One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 575 Ambush and Ambush

Chapter 576 Ambush and Ambush

"I see, are they the King of Hades and the King of Heaven?"

On the coast of the dilapidated naval base, Hawkeye finally destroyed the huge waves that came with his world's best slash.

At this time, Katakuri stood beside him, looking at the two behemoths on the sea and in the air in front of him with some surprise.

The most powerful battleship in history that can destroy an island with one shot, Pluto.

And Uranus, the king of heaven, flies in the sky and dominates the sky like a god.

This is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes.

Katakuri couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The strongest forces in the world are all gathered here at this time.

It’s really hard to help but look forward to it. What will happen next?

The bombardment that flew directly into the sky and had probably flown into the starry sky finally slowly dissipated.

However, long before that, a figure with a strong body of heat emerging from the bombardment had swept up into the sky.

Brett looked at Im, who was only slightly charred, and sighed.

Although their level of domineering still cannot completely resist the attacks of ancient weapons, they can still ensure that they do not suffer a lot of damage in a very short period of time.

Then just seize this time to get out of the attack range.

Coupled with the fact that Im was only inferior to him in terms of flexibility, Bright sighed. Sure enough, if he wanted to defeat him, he still had to rely on himself.

"Oh, have they all appeared?"

Im looked up at Hades hovering in the sky, then looked down at Pluto, who was undulating with the waves on the sea, and Uranus, who was guarding him.

"The King of Heaven plus two Plutos, it's really a lineup that people can't even imagine."

Not to mention the existence of Bright, a guy who is almost the same as an ancient weapon.

Even in the final battle that decided the ownership of the world eight hundred years ago, the only one Joey Boy could send to the battlefield was Pluto.

Compared with the power that Bright has now, it can be said to be a world of difference.

Even an arrogant person like Im would never dare to say that he still has an absolute chance of winning when facing such a lineup.


"What will be the final result? Let's talk about it in terms of war."

Im smiled.


Brett smiled and nodded.

No matter what you say now, it is all pale and feeble, and only the voice of the last surviving person is the most sonorous and powerful!

"Then, go ahead!"

Brett spurted out again, and in just a moment he was close to Im again.

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

At this moment, they began to fight fiercely in the sky.

Fists clashed with fists, kicks traded with kicks.

One moment they were still in the sky here, and the next moment, the place where the dark lightning burst out was on the top of another sky.

Wave after wave of violent winds surged up in the sky, causing the sea to shake and set off huge waves one after another.


Below, inside the huge battleship, inside Pluto, Pluto shook his head helplessly, "Their speed is too fast and they can't aim properly."

"It doesn't matter."

Dorag, who was in the control room, shook his head, "The key now is to find out where the weapon in Im's hand is hidden."

"As long as that thing is destroyed, then Im is just a bird in a cage!"

Im is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong he is, isn't he still at the same level as Bright?

As long as he doesn't have that ultimate weapon, how can he defeat Bright who controls several ancient weapons?

"Mr. Jinbei,"

Dorag turned to ask the leader of the fishmen who was also staying in the control room, "Can you trouble Princess White Star to call on the Neptunes to search in the surrounding deep sea?"

The clouds in the sky had been completely blown away during the confrontation between Bright and Im.

But there was nothing above this clear sky.

There was no way Im could have come alone, the final weapon must be hidden somewhere.

Since it's not in the sky, could it be in the deep sea?

Although the ship has never shown the ability to dive before, who can say for sure about this kind of thing?

A problem that only needs to be coated with a film can be solved, even if the film to be coated is very large.

At this time, shouldn’t we try every possibility?


Jinbei nodded, "I'll notify Noah right away."

The new fishman island is now empty.

After all, even Bright cannot predict the direction of this war. If something unexpected happens and the new Fish-Man Island is exposed, it will be troublesome.

The residents entered Noah again and were dragged by the sea kings to the deep sea near the new fish-man island.

Princess White Star is also there. With just one phone call, she can remotely control the Neptunes to start searching.

While they are asking for help from outside, the battle between Bright and Im continues in the sky.

They kept flashing and moving in the sky, and then kept colliding.

Then, in the process——

After receiving another punch from Bright and being knocked away, Im finally sighed, "Sure enough, the breath-blocking technique no longer works for you? Bright?"

"In order to achieve this goal, I have practiced hard for a long time."

Brett chuckled.


Im shook her head helplessly, "What a pity, I haven't felt any progress in many years."

That's of course. Without a strong enough opponent, just by working behind closed doors, it's already shocking to be able to become as strong as you are now.

"So it's true,"

Im said, "To win this war, frontal combat alone is not enough."


Brett was stunned for a moment, and then in the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"Be careful! It's under the sea! It's coming!"

he shouted.

The special communicator worn on his body instantly transmitted his voice to Hades in the sky and inside Pluto on the sea.

The second before Bright's voice rang, Jinbe had just hung up the phone.

He said, "Her Royal Highness the Princess has——"

Then Brett's voice interrupted him.

After a brief moment of silence, the expressions of everyone in the cab changed drastically at the same time.

Then at this moment, farther and deeper on the seafloor below, a ray of light evaporated the sea water and invaded!

boom! !

A huge ray of light once again flew from under the sea to the sky!

This ray of light is really huge, even bigger than Pluto himself.

Brett's sight towards Hades was completely blocked by this light, as if Pluto had been completely swallowed up.

"If you can be bait, why can't I?"

Im's voice sounded faintly, "I just want to bet whether you will try to kill me with ancient weapons when I show up."

Brett turned around.

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