By the time Brett came to his senses, the movie had come to an end with the audience cheering.

Of course, this movie was quite successful.

Even though Brett was thinking, he did not forget to observe the reactions of the people while watching the movie.

What made him feel very gratified was that while watching the movie, the people of Fish-Man Island fully sympathized with the protagonist.

When the protagonist is persecuted, they gnash their teeth, when the protagonist encounters a crisis, they are frightened, and when the protagonist launches a major counterattack, they cheer.

When the movie ended, Brett could already hear people talking about spies.

"Are those spies really so scary?"

"Of course, haven't you watched the movie? Maybe he's lurking next to us now!"

"Don't say such scary things."

"How can this be scary? Aren't the Exit and Entry Administration and Dragon Palace City advertising that we should be careful about infiltrating enemies?"

"Oh, that's it."

In the wider world, on this vast sea, this movie once again caused a sensation.

Although the scenes of this movie are far less dramatic than the previous one, it is far more exciting and exciting.

Most of the people at sea have suffered hardships, and perhaps some have even experienced wars personally, but they have definitely never seen such a tense and exciting secret battle.

However, this incident actually has little impact on Brett now.

The only reason he asked Tezolo to make the film was to promote counterintelligence efforts on Fish-Man Island.

As for what kind of results this movie will have and how much revenue it will bring, Brett doesn't care.

As long as it can successfully arouse the people of Fishman Island to be wary of government agents, it is enough.

"So it looks like the result was quite successful."

Charlie said when he came out.


Brett nodded and said, "Since it worked, let's seize this trend and increase efforts to publicize the importance of counterintelligence. I don't want what happened during the World Conference to happen again."

Those guys from before are still mining in the mines.

Being betrayed by his compatriots was something Brett didn't want to happen to again.

"How's it going over there in the New World?" Charlie tilted her head and asked, "Zefa and the neo navy."


Brett was a little surprised, "When did Charlie start caring about things on the sea?"

Miss Charlie looked straight ahead and answered him calmly, "After all, this is the scenery you have always seen."

Brett smiled and took Charlie's hand. The hand of the charming mermaid lady was cold, but it was so reassuring.

"It'll be okay over there for the time being."

Brett said, "The government is not a fool. They know better than anyone else. Mr. Zefa is not the key point. I am the key point."

"How arrogant, Director Bright."

Miss Charlie snorted softly.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Miss Charlie's childhood sweetheart, Director Brett, is now the eye of a typhoon affecting the entire world."

Brett smiled.

Even a man as violent as Kaido can't directly attack the neo navy now.

Because they all know very well that if they don't deal with themselves first, then there is no point in dealing with Zefa.

Two days after the film's premiere, Tezzolo found Bright.

"You want to leave Fish-Man Island?"

Brett was a little surprised. Didn't this guy run away and hide in Fish-Man Island because he was worried that the government would take action against him?

"Just leaving for a while, I'll be back soon."

Tezuolo also looked a little miserable, "My good apprentice wants to go back to her hometown."

Brett raised his eyebrows, Tezolo's disciple, isn't that——

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