One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 311 Invincible monster, calling for foreign aid

Otohime and others had already fled to the coast and boarded a ship docked on the shore.

Only then did they turn around and look at the huge monster above the theater in the distance.

"What the hell is that!"

Although he now positions his career as a musician, Apu, who still maintains his fearless nature, can't help but sound shocked at this time.

The monster just existed there, and just staring at him made people feel a chill coming from the bottom of their hearts, and a sense of fear arose spontaneously.

This kind of fear is not just because of the monster's obvious power, but as if he is facing a monster made of something incomprehensible and full of malice.

"That's human malice! The aggregation of all negative emotions!"

Princess Otohime couldn't help but cover her head with her hands, and tears flowed from her eyes, "Uta, what kind of pain are you suffering now!"

"Britt, I can only rely on you now!"

Brett had already rushed into the sky and was close to the demon king in an instant.



The devil is screaming.

Then red lightning burst out of him.

This lightning swept across the island in an instant, and then there was a series of extremely fierce explosions. The entire island was shaking, as if it would be shattered in the next second.

"I finally know how this country was completely destroyed overnight!"

The gold stood in front of Tezolo and condensed into a shield. He covered the shield with a layer of domineering. He and Gordon hid behind and struggled to withstand the lightning attack. At the same time, he shouted loudly, "Britt, you Is this bastard sure?


Such power! too exaggerated!

"Try it!"

Dragon scales grew on Brett's body, and he crashed through the oncoming lightning like a cannonball.

His resistance to thunder and lightning is already very high. With his current adaptability to lightning, even if he stands still and lets that bastard Enelu fire a round of ultimate moves at him, he probably won't be able to suffer any damage. .

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - Oniwa Shoken!"

Brett punched hard, and the wave condensed into a bunch of waves that roared out in the next moment, dragging the scattered black lightning. This wave directly hit the Demon King's forehead.



Waves exploded, the sky shook, and the wind howled.

Before the smoke dissipated, the Demon King's huge claws had already shot down in the air.

Brett stepped on the air and quickly retreated.


Tezoro's eyes widened, and he received Brett's all-out blow. This monster didn't even get his hat knocked off his head!

Brett couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Xia Li's prediction is really not wrong at all!

He had sworn before that there was nothing in the world that could put him in a tough fight, but now he was about to slap him in the face!

What the hell is going on with this thing?

Brett could feel that his attacks were useless against this demon king.

It's no longer the reason why it can't break the defense, it's because it can't deal any damage at all, as if this thing is in an invincible state!

Before Bright could finish his sigh, the Demon King's claws had already hit the ground below.

The stage and backstage were shattered in an instant, thick cracks were spreading in all directions, and the entire island seemed to be shattered.

For a time, thick smoke rose into the sky, forming a dense mushroom cloud.

"damn it!


Amid the fluctuations caused by the violent bombardment, Tezoro and Gordon were completely thrown away. He quickly manipulated the gold into a disc to catch the two of them and then flew back.

"Britt! How on earth are you going to deal with a monster of this level!


"Ask King Gordon!"

Brett stood in front of the Demon King and took a deep breath.

"Hot breath!


The blazing flame turned into a pillar of fire and fell on the Demon King instantly.

The fuel added to the flames directly ignited the monster entirely, turning the devil of music into a huge torch.

"hold head high!


But it was meaningless, the monster was still roaring, and red light waves were spit out by him, bombarding towards Brett without stopping.

Brett had no interest in testing the power of these beams. He just kept dodging.

Fortunately, his Haki of Knowledge is also effective against this guy, and he can also judge the trajectory of his attack.

"So what is going on with this guy, King Gordon? Doesn't he have any weaknesses?"

Tezoro, who had put some distance away to ensure safety, asked loudly.

"Of course!"

Gordon said quickly, "The Demon King's actions are all based on Uta! As long as Uta can lose consciousness, the Demon King will also disappear!"

"Five years ago, Shanks couldn't do anything against the Demon King, but after Uta fainted from exhaustion, the Demon King himself disappeared!"

"It doesn't seem to be that difficult!"

Tezoro nodded in understanding, and then he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Britt, the weak point is Uta, you win if you make her unconscious!"

"Is that so?"

Brett nodded slightly, then it was easy.

His eyes darkened, and a violent aura burst out the next moment.

Without any hesitation, Brett unleashed his domineering lust towards the little sister Uta who was wrapped in the demon king's body.

Now it seems that Uta does have very strong abilities, but her body is not very strong, just the level of an ordinary girl who has undergone some training.

This level of physique can never stop Brett's domineering look.

Just kidding, the current Vice Admiral Brett will make you kneel on the ground, okay?


"hold head high!


The monster's fist came to meet him.

Brett could only choose to retreat again.


"It doesn't work!"

Taizolo said anxiously, "What's going on? Brett's overlord color has no effect!"

"TotMusica is the legacy of those who used to have the singing fruit ability!"

Gordon hurriedly said, "That guy hurt too many people and piled up too much despair and pain in the world he created with his ability, thus creating such a monster!


"Now that monster has taken over Uta's body and mind! It's not just Uta anymore!"

"Huh? A world created with abilities?"

Tezoro felt as if he heard something terrible, "What the hell is going on with this ability!"

"A person with the ability to sing the fruit can create a spiritual world, and the souls of everyone who hears his singing will be dragged into that world!" Gordon said loudly.


Even at this critical moment, Tezoro couldn't help but be stunned.

This ability is too terrifying.

If he didn't know it beforehand, even a strong man like Brett would be attacked in an instant!

"Originally, the spiritual world and the real world were not connected to each other, but the devil connected the two worlds!"

Gordon said, "That is to say, it exists between reality and illusion at the same time. If you don't attack him in both worlds at the same time, he will be invincible!"

"You are completely invincible now!"

Taizolo looked at Brett who was being chased by the devil in the sky and couldn't help but said loudly, "Uta has completely lost his will and can't activate his abilities at all. How can he enter the illusory world!?"

Gordon was speechless.

This is where the embarrassment lies now.

Brett frowned and kept dodging the Demon King's attacks.

Even if the indestructible King Kong can't harm him at all, the power of this thing is also ridiculously strong.

A single blow would cause the island to shatter into pieces.

Can we just delay now? Drag it until Uta loses consciousness because he is too tired?


Brett's eyes narrowed.

He could hear what he saw, heard, and felt, and this monster had a will.

He wouldn't let Uta sleep so easily.

We have to think of something.


Brett yelled, "Call foreign aid!"

"foreign aid?"

Taizuoluo, who was standing on the edge in the distance, was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "Where do you want me to find you at this time -"

An idea flashed in his mind.

"Oh, yes, yes! I understand, I will contact him right away!"

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