"impossible! It shouldn’t be!"

"How come the Marshal and the others are together with Whitebeard? It doesn’t make sense!"

Looking at Whitebeard and others slowly walking off the Moby-Dick, Tea Dolphin kept murmuring. He was really unbelievable about this scene!

"Tea Dolphin, please organize it. Let all people at the rank of rear admiral and above, including rear admiral, go to the conference room for a meeting. Secondly, gather all the naval soldiers. There will be something big to announce later!"

Looking at the tea dolphin in disbelief, Warring States patted him on the shoulder and gave instructions in a deep voice. Warring States still admired the tea dolphin for his perseverance, perseverance, sense of responsibility, peace of mind, and his top-notch qualities. With his talent, the Warring States Period completely trained this guy as a great future!

Just because of this, the tea dolphins have a crazy love for the navy. In contrast, they are also very loyal to the World Government!

And this is exactly what the Warring States Period means. Worried, he has enough weight, firm beliefs, and is extremely loyal to the World Government. This is definitely the best candidate to scare the monkeys!

Maybe the tea pig will be finished in a while, so Sengoku feels a little regretful in his heart. He only hopes that the tea pig can restrain himself. Don't let your emotions turn against you!

Otherwise, Warring States would really be reluctant to let such a talented person die!

"Marshal, what on earth is going on? How did you end up with Whitebeard?"

Hearing what Seng Guo said, Cha Dou suddenly came back to his senses, stared into Seng Guo's eyes and asked with a trembling voice.

Cha Dou was not an idiot. Although he didn't know the specific situation, looking at this posture, it was definitely not a trivial matter. Plus, Shang Shangguo and Whitebeard appeared together, so he already had a conjecture in his mind that he couldn't believe!

"You will know soon, execute the order now!"

Warring States looked at Cha Dou deeply and did not directly answer Cha Dou's question.

But Warring States' meaningful look still startled Cha Dou, and the guess in his mind became more and more obvious!

"Yes, Marshal!"

Although the suspicion in his heart was almost confirmed, Cha Dou did not dare to disobey Warring States' orders.

You must know that his ability to reach this point is inseparable from the strong support of Warring States. For him, Warring States was a blessing. In addition, Sengoku was the marshal of the navy, so it was impossible for the tea dolphin to disobey orders no matter what!

Looking at the tea dolphin's leaving back, Sengoku narrowed his eyes slightly. He could feel the anxiety and resistance in the tea dolphin's heart!

He sighed silently in his heart. Tone, for the tea dolphins, Warring States could only secretly say a pity. In the past, they only focused on instilling loyalty to the navy in the tea dolphins!

But who could have thought that the world is unpredictable and fate is unpredictable, and their navy would actually fall under the command of a pirate one day? This This was something that the Warring States Period had never expected!

As a result, the thoughts that he had instilled into the tea dolphin in the past actually harmed him!

"Marshal, what happened?"

Holding a gold pira, Peach Rabbit's tall figure came to the Warring States Period and asked.

Compared to the tea dolphin, the curiosity of the Peach Rabbit woman was undoubtedly greater. The tea dolphin asked almost the same question as soon as he left!

"Taotu, I’m not talking about directions here, let’s talk about it in the conference room!"

Warring States did not answer Cha Dou, and naturally he would not answer Tao Tu. He said in a hurry, and walked straight to the conference room with a white beard! Seeing this, Tao Tu hurriedly followed, not to mention his curiosity, just It’s her level, just within the scope of attending the conference!......

Half an hour later, the top floor conference room!

At this moment, the large conference room was packed with people. Except for a dozen people sitting wearing righteous armor, there were more than thirty people standing around the conference room!

This is the meeting held by all the current lieutenant generals and rear admirals of the new navy headquarters. The meeting held by these people together is definitely a decision that can affect the course of the world!

"Everyone, I am calling everyone here today to announce two major events!"

Looking at the generals of the headquarters who were sitting below and whispering to each other, Warring States patted the table and spoke in a loud voice. The people sitting here today are all important figures in the navy. People with lower ranks are not qualified to come in, even if they are The same is true for the Lieutenant General of the branch!

Therefore, except for a limited number of people such as Warring States, Garp, and Qingzhi, no one dared to speak loudly in such a scene!

Warring States has not forgotten his purpose. He summoned these generals of the headquarters to Not just for sitting!

"Big deal? Or two pieces? What on earth is going on?"

"How could you let Whitebeard, a pirate, stand aside when announcing big things? Do we still want Whitebeard to know the secrets of our navy?"

"That's right, the marshal didn't know what happened today. He returned with Whitebeard and drove a warship that was not his own. Now he even needs to let Whitebeard know about major events that require all the generals to gather to announce!"

"Look, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin doesn’t look very good-looking!"

"Indeed, I don’t know what happened. You must know that since Lieutenant General Cha Dou was confirmed as a candidate for general, he has never shown such an expression!"

As soon as Warring States finished speaking, the lieutenant generals and major generals below immediately began to whisper. They were very curious about the big event that Warring States said. It was absolutely unprecedented to be able to gather all the lieutenant generals and major generals to announce something. Big deal!

But they are very confused. Until this moment, Whitebeard is sitting next to Sengoku! Isn't it bad to announce such a confidential matter at this time? Looking at it again, his face is obviously not very good. Tea dolphins, these generals are even more curious!


"This is a conference room, not a vegetable market!"

"How is it appropriate to be noisy? You have completely disgraced the majesty of the navy!"

"Anyone who dares to whisper to each other again will get out of here!"

When Warring States saw this scene, he frowned and was very dissatisfied!

These guys came up step by step through strong winds and waves, but this kind of whispering behavior is really detrimental to their image!

They are admiral-level officers, not dishonest The aunt selling vegetables in the market was noisy. How could Seng Guo accept it?

As soon as Seng Guo finished speaking, the noisy voices below suddenly stopped. Seng Guo's majesty as a marshal was still very heavy, at least in this case. , no one dared to ignore Sengoku's attitude!

Seeing this, Sengoku nodded with satisfaction, his majesty was still great after all!

"The first thing is that from now on, the Navy will be separated from the World Government and will no longer be an organization under the World Government!"

Clearing his throat, Warring States announced the news that shocked all the generals!

In an instant, the entire conference room exploded, and they were stunned by the news of the explosion!_Please download the novel without underlining Feilu novels

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