One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 312 Strong reinforcements arrive

The already dilapidated island of Eligia is now even more crumbling.

Monsters are still raging on the island.

The constantly jumping thunder was like the baptism of heavy rain, causing violent explosions all over the island. This time, the originally dilapidated buildings were blown directly into the sky.

What caused even greater damage was the fists that the monster dropped as it continued to rage.

The Demon King was still wreaking havoc, and every time his fist hit it, it was like a meteorite striking, easily smashing huge cracks into the island, and the turbulent aftermath caused waves in the surrounding sea.

Outside the island, the battleship from Fishman Island was rising and falling on the sea.

Tezuolo and his party stood on the deck of the battleship and looked at the battle on the island from a distance.

"It's really an exaggeration. The whole island is about to be sunk!"

Tezuolo couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the ruins of the Kingdom of Eligia, which was now in pieces and covered with thousands of ravines, and with sea water pouring in continuously.

A monster-like demon king is wreaking havoc, but luckily his enemy is also a monster.

The figure wrapped in thunder kept flashing in the sky. He was always able to easily avoid all the attacks of the Demon King, and then quickly responded with color, fire, thunder, fists, and flying kicks.

Although no matter what kind of attack it was, it was difficult to cause any harm to the Demon King, but at least it did restrain the monster's actions, allowing all his anger to be focused on himself, and he had no energy to pay attention to other things.

"Is Brett going to be okay?"

Princess Otohime said worriedly.

Even though she was not good at fighting, she now knew how terrifying that demon king was.

That's a guy that almost no means can hurt!

"Don't worry about that guy,"

Tezoro said calmly, "The only advantage of the Demon King is that Bright can't hurt him. He is not stronger than Bright in terms of strength, and his agility and fighting skills are even different. He can't even touch him at all." Come to Bright."

Princess Otohime breathed a sigh of relief. It was true that this demon king had too strong a sense of oppression. This was the power to destroy a country by one person in the true sense.

"It's Uta who should be more worried now!"

Tezoro clenched his fists, "How long can her body support it?"

Devil fruits are really as powerful as cheating.

A weak girl like Uta can summon such a monster.

However, even if it is cheating, it is not really without any cost.

How long can Uta last?

"Then what should we do now?"

Princess Otohime also said in a panic, "Is there any way to deal with this guy?"

"Yes, there is, but I'm afraid it's not possible right now."

Tezoro said, "If you want to defeat that monster, you must enter the spiritual world created by Uta."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

"But if you want to do this, you must first wake up Uta."

"Let me try it!"

Princess Otohime said solemnly, "Although she was always independent before, now she and I have a very good relationship."


Tezolo shook his head without hesitation, "It's too dangerous!"

If Bright can control that demon king, then there won't be any problem.

But the problem is that the power possessed by that demon king is not inferior to that of Bright, and every move he makes has the power to destroy the world.

It's not like Bright never thought about asking Princess Otohime to try to wake Uta, but he gave up later.

This is really too dangerous.

"No need to worry, Princess Otohime."

Tezoro smiled and said, "Someone more suitable than you is on his way here now."

Princess Otohime was slightly startled.

Brett is still fighting the devil.

He just relied on his speed to dodge, and did not try to withstand the Demon King's attack to test the strength of his attack.

Then occasionally use attacks to stimulate the devil, keeping him in a frantic state without energy to think about other things.

Fortunately, although this guy had wisdom, it was just simple wisdom. He was kept in a furious state by Brett and kept chasing him.

It's not too difficult to deal with, and even Brett's physical exertion isn't very serious. With this amount of exercise, it's not difficult to play with him for ten days and a half.

But the problem is that Uta can't hold on for that long, and he will starve to death.

"But come quickly."

Brett dodged to the side, once again avoiding the Demon King's fist, and murmured softly in his mouth.

The day passed like this.

Throughout this day, the sound of the two monsters fighting never stopped for a moment.

The people watching the battle from a distance were nervous at first, but as time slowly passed, they also relaxed.

Although Bright couldn't do anything against the Demon King, wasn't that guy unable to even touch Bright?

Tezoro, who was particularly calm, even took the time to bring some food to Brett. Although Brett said that his physical strength was more than enough, being hungry was uncomfortable, right?

The only unlucky country is the country called Eligia, which has been completely destroyed. Most of the land has been smashed and sunk to the bottom of the sea, and only a piece of coral reef-like debris is still floating on the water.

"What an exaggeration!"

Apu, who had been paying attention to this battle, couldn't help but marvel when he looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Forget about that monster, Director Bright is the truly amazing one, okay?

Can humans really possess this level of power?

"But even Director Bright can't do anything about this monster!"

Apu sighed, "When will the support that President Tezoro said come true-"

Tezuolo turned around suddenly.

Breath, a terrible breath came from behind.

On the battlefield in mid-air, Bright's lips curled up slightly.

finally come!

No, I should say it came really fast.

On the sea behind, a sea ship was riding the wind and waves, approaching quickly.

A man with red hair and missing a left arm was standing on the bow of the ship. His face was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the raging monster in the distant sea and sky.

"That's too bad, Captain,"

The fat man Lucky Luye said in a deep voice, "Who would have thought that something like this would happen again after five years."

"It may have been a wrong decision to leave Uta on this island."

The red-haired man said seriously, "No matter what, let's try to make up for it this time."

"Go get our princess back, kids!"

"Oh oh oh oh!

The momentum is high.

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