"It’s so perfect, so rigorous, this is simply the most direct path to justice!"

A group of general officers held the book with both hands as if they had found a treasure, with extremely excited expressions!

After all, what the Navy wants to maintain is justice. Although there are many moths, there is still a firm pursuit of justice among the general officers!

If Whitebeard Just bringing out the laws from the previous life intact may work, but it obviously won't cause such a big sensation like it does now!

"So, do you have any other opinions?"

Sengoku saw the excitement of these people and asked while the iron was hot.

Now is the best opportunity. While these guys are still in shock, a quick victory is the way to go. After all, this is the purpose of Whitebeard doing all this. In order to integrate the Navy into the Whitebeard Pirates intact!

The most important people in the Navy are these generals. If they are not willing to agree to the merger, the Navy will be a waste!

If it were not for this, Whitebeard It can be completely crushed with force. Anyone who disobeys will be killed directly. Even if Whitebeard kills all the generals here, it will be easy!

But this is definitely not possible. The navy obtained in this way has no high-end combat power at all, only ordinary soldiers. What's the point? What's the use?

There's not much else in the pirate world, but there are a lot of people, and there are so many ordinary soldiers!

"Marshal, if this law is really implemented, we don't have much objection to the annexation!"

"However, after the merger, the issue of our treatment......"

Originally, after Whitebeard suppressed the tea dolphins with thunderous force, these generals no longer had any objections. To be precise, they did not dare to have any objections!

After Whitebeard came up with this law, they had no objection, but they still had doubts about the salary. They couldn't skip meals to enforce justice, right?

As the saying goes, it’s hard to live without money. Even if they don’t care, their family members do too!

"Don’t worry about remuneration. I will give you whatever the world government gives you!"

"Even if you perform well, improve your strength quickly, or catch a lot of pirates, I will improve your treatment!"

"But the ugly story is ahead. If anyone dares to deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates, act in secret, or collude with the pirates, and behave randomly, let alone the treatment, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Without waiting for Warring States to speak, Whitebeard directly answered this question.

He is now fully confident to pay huge military expenses to the Navy. The existence of the system allows him to ignore almost all external factors!

Even Whitebeard can give them a salary increase. But Whitebeard is not without conditions. He only has one condition. Since he has taken his money, he must do it according to his wishes!

Although he does not worry about money, it does not mean that he will use money to be a waste. He couldn't do it with white beard!

Moreover, he also had another purpose in speaking before Warring States opened his mouth, which was to let these generals get used to giving orders. You must know that the navy will be under his command in the future, and he must have absolute majesty!


This group of generals entered the scene very quickly. Now that they have decided, what is there to hesitate about? They immediately saluted Whitebeard with a military salute!

They didn't care about Whitebeard's warning at all, because they didn't think about it at all. Do some small tricks!......

With the end of this meeting, it indicates that the most powerful armed organization on the sea has officially become Whitebeard's force!

From now on, the world only belongs to Whitebeard's new navy!

Warring States and others acted quickly. All naval branches in the four seas ushered in the largest purge in history. All navies who colluded with pirates to oppress civilians were dealt with!

At the same time, a shocking news also came from the New Navy Headquarters - the Navy officially broke away from the World Government and joined Whitebeard's banner!

As soon as this news spread, the whole world was in an uproar, and almost the whole world was shocked!

You must know that the navy and pirates have always been rivals, but now the navy, which mainly focuses on catching pirates, has actually joined a pirate force!

This is simply a fantasy, but after the Navy Headquarters Marshal Sengoku personally admitted it, everything is a foregone conclusion!

In an instant, pirates all over the world rioted and claimed that the times had changed and that now was the age of pirates. Countless island villages were violently attacked, and the world was once plunged into chaos!

"Hahahaha, Captain, now that the navy has surrendered to the Four Emperors Whitebeard, our era of pirates has come!"

In the East China Sea, a huge pirate ship was sailing on the sea. A ferocious-looking pirate laughed wildly at his captain. In the past, they were quite hesitant because the navy was not a vegetarian. , but at this moment, even the navy has become a force affiliated with the pirates, and they immediately started burning, killing and looting unscrupulously!

"Hahaha, you're right, the navy always chased us before, and I haven't killed a thousand people for so long since I became a pirate, but now I can finally kill as much as I want!"

The short pirate captain licked his lips, with bloodthirsty light flowing in his eyes.

He has liked violence since he was a child, and when he grew up, he even liked killing, and even more liked the taste of blood. He was punished for killing too many people. He was wanted by the navy and could not become a pirate!

But because of the pursuit of the navy, he has not completed his goal of killing a thousand people to this day!

But at this moment, when he heard that the navy had joined Whitebeard, he finally felt that the opportunity had come, and with him One of my kind of pirate brothers is ready to fight. Anyway, the navy has become a pirate force, so I'm afraid!

"oh? kill? You look like you like killing people!"

"Well, how about I let you taste the feeling of being killed?"

Just when the short captain was excited, a steady voice rang in his ears, shocking him into a cold sweat!

"Fuck you, that blind thing dares to show up at this university......"

Before I could say the word"grandfather" out of his mouth, a light blue flaming arrow penetrated directly through the back of his head, destroying his life in an instant!

"What an out-and-out scum!"

"I wonder if the navies in other places can solve it?"

"Forget it, if you can't solve this kind of rubbish, then what's the point of being a navy?"

"Times have changed, and the real chaos is coming next!"

I saw Marco standing on this huge pirate ship, with a cold light shining in his eyes!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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