"it is true!"

Dorag's voice suddenly sounded, surprising Kerla.

"Straw Hat is my son, but in comparison, Sabo, you said you, Luffy and Ace are brothers?"

Drag was a little surprised. He just saw Sabo injured and drifting in the sea, so he rescued him.

But Dragg never thought that Sabo was his son's brother!

It's strange to say that Luffy never thought about it. He has never seen his father since he was born, let alone Luffy's sworn brother, and Drago has never even heard of him!

"ah! After losing my memory for so long, I finally remembered everything from the past!"

"How frightening! If Ace really died at the Navy Headquarters, and I was unable to participate in his rescue due to amnesia, I would probably collapse when my memory recovers, right?"

"Speaking of which, all this is thanks to Whitebeard! Sabo said with palpitations.

He couldn't imagine how much of a blow he would have suffered if Ace died like this. I'm afraid even he couldn't forgive himself, right?

"It really is? It's unbelievable!"

"When I saved you, I just did it casually. Who would have thought that there is such a relationship!"

Dorag's tone was full of surprise. Maybe this is fate!

"But this time, because of Ace, the sea is boiling!"

"This time, the navy could be said to have stolen the chicken but lost the rice. They wanted to use Ace as a breakthrough point to deal with Whitebeard, but in the end they suffered heavy losses!"

"I'm afraid that after this battle, the world's governments will be shaken!"

"After all, no matter what, the Navy is the most powerful force under the World Government!"

Dorag seems to have seen the world government's rage!

New World!

"The navy is getting worse and worse!"

"To be made so embarrassed by that bad old man with white beard, what a waste!"

"It seems that the navy has nothing to fear from now on, hahaha!"

Drought Jack held a newspaper in his hand and laughed arrogantly, his tone containing deep contempt for the navy.

"Boss Jack, the navy has lost two generals this time. I am afraid that there will be crazy revenge next!"

A burly pirate sat cross-legged on the deck and said worriedly.

"Scared! The navy can't even deal with that old man with white beard, so how dare you provoke Boss Kaido!"

Drought Jack's eyes flashed with crazy admiration. In his eyes, Kaido is the strongest!

And Drought Jack's brain is really not very good, otherwise he wouldn't have intercepted the warship with Sengoku and Fujitora in the original work. Such a stupid thing!

The entire nameless desert island is filled with Drought Jack's arrogant and ignorant voice.

All nations!

"Mom, the navy is really in trouble this time. Kizaru is dead and Akainu is useless. I'm afraid Whitebeard's reputation will directly overshadow any other pirate group!"

Katakuri tore up the newspaper in his hand and whispered to Charlotte Lingling.

"Katakuri, I don't care about the situation in the sea. As long as it doesn't affect my taste of desserts, it doesn't matter. As for Whitebeard, that old man is not easy to mess with."

"As long as he doesn't initiate a war, don't worry!"

Eating the dessert with big mouthfuls, Charlotte Lingling was obviously not very interested in this matter.

However, when she talked about Whitebeard, there was a solemn tone in her tone and her expression became slightly solemn!

Katakuri was helpless. Shaking his head, he knew that his mother would never care about such a thing, even if it was enough to change the situation on the sea.

The Red Foss was sailing on the sea!

"Boss, the Navy actually published the results of this war exactly as they were!"

Lucky Lu held the newspaper in his hand and his voice sounded in disbelief.

The red-haired man took the newspaper and looked at it, and found that the navy did not hide anything this time. The entire incident and results were published in the newspaper.

"Haha, Lucky-Lu, this time is different from the past!"

The red-haired man was not surprised at all. Originally, this war was broadcast around the world through the phone bugs in movies and TV shows.

Even if the phone bugs disappeared into nothingness when Marinefando was destroyed, it is not difficult for anyone with some brains to imagine the outcome of the war!

Instead of covering up and making people laugh, it is better to say it openly, which can at least highlight the navy's contribution to safeguarding justice.

Don't think that the true face of the navy is widely known. At least in the eyes of civilians, the navy is a representative of justice. People who have not experienced it will not understand. The ruler’s method of deceiving people is very powerful!

"Oh, justice, what a hypocrisy!"

"If you really want to uphold justice, then throw all the Celestial Dragons into prison first!"

"If you can't do it, don't talk about justice!"

The red-haired man sneered, and the newspaper in his hand was thrown directly into the sea!

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