"Thanks, Mihawk!"

Bista thanked him.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely sharp sword intent burst out from Bista and swept around quickly!

Jozi, who was closest to Bista, felt it very clearly. He only felt that his There was a slight tingling sensation on the skin, which was indescribably uncomfortable!

As this feeling gradually intensified, Jozi's body was involuntarily covered with a layer of diamonds.

Jozi's diamond fruit actually sensed the threat automatically and acted. Defense!

"What a powerful talent, it can be revealed with just one click, and it can even be used to break through the great swordsman!"

Eagle Eye was a little amazed. He had seen countless talented swordsmen. He himself was also very talented, but he was still shocked by Bista!

The great swordsman, the top swordsman in this sea, One sword can break mountains, one sword can split seas, this is the ultimate pursuit of all swordsmen!

"kindness? This sword intent is Bista!"

"Yes, the Great Swordsman has finally made a breakthrough. As a result, the Whitebeard Pirates are a little stronger!"

The white lady sitting in the main seat felt the sword intention, turned her head slightly, and realized that it was Bista who was breaking through, and couldn't help but curled up the corners of her mouth.

Bista had stayed in the realm of the peak swordsman for too long. , now with the guidance of Hawkeye, he will break through directly!

This is also because of the accumulation. The accumulation in the realm of peak swordsman is too solid, and the current breakthrough is just a matter of course!......

The sword intent lasted for a moment and then slowly dissipated.

Bista's eyes were focused, and his swords were instantly unsheathed, and he slashed at the sea one after another, each one bigger and sharper than the other!

As the last slash disappeared on the sea, a crack opened in the sea.

Bista had just broken through the great swordsman, and his strength was still unstable. It took dozens of slashes to achieve this effect, but it was also very terrifying. Cutting open the sea was something that the swordsman could not do no matter what!

"Congratulations, Bista!"

Hawkeye congratulated

"Ha ha! It's thanks to you that I can break through, come on, come on, drink!"

After this incident, Hawkeye has truly integrated into the Whitebeard Pirates!...... the next day.

The rising sun falls on the sea, making the sea surface sparkling.

Countless news birds carry newspapers and fly to all parts of the world!

In an instant, the entire sea was boiling!

"Are you kidding me? Did the Whitebeard Pirates win?"

"It's terrifying. General Kizaru is dead, and General Akainu is seriously injured. It's really scary!"

"General, is this the first time we have lost a general on this sea? You must know that in the past, even the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was an unattainable big shot!"

At this moment, the whole world is in a boil!

The general, the highest combat power of the navy, has stood at the pinnacle of this sea in the past. After countless eras, no one has ever been able to kill the general. He is the representative of the sea!

But now , a general fell and another was seriously injured, what an unbelievable thing!

Whether fighting the Roger Pirates or the Flying Pirates, the generals are the top combat power, and they will never There is a possibility of loss!

But this time, two generals were defeated in the confrontation with Whitebeard. For a moment, countless forces on the sea and powerful pirates were shocked! The reason is very simple. This approach not only offended the navy, Even the World Government is not taken seriously!

The World Government is the recognized ruler of the world, and its background is extremely profound. No one has ever been active in this sea after provoking the World Government! The

Revolutionary Army Headquarters— —Baldigo, the Island of White Earth!

"Big event, big event!"

"In the collision between the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace was rescued intact, but the Navy Headquarters suffered a disastrous defeat at the cost of losing two generals, seven lieutenant generals, dozens of rear admirals, and tens of thousands of marines!"

"Two generals? You're not mistaken?"

"That's what the news said. You see, General Kizaru died heroically for upholding justice, and General Akainu was severely injured by Whitebeard in a cruel way for upholding justice!"

In an instant, the revolutionary army headquarters was in an uproar!

"Sabo, what's wrong with you?"

Kerla asked confusedly when she saw Sabo holding the newspaper in a daze.

"Fire Fist Ace, Fire Fist Ace!"

"Ace, he, he is my brother!"

"And Luffy, it’s great that Ace was rescued!"

Looking at Ace's face bathed in flames on the newspaper, Sabo's sleeping memory finally woke up!

"ah? You said Fire Fist Ace is your brother? And Straw Hat Luffy?"

"Isn't Straw Hat Luffy the leader's son? I don't know if it's true."

Kirra was dumbfounded. Sabo suddenly had two more brothers, and they were the recently famous Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy!

At the same time, the Navy said that Luffy was the son of their leader Drago. Kella also has deep doubts

"it is true!"

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