"What a bunch of inhuman beasts!"

"I don’t know how many pirates like this are out there in this sea. You are really despicable guys!"

Marco stood on the pirate ship, feeling a little angry in his heart. He could clearly hear the conversation of these pirates just now!

In Marco's view, this kind of guy is not worthy of being called a human being, and he is too weak. As a Pirates, who are arrogant and domineering without strength, are seeking death!

Whitebeard had long expected this to happen, so he sent out all his captains to prevent this from happening!

Otherwise, these extremely vicious pirates would I don’t know what unscrupulous things this guy will do!

This kind of thing is happening not only in the East China Sea, but also in the four seas, including the Great Channel. Except for the relatively stable New World, the whole world is in chaos!


Marco flapped his wings and flew high into the sky again. The entire East China Sea was as big as the entire East China Sea. Marco set out on the journey again with the intention of solving as many as he could!

For a while, the rioting pirates on the sea were still there. It was extremely miserable to be suppressed by the navy before they had time to commit evil! If it were done in the past, the navy would definitely not be able to do this, but this time with the assistance of sixteen captains, it easily accomplished this feat!

It was also one of Whitebeard's plans. He knew that once the news of the navy being merged under his command came out, there would definitely be a large number of pirates who would commit evil unscrupulously!

So he sent all six captains out to start the fight. The reputation of the new navy lets the pirates know that the navy after being merged under their own command will only be more powerful than before!

Now it seems that the effect is indeed good!

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Why do monsters of this level appear in the West Sea! This guy's strength is probably comparable to that of a naval admiral!"

A certain pirate group in the West Sea was preparing to plunder an island, but a huge slash from the sky killed half of its members, forcing them to flee quickly!

But the man behind with two swords just bit him. Holding on to them, he slowly swung a small boat behind them, flying a slash at them from time to time, making them frightened!

"These guys are really boring, not even one of them has the strength to pass the test, it’s boring!"

Bista looked at the pirate ships escaping crazily in front of him and shook his head.

Originally, he had a playful attitude and wanted to play with these pirates, but after seeing their strength, he instantly No interest!

Just like an adult in his twenties wouldn't play with a three-year-old mud, Bista didn't want to play any more! He struck out with a few chops, and directly killed the thief in his horrified eyes. The ship was cut into pieces!

"Run away! This guy is a monster!"

"Even the boss was killed by him with one move, they are no match at all!"

In the South China Sea, at the port of a certain island, the pirate ship that had just landed met Ace who was pacifying the South China Sea!

The captain of the pirate group obviously didn't know Ace. After all, he was just an ordinary pirate group in the South China Sea. Ace's Although his reputation is very loud in the Great Channel, he is not that famous in this world!

Therefore, the captain was very arrogant and attacked Ace, but he was killed by Ace's backhand fire fist!

"Now that we have met, we can't let you escape!"

Just as the pirates turned around and fled frantically, countless flame bullets quickly enveloped them. In a few breaths, the pirate group was declared destroyed!

"How is it possible? How powerful is this guy?"

"Actually...He actually lifted our pirate ship with one hand!"

In the North Sea, in a certain sea area, Diamond Jozi stood on his small boat, holding a huge pirate ship with his left hand. He threw it violently, and a large number of pirates were smashed into pulp!

"Hey, isn't that arrogant?"

"Just now you said you were going to twist my head off, why did it look like this now?"

Jozi's blow directly killed most of the pirates. Now most of the remaining ones have their bones broken and their muscles broken. They can only wait for death on the spot!

It's funny to say that Jozi met these pirates. When he was testing his fruit power, unexpectedly, these pirates saw him and thought he had a lot of diamonds on him!

Well, he really had a lot of diamonds on his body, but that was his fruit power! It was not something he carried Diamonds, these guys thought they met a fat sheep, but they didn't expect that Jozi was a tiger and was suppressed directly!

"Sir, spare us!"

"Although we are pirates, we are old and young, so we have no choice but to become pirates!"

Looking at Jozi's eyes full of murderous intent, these pirates began to beg for mercy. They had no choice, they didn't want to die!

"There is no need to say these explanations, I won’t believe them anyway!"

Jozi directly punched out with a strong punch, and instantly solved the pirates who had broken bones and muscles!

As for why there are older people and younger people, Jozi didn't believe it at all. If that was the case, then it could only be They blame themselves, why do they have to be pirates? They are still the kind who do all kinds of evil! The same scene is happening everywhere on the sea. The unscrupulous pirates who originally thought the pirate era was coming were directly suppressed!

At this moment , everyone realized that after Whitebeard took over the navy, not only would they not collude with the pirates, but they would also fight against the pirates to the end!

Suddenly, countless pirates began to insult Whitebeard, saying that he was not worthy of being a pirate. The scum among pirates, but no matter what, the rampant pirates on the sea have restrained themselves a lot!

At this moment, Whitebeard, who is at the center of the fishing boat, is sitting face to face with Redfield in the new navy headquarters.

"Ryder, tell me about your situation!"

"How did you and the person you speak of come into this world!"

Yes, Whitebeard wants to understand everything about Redfield at this moment, including the person he is talking about!

Whitebeard understands that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles!

Powerful enemies are not scary, but the enemies hidden in the darkness are scary. This is also the purpose of Whitebeard using the Royal Slave Card to control Redfield!

Otherwise, Whitebeard can directly kill Redfield, and there is no need to waste the Royal Slave Card. And now, this is where the Royal Slave Card plays its role It’s time!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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