One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 576 Katakuri’s Request

Chapter 577 Katakuri’s Request

Brett saw that on the sea far away from here, the sea surface was gradually rising, and a huge thing slowly rose from the bottom of the sea.

A large amount of sea water poured down from the giant thing, and when it hit the sea, it made the already turbulent sea even more boiling.

Brett's eyesight was very good, so even from such a long distance, he could see a large amount of sea water flowing out from the gaps in the giant thing.


Something seems not quite right.

Brett narrowed his eyes.

Even though he was filled with shock and anger at this moment, he did not forget to think about it.

It is really strange to say that this thing obviously has an energy shield that can even withstand Pluto's bombardment, but why can't it move freely in the deep sea?

If he could freely travel to and from the deep sea, Fish-Man Island would have been destroyed long ago.

Just like what's happening now, that thing seems to be filled with water?

"Have you noticed it yet?"

Im's voice sounded leisurely, "For this ambush, I paid a lot of price."

Brett didn't answer immediately, and drove away with a domineering look.

The light cannon that penetrated the sky has gradually dissipated, but the sea is still turbulent.

And among the turbulent waves, a large black ship loomed.


Pluto had become extremely embarrassed at this time. There were a lot of melting marks on the hull, and the large and small holes made it look like a honeycomb.

The worst thing was the right side of the ship, where a huge hole was blown out, and the cabin inside the hole had become a mess.

He used a shield to barely block the blow, but the shot just now was obviously not an ordinary bombardment.

The shield was not completely defensive at all, and the penetrating attack caused huge damage to Hades.

This time it was set up by Im.

Before the battle even started, the important combat forces on his side had already suffered heavy losses.

Caught off guard, Hades almost received the most powerful shot from that thing.

I originally wanted to give this surprise to Im, but the firepower of both sides has reached its limit. Whoever strikes first will have the advantage.

But unfortunately, I received a huge shock on my side.

"How is it going?"

Brett asked softly.

The communicator he carried immediately sent him the voices of his friends in Hades.

"It was almost over, but luckily, I managed to survive!"

Dorag's dull voice came from the other end of the communicator, "But Pluto said that the side suspicion was seriously damaged, and almost half of the forts are no longer usable."

"In fact, even the main gun's energy transport line was severely damaged, making it almost impossible to fire anymore."

Brett lowered his eyebrows.

This is really bad news.

"In this case, we can fight fairly again, right?"

There was a smile in Master Yimu's voice, and his face was also full of smiles.

Brett turned around and looked directly into this guy's eyes. Yes, now they were almost back to the same starting point.

Although there is an extra Hades here, Uranus is not fully developed yet, and now Pluto is seriously damaged. Compared with the final weapon in Im's hand, it is only about half a pound.

Brett slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he smiled helplessly, "It doesn't matter, if we can't tell the winner between the weapons, then let the two of us decide the winner!"

It doesn't matter if you can't blow down the floating fortress. As long as you kill Im, the war will still be won, right?

"That makes sense,"

The smile on Im's face gradually faded, and the dark domineering energy circled up from his palm, wrapping around his arm like mist.

"Exactly, that's what I thought too!"


The air was penetrated in an instant, and the two fists, one large and one small, collided together again in the air.

At the same moment, the floating fortress in the distance was heading towards the battlefield at an alarming speed.

Inside the floating ship, the five old stars are observing the outside scene through the same monitoring equipment as Pluto.

The five old men were so excited at this time that their faces could not suppress the flush of joy.

"Great! Lord Im's plan was successful!"

The bearded Wulaoxing could not help clenching his fists, and his whole body became elated.

In this case, you can win!

There is no need to be afraid anymore!

This war is back to evenly matched levels again!

Then all you need to do is let go and do it!


Inside Pluto, Bright's good friends are also ready to go.

Mr. Zefa was shouting loudly, "Bright is dealing with that guy Im, we can't hold him back!"

"Leave this matter to us!"


Two different voices came from the two communicators placed aside.

One sound came from Hades in the sky, and it still sounded mechanical.

The other one was from the redhead.

This guy is not in Pluto's control room now.

In the sky, the King of Heaven was hovering in the sky, grinning toward the rapidly approaching floating fortress in the distance, showing his fierce look.

On the head of this monster, a red-haired one-armed man has a sword drawn in his hand.

Although Ouranos already possesses extraordinary combat abilities, his combat experience is still shallow after all, and he still needs someone to fight alongside him.

"We'd better run away quickly!"

At the dilapidated naval base, the evil king tried hard to move the hair that was blown to his face, and then said carefully.

The battle between Bright and Im continued in the sky, and the shock waves caused by the constant collision between the two almost blew them away.

Not to mention the floating city that had immediately flown over the base.

If that thing starts a confrontation with Bright's ancient weapons, their side may be wiped out at any time due to an attack from unknown origin!

But at this time——


Katakuri suddenly jumped up into the air and shouted loudly towards the huge floating ship flying above their heads.

"Let us go up! It's too dangerous here!!"

The King of Evil was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed drastically.

Is there something wrong with this guy's head?

It is true that if you enter the floating ship now, you can be slightly safer, but who knows who will win and who will lose in the next war!

In this case, of course, you can run as far as you want.

But Katakuri's voice did reach the ears of the Five Old Stars.

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