"Why, Marshal!"

"yes! Breaking away from the world government is not a trivial matter. Why was such a decision suddenly made?"

In an instant, the naval officers in the entire conference room were furious!

Break away from the world government? This decision was like a bomb that exploded in their minds, leaving them unable to recover!

It's very simple, break away from the world government It is not difficult, but where to go after leaving the World Government has become the first question these generals consider!

Not to mention a series of issues such as military expenditures, will the World Government agree to just leave the World Government? Obviously not!

You must know the Navy It is the number one military organization that the World Government has spent a lot of effort to cultivate. How can it be so easy to get out of control now that its wings are strong? I am afraid that what the Navy will face at that time will be the endless pursuit of the World Government.!

Therefore, when the Warring States Period was caught off guard and announced such earth-shattering news, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for them!

"Why? Don’t you know it yourself?"

"Has the world government ever seen us as human beings all this time? In their eyes, we are just machines that swing around and drink!"

"Moreover, Wulaoxing personally admitted that our navy is just a dog they raised. Why do you think it is?"

Seeing everyone's expressions changing drastically in an instant, Warring States slapped the table angrily, and the solid wood conference table cracked with countless cracks!

This was the result of Warring States withdrawing his strength, otherwise, with just this slap, I'm afraid The entire conference room was about to collapse!

After hearing what Seng Guo said, these naval officers became silent for a moment, and their hearts suddenly became depressed!

Every word Seng Guo said pierced deeply into their hearts. , how could they not know the attitude of the World Government towards them?

Even the generals in the World Government's mouth are ready to come and go at the drop of a hat, let alone these lieutenant generals, especially in front of the Tianlong people, it is simply There is just no dignity!

Especially when Warring States said that even the Five Old Stars personally admitted that they were just dogs, this deeply hurt their hearts!

But they have been holding back because there is no way, they Although they are powerful, they still need to eat. Although the World Government is hateful, the wages of myself and others are paid by the World Government!

If they break away from the World Government, who will pay the military expenses? They don’t want to be pirates, otherwise with their Let’s not talk about the new world, at least they can be the overlord in the world!

In this case, money is not a problem at all, but it is precisely because they don’t want to be pirates that they choose to be navy!

But at this moment, if it is true If they leave the world, they will undoubtedly be labeled as pirates. They don't want to do this, so they are at a loss for the moment!

"Marshal, why don't you think about it again?

"We admit that we don't like the attitude of the World Government, but there is no other way. The situation is forcing it. Who makes the World Government the largest force in the world?

"Once we break away, let alone anything else, we will definitely become a thorn in the side of the world government. Moreover, no force in this sea can resist the world government!"

The helpless voices of a group of lieutenant generals sounded, mixed with deep aggrievedness.

Even if they were treated like dogs, they did not dare to show their dissatisfaction, let alone resist. How sad is this?

It's not that they They are timid, and none of them are afraid of death. Everyone has a strong heart, otherwise they would not be able to reach this height, but if they step forward knowing that they are defeated, they will die!

Although they are not afraid of death, it does not mean that they will be in vain. To die, that is not a strong person, that is a retard!

If there were forces in this sea that could compete with the world government, they would not stoop to such an extent, but unfortunately, there is not. This is the reality, which is both helpless and sad.!

"There is nothing to think about, I have already decided, and the second big thing I am going to say will solve this concern!"

"The second thing is that after breaking away from the World Government, the Navy will be merged into the Whitebeard Pirates!"


As soon as Sengoku said this, it was like a nuclear bomb was lit. When he announced his separation from the World Government, these lieutenant generals already found it incredible!

But now Sengoku actually said that he would merge the navy into the Whitebeard Pirates Regiment? Are you kidding? They are the navy!

The navy surrendered to the pirates? This would be a huge joke, it would be the most ridiculous thing in the world!

What will the whole world think of their navy then? Will the entire navy surrender to the pirates? In the future Do they still want to see people?

"Marshal, we can slowly discuss the matter of breaking away from the World Government, but we firmly disagree with merging into the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"That's right, we firmly disagree, Marshal, please think again!"

For a while, various voices of opposition were heard. Although they did not support the decision to break away from the World Government, they could at least discuss it. But on this matter, they really did not want to compromise! The huge identity from the navy to the pirates They couldn't accept the change!

They chose to become marines because they didn't want to become pirates. Now, wouldn't joining the Whitebeard Pirates mean that they would become the people they hate the most?

They would never agree to such a thing. Even if it was their marshal who said this!

"disagree? The only one in this sea who can compete with the World Government is the Whitebeard Pirates, and you can't find anyone else!"

"Also, even if we merge into the Whitebeard Pirates, the navy will still be a navy and will not become pirates. Whitebeard will fully support us in maintaining peace and justice on the sea!"

Looking at the fiercely opposing generals, Warring States said in a deep voice.

It is undeniable that the only force on this sea that can challenge the World Government is Whitebeard. Apart from Whitebeard, no matter which major force it is. They don't dare to do such a feat!

Besides, Whitebeard didn't ask them to become pirates. The Navy is still the Navy, it just switched from the World Government to Whitebeard's! The

Navy continues to maintain order on the sea, and continues Implementing his own justice, and compared to the darkness and corruption of the World Government, Whitebeard is obviously much better!

At least, Whitebeard will not regard them as dogs, nor will he stop them from carrying out justice. Whitebeard said that as long as the Navy After being merged under his command, he will not care about killing people, setting fires, or doing evil things!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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